I had a look at some nitrate test kits a while ago. The best one I found used coarsely ground zinc to reduce nitrate to nitrite which was reacted with
sulfanilic acid in HCl to give a diazonium salt. This is then added to alpha naphthol in alkali to give a red colour. I modified the test and use this
as a method myself :-
Test for nitrate (NO3-)
In acid solution nitrate is reduced to nitrite by zinc and hydrochloric acid. This is used to diazotise aniline or sulfanilic acid. This then reacts
with alpha naphthol to give a red coloured diazo dye.
Hydrochloric acid (4N) containing sulfanilic acid or
Hydrochloric acid (4N) containing aniline
Coarsely powdered zinc
Alpha naphthol in ethanol
Sodium hydroxide (6N)
1. Add 3 drops of the acid to 4ml of test solution.
2. Add a small spatula of zinc powder.
3. Leave for 2 minutes mixing occasionally.
4. Add 1 drop of alpha naphthol.
5. Add 4 drops of 6N Sodium hydroxide.
The development of a pink-red colour indicates the presence of nitrate in the water. A control of deionised water should be run at the same time.