CONTENT OF Glyoxylic acid(GA) (Testing Method)
Take 0.5gm Sample in a 100 measuring flask, constant volume.Take 10ml of this to the Iodine flask, add 10ml 1.0mol/l NaOH. Shake well and Waiting
30mins. Then add 25ml 0.05mol/l I2, wait another half an hour,then add 20ml 0.5mol/l H2SO4, using starch as indicator, and titration with 0.1mol/l
Na2S2O3, until the solution from blue to colorlessness.Meanwhile, do the Blank experiment(V0)
GA(%) = [(V0-V1) ×C×3.7] ×100%/0.1×G
V1 = Volume of 0.1mol/l Na2S2O3 for the sample test
V0 = Volume of 0.1mol/l Na2S2O3 for the blank test
C= Factor of 0.1mol/L Na2S2O3
G= Wt. of sample
3.7 is the gram-equivalent weight of Glyoxylic Acid
CONTENT OF oxalic acid(OA) (Testing Method)
Take 5.0gm of sample in a 100ml beaker, add 50ml DD water,drop (1:1) Ammonia, until the PH reaches 5-6. Then add CaCl2 until deposit appears, Stir
continuously, then leave it for 120 mins under room temperature for filtration, wash up until no Cl- left. Then put the deposit with the filter paper
to a 250ml beaker, add 50ml (8+92) H2SO4, using standard KMnO4 for titration. Heat to 65 degree when it’s almost end, and keep dropping until
solution become light pink and stay for 30 secs.
V- Volume of KMnO4
C- Factor of KMnO4
M- Wt. of sample
4.502 is the gram-equivalent weight of Oxalic Acid