Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Help explaining what happened - Oil bath w/ bleach boiling - broken jar..

RogueRose - 16-6-2016 at 17:41

So, the boiling bleach slowly leaked into the hot oil(canola or soy or a mix) as the bottom of the jar broke off (there was a boiling plate in the pot). The pot was aluminum. After everything cooled down enough to not worry about flash boiling, pot was dumped into ceramic pot then cooled. Then poured into plastic jug.

There are now 2 layers. A pink layer on the bottom, the amount of bleach, and a cloudy thick gelatinous oil layer.

The aluminum pot has black spots on the bottom that don't scrub off - (may if very abrasive material like sand paper were used) so it did something.

So I am wondering what the pink is and why the oil turned gelatinous?

Ozone - 16-6-2016 at 17:58

I'm guessing the NaOH in the bleach may have made some soap and the layer you are looking at is emulsified oil.
