Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Plea for Moral Guidance-Science & The Law Philosophy

MrBlank1 - 26-11-2014 at 18:43

I'm trying to find a quote and it's author, on the subject of incarceration and exposing flaws. Is anyone aware of said author/quote? It was a little something like:

"When guilt and incarceration is not opposed in the name of exposing flaws in the process, there is no greater personal honor that can be had from said sacrifice."

Can someone give opinion on the following thoughts?.

I am at a junction point in the justice system, and I have to make a decision in regards to self identity and responsibility. I am a either a civilian, or a scientist.

Accordingly, I either defend vigorously, to preserve the truth, and forsake any claim to being a scientist ever again. Or I acquiesce, in order to do what must be done, to further scientific progress.

-As a man of honor, I have very little choice in how I can act. *socrates
-As a scientist, I cannot affirm or put forward any non-truth.
-As a pacifist and benevolent person, I have to value my own right to respect and live less than those rights of my shunned society, and supportive community.
-As a person who could foresee this eventual mistake occurring, I am morally 'wrong', if nothing else, by proceeding to this point, regardless of law.

Can someone please comment?

[Edited on 27-11-2014 by MrBlank1]

Rosco Bodine - 28-11-2014 at 09:17

On Star has detected an airbag deployment at the intersection of Cryptic Street and Riddle Avenue. Do you require assistance?

forgottenpassword - 28-11-2014 at 09:32

You have nothing like this planned, I hope?!

Marvin - 29-11-2014 at 11:14

MrBlank1, your post reads like bullshit evasion couched in high handed language. You suggest that lying is the only path to being a scientist which makes no sense with the information you've given us.

Your honour I only ate his liver as an experiment, and is it not by experiment that we strive toward the betterment of mankind?

Short of more details morally this is straightforward - truth in simple words. Lose the martyr complex, acknowledge your mistakes, humbly ask for forgiveness, accept the result and move on with your life when you can.

Amos - 29-11-2014 at 17:50

He's already been through explaining this pretty thoroughly in this thread:

So it's not that he's trying to remain all that cryptic.

Chemosynthesis - 29-11-2014 at 18:30

It would be more scientific if proper nomenclature were used rather than slang in the other thread, which I had recommended against. Science has to be clear and succinct in writing.

A pending legal case precludes this.

chemrox - 30-11-2014 at 14:44

There isn't a question of science or professionalism in your predicament. Quit the narcissistic internal bickering and do what you need to. Get a good lawyer, if you can find one, and fight like hell.

MrBlank1 - 10-12-2014 at 04:15

above two posters : thanks for putting it straight up. Recent developments confirm why my perspective is different than others, the plain speak helps muchly. Thanks for your patience and advice.