quantumz - 21-5-2006 at 11:41
I am an experimental Physicist. You may commence throwing things.
....wamo.............................................................*I'd like to thank the 1960's Batman show for supplying my onomato...-sound
Ok, now that you are out of rotten vegetables and cans, I was just stopping in to ask for directions.
I have been lurking on this forum for about a year and a half now, and I have been thankful for a wealth of useful knowledge for seperating and
purifying chemicals as well as an appreciation of the passion displayed for do-it-yourself science.
I am trying to advance my skills in HF AC electronics experimentation. Crystal radios, Tesla coils, stealing energy from soft-rock radio stations, all
that jazz.
It has become as difficult to find a quality electronics shop as to buy ammonium nitrate or good model rocket engines, and I was hoping someone on
these boards might have a dual hobby
blowing things up with chemicals and electricity.
If anyone knows of a site similar to this for electronics research or a good place to order High Voltage High Frequency electronics supplies I would
be extremely appreciative.
Mechaton - 21-5-2006 at 12:15
Take a look at http://forum.4hv.org/
Similar group for but focused on high voltage mad science.