Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Colored, Silent Railgun

elementcollector1 - 4-9-2014 at 20:59

Is there any way to even go about this?
My guess would be to find a material that allows electrons to pass through it (in the effect of the plasma railgun) but stops larger particles. All around this would be sorbothane lining (best material I know of for soundproofing), and inside this chamber would be housed two inert gas tanks and a high-voltage converter. The whole thing would hopefully run off of something like a car battery. Thoughts?
I know this sounds an awful lot like a pipe dream, but hey, it's always good to ask.

Metacelsus - 5-9-2014 at 08:48

What do you mean by colored?

elementcollector1 - 5-9-2014 at 10:47

As in, the discharge would be colored...
But I've decided I can do without that (unless one of you has a good idea for it).
My main concern is making it silent.

violet sin - 5-9-2014 at 11:16

high speed projectiles hitting relatively(by comparison) still air will make noise.

hyfalcon - 5-9-2014 at 11:28

High voltage contacters closing make one hell of a racket also.

elementcollector1 - 5-9-2014 at 11:30

And I'm guessing that won't be damped at all by any kind of solid insulation?

hyfalcon - 5-9-2014 at 12:41

You be the judge.

elementcollector1 - 5-9-2014 at 12:45

Those guys are testing in the millions of amps, whereas mine would be barely enough to sustain the arc.

violet sin - 5-9-2014 at 13:30

if the projectile goes faster than the speed of sound, 340.29 m/s @ sea level, it will make a racket on exiting the barrel. a standard .22 cal rifle fires between 175 to 533 m/s (wiki .22 long rifle) depending on the brand. so it(can) breaks the sound barrier making a fair amount of noise even if there was no sound from the powder.

I'm assuming you would want at least the performance of a .22 cal rifle if you were going to all the trouble of building it and lugging around a car battery. also wouldn't make much sense to build a 50-70 lb BB-gun equivelant or mount something that heavy on a car/platform, if you could just pump up a BB-gun with the same success. though the coolness factor would be much less :P

so assuming you managed to solve the issue of noisy contacts, ya still get sound.

elementcollector1 - 5-9-2014 at 13:44

Nope. Just want it to make a bright, repeatable flash. No actual force needed, just the light and arc.

violet sin - 5-9-2014 at 15:32

well, ok then :) not actually after a weapon would be better. deff safer. ya never know how a home made device would hold up to that kind of stress. in the face of catastrophic failure, inherent in many home builds on a repeated run test, a low force would be much better.

Pyro - 5-9-2014 at 16:28

bit off-topic but cool nonetheless. The US navy is developing a magnetic rail gun that propels a projectile at supersonic speed. they intend to deploy it on a ship within the next 1-2 years to intercept incoming missiles at low cost. (only 25 000$ per round as opposed to the millions they would otherwise need)

elementcollector1 - 5-9-2014 at 17:34

Yeah, I heard about that. I'd like mine to *not* set the atmosphere on fire, if at all possible.

smaerd - 5-9-2014 at 20:03

@elementcollector - Coil gun design is pretty intense. Might be best to start with working out a functional design to move whatever size projectile at the velocity you want first. Then move on to the sound damping.

@hyfalcon - 2.5 million amps, yep, I'd be behind a cinder-block wall as well.

@pyro - I think that I saw a video of that thing being tested. If I recall correctly some of the preliminary tests literally spot welded the (titanium?) projectile they were using to the gun. Absolutely absurd.

elementcollector1 - 7-9-2014 at 06:34

@smaerd: There is effectively no projectile - just an electrical discharge.

dontasker - 7-9-2014 at 11:58

Some stills of the Navy railgun and info from BAE Systems

If you want to make a silent device with a colored flash, I would think a discharge tube would be your best bet. Something like a xenon flash tube but with a gas that creates the color you want. Something like this. Here's a video of different gasses and pressures and the effects.

I think anything you do to create an atmospheric plasma shooting out into the air will be loud. If you're only after the look you could use a fine spray of alcohol with different chemicals added to change the flame color. Boric acid and methanol gives a beautiful green.

-edit: BAE not BEA-

[Edited on 7-9-2014 by dontasker]

elementcollector1 - 7-9-2014 at 12:53

In the first video, it seemed rather... not silent, but the effect was interesting.
The second one was also cool, but it wasn't what I was looking for.
Problem with doped alcohol is you eventually run out...