Did you figure out what went wrong? I'm having the same problem. I've tried twice (98% sulfuric acid from Rooto drain cleaner, 68% Nitric acid made
from that and KNO3, erythritol off of amazon that has no other listed ingredients) and nothing whatsoever crashes out when the reaction mix is added
to cold water.
I mostly followed Dugan Ashley's procedure from here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nayL7P1TztA
The first time, I added the nitric and sulfuric acid slow enough to keep them at a sane temperature, but let them get hot. I then chilled the mixed
acid. After that reaction failed I tried again. I mortar and pestled my granular Erythritol in to a fine powder and kept my acids under 5 degrees C
while mixing them just in case, but still nothing.
I'm a bit annoyed, as it seems like I'm somehow messing up a very straight forward procedure without making any mistakes that are obvious to me, and
I've burned through a lot of the Nitric acid that I spent a lot of last weekend making. |