Arkoma, you may have a right to be mad, but you aught to know better. You can say F+, and that would be sufficient to deter. You don't have to 'dis'
the person. Unless your friend is asking you to complain, and I'm pretty sure I know who it is (And he aughtn't either, you both are MEN for crying
out loud!), you shouldn't complain for lateness. You aught to know that chemistry is JUST a hobby for you, YOU yourself aren't even loosing money from
the lateness. Also, you should contact him via U2U from now on, you've already rated him F+, so unless you want to change the rating, stick to PM-ing.
Don't get mad at me for this, either arkoma. This guys' just as likely to win the nobel in chem. as me, like you keep telling the young-folk. He may
be a bad businessman, but that's not exactly his profession. |