Sciencemadness Discussion Board

¿How synthesise KMnO4 from MnO2?

AlexTheChemist - 17-4-2016 at 22:17

Hello every one.

Im very interested in the synthesis of KMnO4 from Mno2, but i have a problems understanding the synthesis. First of all, i want to get KMnO4 fusing MnO2 with KOH in presence of KClO3 AND KNO3, i mean two separate processes, one (1) using MnO2, KOH and KClO3 and other using (2) MnO2, KOH and KNO3. i think i almost have a detailed procedure for (1), the problems comes from the (2) becaue there is not much info in the internet about it. Please, someone of you can provides me a little of detailed info about it, i will very grateful.


j_sum1 - 17-4-2016 at 23:09

That should get you started.
BTW, questions like this and anything without references belongs in the Beginnings section. I'll message a mod to move it for you.
Welcome to SM. Stick around, read the FAQ, browse the board (there is almost everything here) and have fun.


OneEyedPyro - 19-4-2016 at 13:52

I understand your question is about synthesizing KMnO4 but I hope you're aware it can be purchased for water softener systems at hardware stores in fairly large quantities. At least here in the US it can be.

Daffodile - 19-4-2016 at 17:21

You won't be able to make pure crystals. The best you can do is probably make a solution, but that would be fine if you're just using it to make carboxylic acids or whatever.

vmelkon - 19-4-2016 at 17:46

There is the big thread over at the General forum

Make sure that you use KOH instead of NaOH like I did, or else you get no KMnO4. Perhaps the presence of Na+ interferes.