Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Catalyzed nitration of aromatics

vulture - 4-2-2003 at 12:22

While browsing through my acros catalogue looking for zirconium compounds, I discovered something interesting.
The acros catalogue usually displays some applications for the chemicals they sell and this is what I found under zirconiumoxide, ZrO2:

ZrO2/sulfate-catalyzed nitration of aromatic compounds: Nagi SH.M. et al.; Khim., 7,1650-1652 (1990)

My question: does anyone now which journal Khim. is and where I could find it?
Also, did anybody hear about this procedure?

Zirconium compounds might be pricey, but alot of chinese and indian manufacturers will probably sell them for quite a competitive price without questions asked, trust me...

mitch77 - 19-2-2003 at 16:28

I think that ZnO2 is used catalytically in the vapor phase nitration of benzene and other aromatics. Halfnium looks popular in that arena too.

PHILOU Zrealone - 19-3-2003 at 07:34

Many nitrates of transition metals are very strong nitrating agents (oxydising too).
Cerium teranitrate, Pb(NO3)4, Ti(NO3)4,...
They are used in aromatic nitration because they are so strong oxydisers that nitration in aliphatic serie produces only decomposition products! I'll see if I find good examples!


Dany - 11-1-2014 at 11:23

Quote: Originally posted by vulture  
While browsing through my acros catalogue looking for zirconium compounds, I discovered something interesting.
The acros catalogue usually displays some applications for the chemicals they sell and this is what I found under zirconiumoxide, ZrO<sub>2</sub>:

ZrO<sub>2</sub>/sulfate-catalyzed nitration of aromatic compounds: Nagi SH.M. et al.; Khim., 7,1650-1652 (1990)

My question: does anyone now which journal Khim. is and where I could find it?
Also, did anybody hear about this procedure?

Zirconium compounds might be pricey, but alot of chinese and indian manufacturers will probably sell them for quite a competitive price without questions asked, trust me...


The reference for the nitration using ZrO2/sulfate is:

Sh. M. Nagi, É. A. Zubkov, V. G. Shubin, Nitration of aromatic compounds catalyzed by ZrO2/sulfate, Russian Chemical Bulletin, 1500-1502, 39(7), 1990.

for general and reliable informations on nitration i recommend reading chapter 7 of the book "chemistry of energetic materials". this chapter is written by nobel prize winner George A. OLAH. In general, all chapters in this book are interesting to read.


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[Edited on 11-1-2014 by Dany]

Pulverulescent - 12-1-2014 at 07:07

My question: does anyone now which journal Khim. is and where I could find it?

It's; Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Khimicheskaya.

Didn't find a site . . .

[edit] found it!

[Edited on 12-1-2014 by Pulverulescent]

underground - 12-1-2014 at 12:58

How much does the addition of ZrO2 will going to help the nitration process ?? The yields are going to be better ?