Sciencemadness Discussion Board

TNT and nitric acid

HNO3 - 2-3-2006 at 15:08

Due to someunfortunate circumstances,:P I can only make red or white fuming nitric acid. What I was wondering is, to substitute 99% acid in for 70% acid, all you have to due is use the proper mount less, correct? I don't want to have to dilute my acid.

Marvin - 2-3-2006 at 23:38

You haven't said which method you plan to use.

Assuming a 3 stage method I would not like to comment for the mononitration. I would dilute, or find a way to add the nitric much more slowly so its concentration in the nitrating mixture is much lower. This could easily runaway.

For the second and third stage you can recalculate an az nitric/oleum process for WFN and ordinary sulphuric. The result after cooling of the mixed acid will be identical.

HNO3 - 3-3-2006 at 20:38

Yes, I was planning on the three step method. Thank you.

Madandcrazy - 15-3-2006 at 08:45

Interested threat for the nitration problems with different
Eventually interested for a nitration of 1-Methy-4-hydroxybenzene with
the -ONO2 structure and the full nitration of the benzen ring with
-CH=CH- double binding to -CNO2=CNO2- .

PHILOU Zrealone - 16-3-2006 at 10:05

In other words:
you go from p(ara)-cresol (1-hydroxy-,4-methylbenzene of p-hydroxytoluene) to dinitro p-cresol (1 hydroxy-4-methyl-2,6 dinitrobenzene) and finally to tetranitro p-cresol.

Madandcrazy - 17-3-2006 at 09:14

I mean interestingly enough, how nitrated the -OH group in the benzen ring to -ONO2 ?

Maybe you start from tetranitro-p-hydroxytoluene or of the
nitration of 4-methyl-chloropicrin to 4-methyl-tetranitrochloropicrin and the -ONO2 group is subtituted ;)
with the -Cl atom.

I suppose, interested to this is when i will start with 1-hydroymethy-4-methylbenzene. How can i get 1-hydroymethy-4-methylbenzene, eventually the hydroymethyl group (-CH2OH) is procreated with chloromethanol ?

[Edited on 17-3-2006 by Madandcrazy]

12AX7 - 17-3-2006 at 09:50

Er, hydroxymethylene? (HO-CH2-)

Long as I'm posting, that's an interesting point- can aromatic OH's even be nitrated? I haven't heard casual mention of it, and with picric acid and whatnot, it must not be a very attractive site either... Seems to me some N2O5 could do it, if nothing else?


Fulmen - 17-3-2006 at 11:18

And if I'm not mistaken the spent acid from stage 2&3 can be reused for stage 2&1, so ideally you should only have to dilute the nitric acid for your first 1. stage.

PHILOU Zrealone - 20-3-2006 at 09:40

Phenolnitrate must behave like benzo nitramide...and rearrange quite fast to stabler molecules related like nitroaniline or nitrophenols...

The only way to keep the NO2 on the phenol is that the freeH on the ring are no more available...maybe with something like pentaiodophénol...but here I guess somme of the I will be displaced or oxydised...after all phenol nitrate is the anhydride of a mixed acid...
C6H5-O-NO2 --> C6H5-O(-) + NO2(+).

And so the NO2(+) is very labile and oxydant!

[Edited on 20-3-2006 by PHILOU Zrealone]