Sciencemadness Discussion Board

New name

Metacelsus - 22-2-2016 at 20:02

For a while now, I have thought that Cheddite Cheese was a kewlish name. I recently thought of a better name: Metacelsus (Paracelsus was taken). This name better reflects my interests in chemistry (it's not just about blowing stuff up).

With the help of Polverone, Cheddite Cheese is now Metacelsus.

j_sum1 - 22-2-2016 at 20:09

Noted. But I will probably forget.
Maybe you could do what zephyr did and put something in your mood or sig -- "formerly known as" kind of thing.

What is the significance of Metacelcsus?

Metacelsus - 22-2-2016 at 20:17

Paracelsus (Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim) was a famous alchemist.

Metacelsus is a play on Paracelsus: changing the "para" to "meta."

I put "formerly known as Cheddite Cheese" in my Bio, but I'm not sure anyone reads those.

[Edited on 2-23-2016 by Metacelsus]

Texium - 22-2-2016 at 20:22

So many people with new names... I've considered changing mine, simply because zts16 is boring and not meaningful, but I decided that with as many posts I have and being a moderator now it would be too confusing at this point. So I'll stick it out. I do think though that if I even take a significant hiatus from SM, I may come back and make a new account with a better name so that my old posts would remain attached to this one.

E-Hunter - 23-2-2016 at 19:44

Let me get this straight: If I want a new name, do I just message one of you and say what name I want?

Texium - 23-2-2016 at 19:51

You'd have to talk to an administrator, moderators don't have that power.

E-Hunter - 23-2-2016 at 19:53

Quote: Originally posted by zts16  
You'd have to talk to an administrator, moderators don't have that power.


NedsHead - 23-2-2016 at 20:13

Quote: Originally posted by E-Hunter  
Let me get this straight: If I want a new name, do I just message one of you and say what name I want?

Really? as it stands you have a post count of 4, is it really worth wasting an administrators time over? just make a new account

E-Hunter - 23-2-2016 at 20:17

Quote: Originally posted by NedsHead  
Quote: Originally posted by E-Hunter  
Let me get this straight: If I want a new name, do I just message one of you and say what name I want?

Really? as it stands you have a post count of 4, is it really worth wasting an administrators time over? just make a new account

I asked that question in case I want a name change some time in the future,not necessarily right now.

cyanureeves - 24-2-2016 at 20:02

i dunno but zts16 always grabbed my eye balls because it reminds me of zits at 16.really though i think its because both zts16 and cheddite cheese names have never been tied to bullshit. names from alot of members here draw our attention as soon they appear because of their knowledge.