Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Using Chemistry to Refine Gold - Gold Filled Scrap

kadriver - 20-1-2015 at 17:40

Here is my latest video on the process I use to RECOVER gold from gold filled watch cases and gold filled jewelry, then I REFINE the recovered gold to a high purity.

Critical comments for improvement would be appreciated!


Bert - 20-1-2015 at 20:47

(edit) is a good link-

I get "no videos are currently available"

Having some familiarity with the classical processes as documented by Georgius Agricola in "De Re Metallica" (and later authors), I look forward to viewing your procedures...

[Edited on 21-1-2015 by Bert]

violet sin - 20-1-2015 at 21:02

that was very well done, I'm glad you went to all that trouble to make it, as I found that quite interesting

[Edited on 21-1-2015 by violet sin]

Bert - 20-1-2015 at 21:33

Let's try this?

Yes, well done. Appreciate the added emphasis on safety, specific mention of using fume hood & not improperly disposing of your liquid byproducts.

[Edited on 21-1-2015 by Bert]

silverforgestudio - 22-4-2015 at 13:36

kadriver- what did you do with the watch movements? Broken or not- let me know- I wouldn't mind getting them for tinkering on!

aga - 22-4-2015 at 14:02

Excellent video.

1. I'd hate to be Gold if that's what happens

2. Aren't the exquisite watches worth more ?