I've never done this and so can't address your main question. But I am interested in the details of the your process/problem.
I imagine the contaminants in your cyanate reduction process would be carbon, and possibly unreacted cyanate.
Attached is a paper on cyanide loss during gold extraction. Some cyanide is oxidized to cyanate (a cyanide loss) during extraction anyway, so the
presence of cyanate shouldn't affect extraction I would think. The presence of activated carbon however catalyzes this process and increases the loss
rate. Is that the issue here?
Perhaps other process parameters could make your existing KCN work satisfactorily (high pH, exclude oxygen, etc.)? The South African paper gives
information that might help.
Dan Vizine has posted information here about producing HCN for ferrocyanide, try searching for his comments.
[Edited on 16-3-2015 by careysub] |