>>>while experimenting one weekend, I discovered the
>>>consentrated sulphuric acid and Al powder will react exothermically to
>>>form a fluffy grey foam/powder. This powder will then ingite, with no
>>>added oxidized, like flask powder. Raw Al powder will not do this. What
>>>is it. Perhaps some form of ULTRA high surface area Al.
>>Sulfuric acid reacts with aluminum to form hydrogen gas, which is
>>flammable and explosive. The mixture is very hazardous because it
>>can spatter the acid into eyes or on skin. It would be safer and
>>just about as exciting to sit around and watch old tin cans rust.
>>Jerry (Ico)
>The production of H2 was why we tried the mixture, but I do not think
>that H2 is the main product. As I said, the reaction yealds a fluffy
>grey powder. Typically we would put a table spoon or two of Al powder in
>a zip lock sandwich bag, then squirt in enough H2SO4 to just wet all the
>Al. We then squeese out all the air in the baggy and squish the mixture
>around untill it is well mixed into an Al-acid mud. If the air is
>squezed out of the bag, the mixture will keep unreacted for many hours,
>but it is NEVER stored mixed. This precaution is just for handling safty
>for the 15 os so seconds it takes to mix and handle. After it is mixed
>the baggy is riped open an thrown into a clay flower pot. The mixture
>will sit for five of ten minutes. It seems that air is needed to
>initiate the reaction. After five to ten minutes the reaction will take
>place. The reaction is very quick and exothermic. Taking about one to
>three seconds, the Al acid mud will expand to about ten times it's
>origional volume, and boil off the remaining sulphuric acid. There may
>well be H2 produced, but it typically will not detonate. You get a cloud
>of sulphuric vapor, but it quickly dissapated (ALWAYS DONE OUTSIDE). As
>I have said you are left with this grey foam. It crumbles when touched,
>but you can still pick up chunks several inches across. This stuff seems
>to be stable. It will not detonate with precussion, and does not seem to
>degrade with time. When ignited the, material in foam form, or
>cruched/crumbled back into a powder form acts like flash powder. A
>brilliand white flash, maby several milliseconds long, with practically
>no residue. Neat stuff, but I never did figure out what it was.
>Any ideas?
>Wayne S
Sounds like you ended up with a mixture of aluminum sulfate and
aluminum. Aluminum will reduce sulfate quite energetically, and
there are some pyrotechnic and explosive formulas based on the
The delay in the initial reaction might be due to absorbing moisture
from the air, which accelerates the reaction between concentrated
H2SO4 and Al. Depends on how concentrated your acid was to begin with.