Sciencemadness Discussion Board


lacrima97 - 24-7-2005 at 18:24

hey guys, im a bit new in this aspect of chemistry, so i wanted to ask a question, would hydriodic acid work in the way that hydrogen iodide gas does in the reduction of the O in C10H15NO to make C10H15N? or would the extra water in the hydriodic acid mess up the synth?

I believe that is what happens anyway. sorry if this question isnt valid.

solo - 24-7-2005 at 18:48

I think you would get better results if youconsulted the WD archives and asked your question there in the appropriate forum....... also try consulting the rhodium archives , which there are many mirrors of the archive , consult the google search function .........solo

lacrima97 - 25-7-2005 at 06:44

wow...i have never seen the rhodium thing...thanks alot man, i really appreciate the info.