My father told me that Pi was 22/7, but I have come to learn that this is just not true. Does anyone know of an exact equation that represents Pi, or
how it is actually found? I am thinking it has to do with the physical measurement of the parts of the circle...12AX7 - 30-3-2006 at 14:40
Lemme see here, what was that...
Pi cannot be expressed by any finite length polynomial. Thus, pi is transcedental. This can be proven (I've never read the proofs). As such, you
also cannot find something as simple as the ratio between the diameter (or radius) and circumference of a circle by ruler-and-dividers means
(geometry). The definition of pi is the ratio of circumference to diameter of a circle.
There are a number of ways you can calculate it. The most common is an infinite Taylor series expansion of a function such as atan(x), setting x = 1
which yields 1 = tan x = sin x/cos x, x = 45 degrees, or pi/4 radians. Generic Taylor series tend to converge slowly, but creative use of constants
can drum out a few digits in the decimal system in only a few terms.
Geometrical methods involve calculating the limit of the circumference of an inscribed and circumscribed regular polygon, increasing number of sides n
--> infinity. (Clearly, a regular polygon inside a circle, with all points on the circle, must have circumference less than the circle, while a
regular polygon outside the circle, so that all sides contact the circle on a tangent, must have a circumference greater. Further, as the number of
sides increases, the difference between the two polygons decreases as they both appear more like the circle.) Obviously, this would converge slowly
depending on your accuracy, but if you make an equation expressing the limit, you can get it in one calculation. Problem: that equation must involve
either an infinite polynomial (because pi is transcedental), or one or more trigonometric equations, which reduce to the same form if the Taylor
theorem is applied.
More creative methods include statistical evaluations. For instance, you can use a perfectly random distribution of statistical events over an area
and count how many land inside a circle of radius R = 1 compared to a square with sides of length 1 or 2 (the latter case would make the square
circumscribed if centered over the circle). Since the statistical 'flux' is equal over the whole area, the counts will be proportional by the area.
The area of a circle is pi * R^2, while the area of a circumscribed square is (2R)^2, or 4R^2. Thus, the ratio of counts yields pi/4.
Another statistical evaluation consists of pi involves calculated propabilities that involve pi. There is a propability of, I believe, throwing a
stick onto a surface marked with parallel lines, and the chance is of landing on one line or no lines, as a function of stick length and line
seperation, or something to that effect. Somehow pi is involved, so by making measurements of large (representative) samples, you can find pi to a
certain accuracy. It is said that well chosen variables can cause the problem to converge to many digits in only several throws, but you know that's
just cheating.
Note that statistical methods take horribly long to converge properly, since, for perfectly random events, the maximum level of confidence is n^0.5.
Since the square root function is only slowly increasing, you get more accuracy for very large counts.
I once wrote a QuickBasic program that uses the built-in pseudorandom number generator to place points randomly and count hits within a circle. As I
recall, it took about 10 billion counts (a few hours' run time since QB is so slow..) to get five digits or so accuracy. Pretty reasonable figure of
statistics, considering the maximum error is then sqrt(10^10) = 10^5, or 5 decimal points.
TimMr. Wizard - 30-3-2006 at 17:05
Here is an interesting site:
The section on Leonard Euler 1750 has an infinite series that is easy to visualize and even do by hand or with a calculator.neutrino - 30-3-2006 at 17:38
Nerro - 31-3-2006 at 03:43
Just as a slight sidenote 22/7 comes pretty close and is a usefull rule of thumb if you have to calculate stuff of the top of your head.
multiplying by 22 and deviding by 7 is just easier than multiplying by 3.14159 lacrima97 - 31-3-2006 at 06:02
Ah...I can understand the sin,cos,tan and such, but alot of these things are just over my head. , Oh well, thanks alot, now I at least know that pi is more complex than 22/7. zoomer - 31-3-2006 at 08:22
I've always wondered, is there a radix in which pi is rational?chromium - 31-3-2006 at 08:50
Thanks, Chromium. Those numerous pi digits, assuming no bias or pattern in them (Pi being both transcendental and irrational), can be used to select
randomly numbered objects for testing or sampling in quality control.
I use ¶ (alt-0182) to represent pi, without using custom fonts.
A much closer approximation to ¶ than 22/7 is 355/113 = 3.1415929 ...., deviating from true only in the 8th digit. This was discovered by the
Chinese mathematician Tsu Ch'ung-Chi hundreds of years ago, and rediscovered by Metius in the 16th century. By use of continued fractions, the next
close approximation to ¶ as a rational fraction is 103993/33102, and after that 1019514486099146/324521540032945
The above series for ¼¶ was discovered by Leibniz in 1673. However, it converges much too slowly to be of much use, and much more rapidly
converging alternatives have been found, usually by such statagems as solving differential equations as Fourier series. Also by the Fourier-series
method, series for powers of ¶ can be found in which the Bernoulli and Euler numbers appear in the numerator with the power of ¶, e.g. ¶²/6 = 1 +
1/2² + 1/3² + 1/4² + .... = zeta(2), and ¶²/8 = 1 + 1/3² + 1/5² + 1/7² + 1/9² + .... , and ¶³/32 = 1 -1/2³ + 1/3³ - 1/5³ + 1/6³
- ....., and ¶^4 = zeta(4) = 1 + 1/2^4 + 1/3^4 + 1/4^4 + ......, etc. Odd powers of ¶ can only be summed as alternating series, and these ones have
the powers as multiples of Euler numbers, as opposed to the Bernoulli numbers in the even-power series.
S> ramanujan found, mostly by geometric arguments, approximations to ¶ involving rational powers of integers. For example: (81 + 361/22)^¼ =
approx. ¶ correct to 10 places;
63(75sqrt5 + 503)/13450 = approx. ¶ to 9 places; and 9801/2206sqrt2 = approx. ¶ to 8 places.
There are approximations involving rational powers of ¶ although threse cannot easily be solved for ¶, e.g. (¶^4 + ¶5)^(1/6) = approx. e
(=2.718281828 ...).woelen - 2-4-2006 at 11:19
Originally posted by zoomer
I've always wondered, is there a radix in which pi is rational?
Rationality has nothing to do with how a number is represented, it is a property of the number itself. A number does not change if we just use another
notation for that number.zoomer - 2-4-2006 at 14:28
Originally posted by woelen
Rationality has nothing to do with how a number is represented, it is a property of the number itself. A number does not change if we just use another
notation for that number.
Doh! I had never put the two together regarding pi, but now that I think "rationally" about it, you are correct. (Gee, I should have asked sooner.)
ZNerro - 2-4-2006 at 14:35
It just means there is no function of anything that will give the exact value of pi just approximationsneutrino - 2-4-2006 at 16:55
There are numerous functions that will give the exact value, e.g. the one I posted above. The only problem is that they require infinite calculation
to find the numerical value. For all intents and proposes, though (multiplying, dividing, finding the value to x decimal points, etc.), they are
equivalent to pi. For example,
2 * Pi / 4 = 2/1 - 2/3 + 2/5 - 2/7 + … = Pi / 2Ramiel - 2-4-2006 at 19:04
I always thought the relationship between pi and e was exact?
(pi<sup>4</sup> + <sup>5</sup><sup>1/6</sup> =
or what about :
e<sup>i.pi</sup> + 1 = 0
never quite understood how two trancendential numbers could be interrelated as it so seems... Quibbler - 3-4-2006 at 04:27
Using Euler's formula
e^i*pi = cos(pi)+i sin(pi) = -1
As for pi Machin's method is fairly quick.Nerro - 3-4-2006 at 05:30
Yes that's nice but none of them produces the complete number. When you use thse unctions to calculate pi you always get an approximation.praseodym - 3-4-2006 at 20:21
This is because there is no exact value for pi...woelen - 4-4-2006 at 01:15
Originally posted by Ramiel
I always thought the relationship between pi and e was exact?
(pi<sup>4</sup> + <sup>5</sup><sup>1/6</sup> =
or what about :
e<sup>i.pi</sup> + 1 = 0
never quite understood how two trancendential numbers could be interrelated as it so seems...
The first one is not exact. As far as mathematicians know, there is no algebraic (in the sense of fields) relation between e and pi. In other words,
pi cannot be expressed as function of e, using a finite number of radicals, powers, and basic arithmetic operations only.
The second one is exact, but it is not an algebraic relation in the sense of field algebra (there is an imaginary number in the exponent).JohnWW - 4-4-2006 at 13:11
e^(i¶) = -1 is not the only exact relationship between e and ¶, although the others also involve i = sqrt(-1).. There are others derivable from De
Moivre's theorem, e^(ix) = cos(x) + isin(x). Hence, with x = ½¶, e^(½¶i) = i. With x = ¼¶, e^(¼¶i) = ½sqrt2(1 + i) With x = ¶/3, e^(¶i/3)
= ½(1 + sqrt3).
And similarly for powers of multiples of 1/5, 1/6, 1/8, 1/10, 1/12, 1/15, 1/16, 1/17, 1/20, 1/24, etc., of ¶, the trigonometric ratios of which can
be expressed in terms of combinations involving the square roots of the same numbers through the solutions of quadratic equations or of higher
polynomial equations which reduce to combinations of quadratics. The prime numbers in such submultiples of ¶ (1, 2, 3, 5, 17, 257, 65537, etc.) are
"Fermat numbers", 2^(2^n) + 1. However, the next Fermat number after 65537, and all the following ones up to at least the 20th, are NOT prime.
The algebraic insolvability of polynomial equations of the 5th or higher degree (proved by Ruffini and Galois), of course, prevents this for other
submultiples of ¶. The trigonometric ratios of multiples of ¶/7 can be found as the solution of a cubic equation, though.