Zombie - 13-1-2015 at 18:14
Hello members,
My friends call me Zombie, and I just signed up on your forum tonight.
I hope posting an introduction here is appropriate, as I could not find another forum or area of your forum dedicated to this.
Anyway... I will continue reading, and getting used to your site. If there is a better place to post my reasons for joining, and what my expectations
are... Please let me know.
In the long run I am hoping I can contribute as much or more than I hope to learn.
Thanks... Zombie
LOL... I just noticed the "Harmless" label under my username... I guess introductions are indeed in order.
[Edited on 14-1-2015 by Zombie]
elementcollector1 - 13-1-2015 at 18:36
Welcome to the forum! I hope you do indeed get as much out of this site as you give.
Brain&Force - 13-1-2015 at 18:45
I like the idea of an introductions thread. I will introduce myself formally - when I have time.
Zombie - 13-1-2015 at 18:57
Thanks guys.
Forum etiquette varies almost as much as the subject matter.
I found your site while researching "Lab Supplies". I came across a thread that mentioned DesChem (China). I am compiling an order to place with them.
The thread was a fella looking to help his kid get more into chemistry, and the replies here were so helpful I figured I had to join.
I actually modified my DesChem order, and made a second list adding some pieces from alchemylabsupply.
I also copied a chemical supplier listed here in the US... elementalscientific .
I post on several different forums according to my interests, and I always seek the more "friendly" sites. The members here impressed me as such, and
now I hope to have a home to begin learning my new craft.
Like I said... Just checking in before I get down to learning...
Thanks again.
[Edited on 14-1-2015 by Zombie]
Bert - 13-1-2015 at 19:20
We promise not to "double tap"... As long as you promise not to eat any brains!
There's a FAQ about posting here:
A pretty decent chemistry (&other) library here:
A section for kicking around member articles (pre-publishing) here:
Have fun!
[Edited on 14-1-2015 by Bert]
Hawkguy - 13-1-2015 at 19:57
Bro whats 'double tapping'?
Zombie - 13-1-2015 at 20:34
Shooting twice to hit the same target... Trouble is it really pisses off the intended target
Thank you for the links Bert. I've spent a couple hours here (lurking/as a new member), and they answered most all of the stupid questions I was
listing up for you guys.
I have already developed a few ideas on equipping my "Lab", and the posts I have read so far have helped me do this.
I'm gonna like it here. You have a well rounded membership that all seem to get along.
Cheers guys... I'll see you on the flip.
I have an idea for a nice Vacuum set up that can be run continuously for pulling solvents, and won't keep the family up all night. The idea is a
compilation of posts from here, and IF it works out I will of course post up a build thread to return the favor!
neptunium - 13-1-2015 at 21:04
everytime a new member sign up, our family grows.
One more curious mind to share ideas with, another way to look at the never ending source of
fascination that the world of science brings .
best of luck!
Zombie - 13-1-2015 at 21:18
Thanks Neptuniun,
You hit the nail on the head. Those are the exact reasons I found your sight. I began looking at things in a new light. I became curious as to where
it could all lead, and began seeking out a venue where I could exchange ideas, thoughts, and perhaps... Dare I Say, make the world a better place
simply by understanding how all this works..
I figure you can chemically blow things up to near nothing, you can chemically combine near nothing to make new things, so there obviously is a middle
ground where I can understand all the voodoo, and make existing things better.
I guess you all have heard that at least once.
Thanks again for the welcomes fellas.
diddi - 14-1-2015 at 02:17
greetings Zombie from Australia
intro threads are a good idea *thumbs up*
Zombie - 15-1-2015 at 13:47
G'day Diddi,
I have a lot of distilling friends in Oz. I post on a forum there, and the time difference is maddening... I post, and 12 hours later get a reply.
The good side is there are PLENTY of home distillers there, and answers are always plentiful;.
I'm looking forward to my time here. Nice Group!!!
Zombie - 15-1-2015 at 17:14
Ha Ha... Double tap!
Is there a function here to keep track of the topics you post in?
I would hate to miss either a question to something I posted or an answer to one of my questions.
The site ROCKS! I'm just having trouble navigating.
Bert - 15-1-2015 at 17:24
There is a "subscribe" and a "favorites" button at the top of each page.
Click on your board name , and on the profile page , look near the bottom for "search for all posts by this user" if you need to look back for
something but can't remember where you posted it.
Zombie - 15-1-2015 at 21:18
Thanks again Bert. I'm getting the hang of it.
New wings, and all.
gardul - 17-1-2015 at 11:53
Welcome to the world of crazies.. beware.... *puts on tin foil hat and holds his cat*
Zombie - 17-1-2015 at 15:07
Thanks Gardul!
I had my hat implanted. Taking it off in the shower made me paranoid. I appreciate your welcome... Can I have your cat?
j_sum1 - 17-1-2015 at 18:22
You do know what he does to teh cats...
Zombie - 17-1-2015 at 18:30
We are Kindred then... I have 7 100lb Presa Canarios, and 5 cats. I'm actually surprised I still have the cats
This dog is not mine but just an example...
The cat is mine... Ohh. Ps, 10 cats eh... Poor Bastard. Next week it'll be
[Edited on 18-1-2015 by Zombie]
Chemosynthesis - 19-1-2015 at 12:14
Hi. It's nice to have you on the forum. Every member who joins with the hope of contributing is why I joined the community!
Zombie - 26-1-2015 at 12:44
Thanks Chemosynthisssisisisssss.
What a large name you have there...
I post on Fuel ETOH forums, Home distilling forums, Scooter forums, Boat forums, and Motorcycle forums.
The one factor that always made a good member was contribution to that forum. I agree w/ you 100%.
This forum in just a few days has given me far more that I expected. More reason to question our world, and what makes it work, followed quickly by a
need to contribute what I can when I can. (lest I forget what revelation I came up with before putting pen to paper.)
You all have a great site here. (I think I said that at least once before)