(HPO3)n is a real kickass dehydrating agent, stronger than oleum for example. It dehydrates H2SO4 to SO3, look at the procedure I posted in the "oleum
and SO3" thread.
Now, let's talk about its preparation.
Its ability to attack glass in the hot stage is a problem.
As I found out today, it attacks also iron very badly, a lot of hydrogen is evolved and the crucible started to dissolve!
Then I used a quartz crucible, and incredibly, it was also attacked!
However, the attack was much less severe than with glass. My beaker in which I did the first preparation got attacked considerably, and the walls are
now noticeably thinner.
On the contrary, the walls of my quartz crucible now feel as if they were a bit THICKER. Maybe the quartz forms some sort of protective layer after
some time which prevents further attack.
For the next batches of (HPO3)n, I'll use my quartz crucible. |