Sciencemadness Discussion Board

copper sulfate

quest - 24-9-2005 at 08:25

hi guys,
I'm intrested in the production of lead acetate. I started to caclculate the amount and the synthesis I will use and I stucked with an idiotic problam - In the synthesis I need to use copper sulfate and I got garden frade blue cupper sulfate.
should I calculate it as Mw = 159.61 gr/mol like in CuSO4 or should I take it as Mw = 249.71 gr/mol like in CuSO4*5H2O?

And if I already posting new topic, Is lead acetate only carcinogen or it also very toxic? toxic enogh that I can die only from touching it with bare skin for instant.

[Edited on 24-9-2005 by quest]

chemoleo - 24-9-2005 at 08:55

Please, there are already several threads dealing with this (PbO2, PbO threads). Post there.

To answer your question, you use the *5H2O version, as the blue colour indicates it is hydrated.

Lead acetate is toxid but not that deadly, in my sillier young days I touched it many times and never had a problem. I am still sane. :D

Anyway. Continue posting in the proper thread.


[Edited on 24-9-2005 by chemoleo]