I plan on getting some more dangerous chemcials( flammable and making some stronger acids). Is a chemical cabinet needed? Is there anyway to make one
without having it shipped to me?Hegi - 3-4-2016 at 10:01
I plan on getting some more dangerous chemcials( flammable and making some stronger acids). Is a chemical cabinet needed? Is there anyway to make one
without having it shipped to me?
Concentrated acids, organic solvents stored in dark glass bottles in the dark and cold place. Especially for those with low boiling points. There is
no problem with storing it. It just has to be handled with love and patience. Metacelsus - 3-4-2016 at 11:43
If you're storing concentrated hydrochloric acid (30% and above), take extra precautions to prevent fumes escaping. They can cause things in your lab
to start rusting at an alarming rate.
Prices on chemical cabinets aren't too bad, but the shipping is quite expensive (~$200, which is comparable to the price of the cabinet itself). You
probably don't need a cabinet, but that's not to say you should completely ignore safe storage practices.ScienceHideout - 3-4-2016 at 12:50
To learn about the storage groups and compatible families, type in "Flinn Scientific Chemical Storage." I store my chemicals like this, as well as my
high school, University, and work.
As far as concentrated acids, get a 5 gallon bucket with an air tight screw on lid. Fill the bottom with kitty litter. That's the best solution
because it acts as secondary containment and it captures fumes!100PercentChemistry - 4-4-2016 at 02:27
Thanks for the response. I follow flinn but I'll try thr bucket idea.