We didn't. Microwaving even just a stir bar will end badly. The easiest way to test a reaction for proof of concept is to put the largest Erlenmeyer
you can in the microwave with your reactants, possibly loosely cover the top with a smaller beaker, and then microwave for 10-30s increments to avoid
overflow. We were able to shorten 24 hour reactions to about two minutes, and change solvents in several instances to more environmentally friendly
ones. Triturate and chromatography resolve the mixture or products and reactants if necessary and then NMR. Obviously the latter portion is outside
hobby chemistry.
Additionally, we had microwaves with holes cut in the top for condensers, or door latches wedged to allow operation with the shielded door open (point
in safe direction as you will run the risk of instant and permanent blindness if not careful), and other kind of modifications, but I can't even
remember using them more than perhaps once. All of these seem potentially feasible and I would probably be most interested in setting up an open
microwave proximate a reflux app. or something similar with plenty of ventilation. |