Sciencemadness Discussion Board

chemistry experiment desperate delp needed

chemistryistoohard - 6-1-2005 at 16:12

hello, i am doing a very important chemistry experiment where i have twelve aqeous solutions (

1=Sodium Carbonate Na2CO3(aq)

2=Nickel(II) Chloride NiCl2(aq)

3=Copper(II) Sulfate CuSO4(aq)

4=Hydrochloric Acid HCl(aq)

5=Sodium Chromate Na2CrO4

6=Aluminum Nitrate Al(NO3)2

7=Ammonia NH3

8=Sodium Hydroxide NaOH(aq)

9=Potassium Nitrate KNO3(aq)

10=Iron(III) Nitrate Fe2(NO3)3(aq)

11=Lead(II) Nitrate Pb(NO3)2(aq)

12=Sodium Iodide NaI(aq)0

and i have to find the proper solution when they have been mixed up ( i have never seen them before), and i worked endlessly and could not find them sucessfully. i was wondering if you know any physical properties of any of these solutions in aqeuos form (preferablely color) off the top of your head (or any of their reactents). if you happen to, could you please send me a quick email ASAP? i would be forever in your debt.



chemoleo - 6-1-2005 at 16:29

What do you mean, 'when the solutions have been mixed up'?

You mix all of them together, into a single pot?
Or you remove the labels from each container, and then you have to identify each compound with some chemical reactions/characteristic colour?

In addition, a few of your chemicals have wrong formulas.

Surely one can expect a bit more effort in 1) writing your question in an understandable fashion 2) to take care of 'facts' that you pose in your question (i.e. formulas) 3) to point out what you thought the answers were, and 4) to take care of your spelling. Or do you know what 'delp' is?

Or is that too much to ask?

Otherwise we are happy to help ;)

PS ANY inorganic chemistry book would give you the characteristic properties of your compounds, or even the internet!

[Edited on 7-1-2005 by chemoleo]

budullewraagh - 6-1-2005 at 16:42

1=Sodium Carbonate Na2CO3(aq)
add acid, CO2 gas evolved
2=Nickel(II) Chloride NiCl2(aq)
add silver nitrate, silver chloride ppt
3=Copper(II) Sulfate CuSO4(aq)
add potassium hydroxide, cupric hydroxide ppt
4=Hydrochloric Acid HCl(aq)
add oxidizing agent (hydrogen peroxide), Cl2 gas evolved
5=Sodium Chromate Na2CrO4
has characteristic colour. upon addition of reducing agent, colour changes
6=Aluminum Nitrate Al(NO3)2
you probably have Al(NO3)3 actually. solution should be quite acidic
7=Ammonia NH3
is it aqueous? if not, add HCl gas and NH4Cl powder is formed. if aqueous, check the pH, add acid, note reaction, check pH again
8=Sodium Hydroxide NaOH(aq)
add conc acid. note exothermic reaction and formation of salt cloud which dissolves immediately.
9=Potassium Nitrate KNO3(aq)
heat to boil, obtain crystal ppt, add sucrose, light with a match. watch for loads of CO2
10=Iron(III) Nitrate Fe2(NO3)3(aq)
it's Fe(NO3)3 actually. add potassium hydroxide, note ferric hydroxide ppt

11=Lead(II) Nitrate Pb(NO3)2(aq)
add potassium hydroxide, note lead hydroxide ppt
12=Sodium Iodide NaI(aq)
add Cl2 gas, look for purplish I2/NaI solution

The_Davster - 6-1-2005 at 17:23

A lot of those different precipitates would be hard to discern for the first time experimenter, budullewraagh.

Some alternates.
2. NiCl2 is blue green
3. Copper sulfate is very blue. Adding solid NaOH to a hot solution of it will produce a black precipitate, CuO
4. HCl, boil it, if you get painfull fumes that do not smell like ammonia, it is HCl
7. Smell it, everyone knows the smell of ammonia
8. NaOH: pH test, it is very basic

EDIT: Realized number 8 was an inadvertent pun:P

[Edited on 7-1-2005 by rogue chemist]

chemistryistoohard - 6-1-2005 at 18:41

tell that to my high school chemistry teacher
we had 12 solutions and we had to write out the ionic equations for every single possibility in one day
first day after break too
i hate him.......

budullewraagh - 6-1-2005 at 19:34

8. NaOH: pH test, it is very basic


tell that to my high school chemistry teacher
we had 12 solutions and we had to write out the ionic equations for every single possibility in one day
first day after break too
i hate him.......

sounds like LOADS of fun. and i am not at all sarcastic. seriously, i love qualitative analysis

HNO3 - 6-1-2005 at 19:47

I think "chemistryistoohard" means that they had to write out all the possible compounds that theoretically could form from a mixtureof all those chemicals. I love that type of chemistry (to an extent, of course, because I don't like trying to diagnose all the reasons a reaction didn't work right and all the compounds that could have formed).

budullewraagh - 6-1-2005 at 20:08

1=Sodium Carbonate Na2CO3(aq)
2=Nickel(II) Chloride NiCl2(aq)
3=Copper(II) Sulfate CuSO4(aq)
4=Hydrochloric Acid HCl(aq)
5=Sodium Chromate Na2CrO4
6=Aluminum Nitrate Al(NO3)2
7=Ammonia NH3
8=Sodium Hydroxide NaOH(aq)
9=Potassium Nitrate KNO3(aq)
10=Iron(III) Nitrate Fe2(NO3)3(aq)
11=Lead(II) Nitrate Pb(NO3)2(aq)
12=Sodium Iodide NaI(aq)

i suppose you would just have to group according to activity.
the series for cations present:

unfortunately ive never found an activity series for the anions but i would imagine:
pretending everything was perfect proportionally youd get things like:
but then again, since you have so much nitrate the alkali ions will be all over them. as well, i am positive you will end up with the cupric and hydroxide ions coming together to the point where there is a limiting reagent. i also will say that the alkalis will take all the sulfate before the nitrate, leaving much room for Ni(NO3)2 to be formed considering the other reactive cations will already be joined with nitrate or bonded to sulfate. the ammonium and hydronium should go towards the halides predominantly.

evilgecko - 8-1-2005 at 00:39

Nice work budullewraagh although I'm not sure thats what chemistryistohard wanted. When do chemistry teachers ask you to hypothetically mix 12 aqeuous solution together and simulate the results?. Normally thats what I find myself doing when my chem teacher askes us to do a ph test :D