Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Bought a crappy aspirator...

evil_lurker - 6-7-2006 at 12:56

Bought one of their stainless steel model aspirators last week from cynmar. Hooked it up to the sink to see what it would do.

What a piece of junk. The thing would just barely pull a vacuum, and water would shoot out the side arm if you turned up the pressure more than about 10 PSI. There is no check valve on this thing, and if it does it don't work.

I expected a lot more than what I got.

Looks like I might have to build an aspirator this weekend.

12AX7 - 6-7-2006 at 13:21

Piece-of-asspirator? :D

evil_lurker - 6-7-2006 at 13:32

One thing about it, I can't say it sucks!

spode - 6-7-2006 at 17:46

One trick that might work: connect the water supply to the vacuum outlet and connect the vacuum hose to the water inlet. Aspirators will often work in this configuration, sometimes better than in the standard mode.

Vacuum pull

MadHatter - 7-7-2006 at 12:17

Evil_Lurker, it's possible you were shipped a defective aspirator. Have you been
able to measure the vacuum ? What is the temperature of your water ?

evil_lurker - 7-7-2006 at 18:26

No, it won't even budge the gauge irregardless of tap water pressure.

I think its defective, although I can't exactly see how it could be.

neutrino - 7-7-2006 at 19:02

Are you sure you have the tubes hooked up right? It never hurts to double check.

If you think it's defective, call Cynmar and ask them to replace it.

evil_lurker - 7-7-2006 at 20:53

I'm sure the tubes are hooked up properly... I attempted to manufacture an aspirator this afternoon and got way more suction out of it than the one I got from cynmar... hell I was using a jury rigged magic marker for an injector nozzle (no shit)!

BromicAcid - 7-7-2006 at 22:02

Request a refund/exchange. I've found that aspirators can be quite picky. In my experience in labs I usually have to hunt for the best aspirator in a classroom and they greatly vary in quality even if they are all 'the same' in terms of appearance/company. Even small differences induced in the manufacturing process seem to have the ability to have great effects.

You can buy plastic aspirators for draining water beds from most large stores. The kit is something like $15. Who knows what kind of life they have though.