Travellar - 7-1-2005 at 21:05
Hi everybody!
I just searched this forum out looking for fellow mad scientist who can maybe help witha project or two I'm working on.
Current project is a Hovercraft. I've got it howering now, after a few mods to the original skirt. (I intend to ride it, and had to get the
skirt efficient enough to lift me) My problem is, I'm kinda short on ideas how to propel and steer it.
I know the typical method of driving a hovercraft involves something like a fan and rudder, or differintial fans. Problem is, where am I going to
find fans or propellers? Any other ideas are welcome. (And yes, I AM seriously considering using a pair of oars.)
HNO3 - 7-1-2005 at 21:47
I remember seing an article in the paper about some kids who bult a hovercraft for a science fair. Anyway, it consisted of a piece of plywood, a
lawnmower engine, and rubber inner tubes for the skirt. I thnk they retooled an exhaust fan blade for the lawnmower shaft.
Travellar - 7-1-2005 at 22:09
Exhaust fans, eh? thanks, I should be able to get a couple of those nice and cheap!
Jet engines
Hobbit Porn - 7-1-2005 at 23:57
You could use jet engines like this guy has