Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Dangers/risks of Mazilli ZVS driver?

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woelen - 30-6-2014 at 02:23

I ordered the components for making a Mazzilli driver. It looks very simple:

It must not be too difficult to wire up such a beast. I never heard of this fairly recent discovery and was amazed to see that this can be built for just EUR 15 with easy to find components (local shops, or eBay).

Is there anyone here who has first hand experience with this driver? I read reports of impressive results (e.g. transferring hundreds of Watts of power to a transformer, or even to a piece of metal without any physical contact with the metal), but I also read reports of explosions of components and very dangerous energetic bursts, destroying the driver plus the power supply and possibly other things as well. I do not want disaster in my lab when I power on the device.

I want to use the driver to heat mixes of e.g. SiO2 with Mg and MgO, red P with metals and oxide or sand as a heat moderator or any other fine mixes of metals and non-metals which are hard to ignite. I have seen pictures of coils, made from 4 mm thick copper wire, having ten or so turns and having an inner diameter of 2.5 cm or so. With this they could heat blocks of metal to a red heat.

I also have seen people make ultra hot and long plasma arcs with just a simple transformer, having 10 turns on the primary side with very thick copper wire and having a few thousands of turns on the secondary side. Experimenting with that also looks interesting.

I have a few questions:
- How does the driver behave when there is no load? Does it just draw a small current from the power supply in that case?
- If I connect a transformer to it (e.g. 5 + 5 windings primary, 2500 windings secondary) and have no load attached to that secondary, how does the driver behave in that case?

Actually, I really would like to limit the current capabilities of the driver in my first experiments. If I limit the current with a big power resistor of e.g. 3.3 Ohm in series with the 12 V power supply, does it still work, abeit with lower energy?

[Edited on 30-6-14 by woelen]

Metacelsus - 30-6-2014 at 06:34

I've tried to make one. It's a lot harder than it seems (or maybe my IRFP460 MOSFETs were just bad quality) because it kept overheating (even though it's designed not to), and my MOSFETs eventually died. I eventually changed to a 555 timer flyback driver, which for me is less powerful but more reliable.

In my experience, the driver essentially draws the same current whether there is a load or not. I'm not sure what effect limiting the current would have--it might not even work at all.

WGTR - 30-6-2014 at 07:55

I'm posting from my phone, so this will be quick for now. Electronics is my job. I would strongly recommend starting out small, with low power, and then scaling up. You have to verify with a scope that there aren't any high voltage spikes where there shouldn't be. Those are things that may cause power electronics to work at low voltage, and then fail when full voltage/power is applied. Also, it's generally better to separate the power drivers from the oscillator function. This is better design practice.

I can offer some better tips later.

papaya - 30-6-2014 at 09:40

Long time ago I tried it and it worked (had no secondary wire and core - just 2 primaries side by side and when you put an iron nail inside it gets red hot.. however this is only with ferromagnetic metals )! What I've learned it is really powerful, but transistors MUST be heatsinked as well as the choice of the components is really the key. Other things - the frequency is not constant and depends on load, also it will not give you sine waves as you might already know..

SM2 - 30-6-2014 at 12:32

Encase in epoxy sarcophagus once verified working (non conductive electrically, of course.)

This is how our military hardens the circuit boards in thermonuclear weapons, ensuring ruggedness and heat sink. Just an I-Dear.

bob800 - 30-6-2014 at 13:06

From your post I'm not certain as to what you're planning on powering... is it a flyback transformer or an induction heating coil? I have built essentially the same circuit and used it for an induction heater, with moderate success. I was able to heat nails to redness in around 10-15 seconds, and slightly larger metal pieces to orange heat with longer heating.

induction.png - 494kB

The actual ZVS driver is mounted to the right of the capacitor array. I soldered a copper tab onto each pipe, drilled a hole and then mounted each MOSFET on the tabs. This way the water coolant served to keep both the MOSFET and workcoil cool without large heatsinks.

I used a slightly different circuit configuration (see schematic), with 2 inductors instead of 1 to avoid center-tapping the work coil. I would recommend this configuration.

I can post more info on the capacitors and # of turns, etc, if you are interested. Do you have a high-current capacity power supply? I used a rewound microwave oven transformer. To take advantage of the full potential of this design you will need around 20A current.

I did not have problems with things exploding like you mentioned, However, with larger workpieces the setup sometimes began to drift off resonance, causing a huge surge in current and loud buzzing noise. In these instances I could usually save the circuit by unplugging it immediately. For this reason I would not recommend the circuit for higher power applications... I could never draw more than ~10A without running off resonance, but that's probably due to the way my LC tank turned out.

This is a fun project, but if you want more useful output I would go with a half bridge/full bridge configuration ( Also, I will say the ZVS driver works for flybacks, but again I had the same problem with drifting off resonance...

**Also per your question about current without load, it drew only about 0.5A without a workpiece. As progressively larger workpieces were introduced into the coil, the current draw increased to a~10A. Parallel LC tanks will always work this way (my configuration), but if you use a series configuration there will be a large current draw without load.

[Edited on 30-6-2014 by bob800]

WGTR - 30-6-2014 at 20:10

I don't plan on posing this way normally, but I'm playing with my new surface pro.

page1.jpg - 682kB

page2.jpg - 503kB

If I have some time I'll throw this together and see if it works... or someone else "knowledgeable in the art" can try it.

IrC - 1-7-2014 at 01:56

Very similar in theory to the chopper power supplies of old. They used PNP Ge round body stud mount devices push pull with 60 ampere Ic ratings to develop the high voltage to run tube mobile RF power amplifiers from the 13.8 volt vehicle source. Nowhere as efficient as these newer Hexfet designs. However I think you would do better by picking devices with design specs better suited to repetitive avalanche operation. As example the IRFP264. For this type of circuit it is also good to have a lower reverse transfer capacitance and as low of an RDS as possible. As has been mentioned already the 'ringing' capacitor needs ESR and dissipation ratings well suited for high dV/dt and a decently high voltage rating. I would want a supply adjustable from 8 to 50 volts capable of 30 or 40 amperes. Start low and work your way up. Unless your going for risky power levels I cannot see running much above 50 volts.

Wouldn't hurt to have a shrapnel shield for the Mosfets and capacitor. Hard sharp pieces of plastic at a few hundred FPS would tend to be painful.

IRFP264 IXYS MOSFET 38 Amps 250V 0.075 Rds, Dynamic dV/dt Rating, Repetitive Avalanche Rated.

Attachment: IRFP264.pdf (168kB)
This file has been downloaded 896 times

As you can see VDSS, RDS, and ID are all better suited for your circuit than the IRFP250.

woelen - 1-7-2014 at 09:22

Hmmm... I only have limited equipment for this kind of things. I have a fixed power supply, 13.8 V/12 A max. It is very sturdy and is made from a big transformer and a few big transistors, so I am not afraid that I kill the power supply.

I also already purchased the IRFP250 devices. They were moderately expensive, appr. EUR 1.50 per piece. The IRFP264 is much more expensive, at least EUR 3 per piece, plus shipping. If I can expect to blow out a few of them, then this project can become expensive, but I certainly will consider the purchase of the IRFP264.

I also can obtain IRFP260 devices for less money. What is your opinion on those?

I also saw IRFP264 transistors from Chinese sellers, for less than 1 euro per piece and free shipping. It sounds too good to be true. Are these good quality components?

bob800 - 1-7-2014 at 10:52

Quote: Originally posted by woelen  

I also can obtain IRFP260 devices for less money. What is your opinion on those?

I can't remember off the top of my head, but I recall a discussion where some subtler advantages of a IRFP450 over an IRFP460 were discussed, even though the Rds is better with the IRFP460(perhaps it was decreased gate capacitance, body-diode turn-on time, etc). I would think the same concept would apply to the IRFP250/260.

I have always used '50' variants without issues, though I haven't compared them against '60's. I doubt it matters a whole lot for <1MHz speeds.

Burner - 1-7-2014 at 11:02

You can even find the IRFP450s for about 1USD each in quantities of 20 ( That makes them quite attractive.

IrC - 1-7-2014 at 11:37

Quote: Originally posted by woelen  
I also saw IRFP264 transistors from Chinese sellers, for less than 1 euro per piece and free shipping. It sounds too good to be true. Are these good quality components?

I'll let you know. I ordered 10 of them yesterday to play with your circuit. Usually takes a couple weeks to arrive plus the time for me to get around to building something. My main point was by picking devices with better parameters for this type of operation you make the circuit less likely to blow Mosfets meaning over time cost is lower. Possibly performance improves as well.

Edit: also ordered ten IRFP260's just for the heck of it. As to your question woelen about quality: I have bought over ten grand in semiconductors from various ebay sellers in China so far this year. Twice I received rejects (likely fakes), 2SC2075, 2SC1969. Out of a very large number of electronic parts from A to Z. Both from same seller, now on my blocked list just in case I forget one day.

[Edited on 7-2-2014 by IrC]

IrC - 2-7-2014 at 12:41

Another thought after studying the circuit is if one does not properly consider the switching speed of the two diodes there is a danger of the Mosfets conducting destructively. I suggest you consider the MUR 460, a 600V, 4A ultra-fast diode. Just a thought anyway.

Found a couple pics of the old chopper transistors I mentioned in another post. One is PNP Ge and the other is NPN Si, included it because case style is correct and it's hard to find images of these old devices. AFAIK only the PNP Ge types were used in the HV supplies for tube mobile gear. Also used in the later 50's Delco-Remy car radios to get away from the old vibrator supplies. So if your junking an old Cadillac save the AM radio those chopper transistors are becoming extinct.

2N2015.jpg - 24kB 2N1522.JPG - 300kB

12AX7 - 4-7-2014 at 13:14

Going for voltage, this is one option:

The switching transistor can be salvaged from an old PC supply, usually a C2625 or something like that. +V can be the same +12V, or anything else. (Actual CRT TVs and monitors use 100-160V, or probably 320V in 240VAC countries, and an internal winding; just put on your own winding, make sure of course you find a flyback transformer that you can still get wire around the core.)

For dumb oscillator purposes, i prefer a variation something like this (you can ignore the top half of the circuit):

The 0.1 capacitor between transistor drains should be selected to resonate with the primary at the same frequency as the secondary.


jock88 - 4-7-2014 at 15:25

You can purchase directly something along the same lines.

IrC - 7-7-2014 at 19:39

Woelen your question was about "Dangers/risks"

Being too impatient to wait for the parts on order, I decided to try the circuit using some 500 volt Mosfets which are rated at 4 amperes I had on hand. I built the circuit to operate at lower current than the specs posted in this thread. Not only does the circuit work well, it imparts greater energy density into the windings than other circuits I have tried over the years, when considering the power input. Meaning efficiency is far higher than your 'typical' designs. In fact the design kicks ass fairly well, I like it. Waiting to get my orders and build a much higher current version. Upon power up a virtual short circuit exists for both fets. As the current inrush builds magnetic field in the coil the back EMF shuts off the opposite fet from each end of the coil. If it did not destruction is impossible to avoid. When the 'ringing' voltage is large the .68 uF capacitor will destruct if it's dissipation is high, or voltage rating is low. If a short circuit occurs from insufficient back EMF to shut it off every cycle (or if the fet shorts from over current or over voltage), the fet explodes. The greater the energy input the 'bigger the bang' obviously. So I see two dangers. One is simple shrapnel from either a fet or the capacitor. Avoided very simply by a shield to keep a high velocity chunk from putting out an eye.

The second danger is electrocution as the power level at high voltage (back EMF and/or transformer secondary) is quite high. That's it, nothing to worry about if safe procedures are followed combined with common sense. A chunk of Mosfet at firearm velocities can be very dangerous yet minor shielding is adequate since the mass of the plastic pieces is low.

If you look at inductive heating they typically use 8 turns center tapped of Cu tubing around 6" in diameter. Going by pictures in some of the ebay auctions for factory built driver boards. For a circuit using a transformer primary they use 10 turns CT on a ferrite core. Being proven to work I would call this the 'starting value' of the end design. So calculate the 'safe' inductance, using the values shown to work. If L is too low not enough back EMF will develop to shut off the Mosfets guaranteeing destruction of the devices. If L is too large the excessive back EMF is going to explode the capacitor or cause a destructive short in one or more Mosfets. It is as simple as this. Which also includes consideration of the voltage/current input from your supply obviously. Start with proven values for the turns, and for current draw since this will cause either over current destruction of the Mosfets or again excessive back EMF to develop. I imagine most having problems with parts exploding are either running too much power into the circuit or not considering the load and the needed back EMF to turn off their Mosfets, i.e., using too few turns. Or as stated too high of a back EMF.

An oscilloscope would be useful to monitor the back EMF so one can calculate proper component ratings for safe operation. Another thing is looking at some of the factory made units I see on ebay, they are using 1 uF not the 0.68 uF indicated in this thread. I am sure a range of values will work here, worth considering the frequency of operation since for example many TV flyback transformers operate with greatest efficiency in the 15 KHZ to 17 KHZ range. Playing around with the frequency of operation may be useful when considering what it is you plan on driving with this circuit. I am interested in the use for inductive heating. Since I imagine Tim (12AX7) has more knowledge than other members about inductive heating circuits I wonder what he might have to say about what the best frequency of operation is. Also what is the optimum inductance for the Cu tubing coil. I am sure there is an optimum range for L/C ratio and wonder what his thoughts are about this.

"- How does the driver behave when there is no load? Does it just draw a small current from the power supply in that case?- If I connect a transformer to it (e.g. 5 + 5 windings primary, 2500 windings secondary) and have no load attached to that secondary, how does the driver behave in that case? Actually, I really would like to limit the current capabilities of the driver in my first experiments. If I limit the current with a big power resistor of e.g. 3.3 Ohm in series with the 12 V power supply, does it still work, albeit with lower energy?"

If you study the circuit the Mosfets are biased fully on by design at power up. If no windings are connected to the Mosfets there is no drain current. But if there is, the circuit is going to run at fairly high power depending upon power input, DC resistance and developed back EMF. It may merely be generating a large magnetic field and high voltages from back EMF and loading will increase power draw, but I do not see how this circuit is going to 'loaf' at little power just because you have not loaded it. This design is not going to behave as a simple transformer which is not loaded on it's secondary. You will no doubt see a range of power draw depending upon how much resistance you put in series with the input and how heavily you load it. However I think you must consider the fact that if your developed back EMF is too low to fully shut off the Mosfets, basically you have two turned on devices presenting a dead short to the power input over too much of the cycle or just plain 'on' meaning a dead short all the time. From this one can conclude even at light loading it must still be running at a high enough power level to create the needed back EMF to turn off the devices and maintain nonstop oscillation. I imagine you need to consider this in your design. Operating at low voltages is possible so long as you keep the circuit in oscillation at all times when powered.

For clarity my last comments pertain to looking at both the circuit in the starting post, and the schematic I borrowed from the auction listed below.

Driver Board Zero Voltage Switching.jpg - 46kB

WGTR - 7-7-2014 at 21:12

To both agree with IRC and clarify a few things from a different viewpoint, here goes.

For the purpose of argument for now, we can assume that full power supply voltage is applied to the circuit instantaneously(i.e., with an infinitely fast rise-time). The RC filter network composed of the 470 ohm resistor + the MOS1/2 gate capacitance has a time constant, which causes a short delay in the gate to source voltage (Vgs) rise. This time constant is significant only up to the gate threshold voltage (Vth), where MOS1/2 begins to conduct. Up until this threshold is reached, drain to source current (Ids) is zero, and the voltage rise at the output of the 130uH inductor is instantaneous. Once Vth is reached, the rate of rise in Vgs is limited by the rise in Vds (drain to source voltage), which is in turn limited by the 130uH inductor. Assuming a well-coupled transformer, T1 inductance is zero, since the flux is cancelled by both MOSFETs conducting simultaneously. In a perfect world, with both halves of the circuit being perfectly matched and symmetrical, the MOSFETs will then go into thermonuclear meltdown. Since we don't live in a perfect world (whew!), there is sufficient thermal noise, or there is some asymmetry somewhere that causes one half of the circuit to conduct before the other. At this point, due to D1, and D2, and T1, there is positive feedback that drives the circuit into instability (oscillation).

The 130uH inductor is needed, not so much for power supply filtering, but to limit the Vds rise-time on start-up. Without it full voltage will get applied to both MOSFETs (which are already "ON"), with the MOSFETs acting as the primary current-limiting (and power dissipating) devices. An improvement to this circuit would be to add a resistance from the output of the 130uH inductor to ground, to improve start-up performance. This resistance would counteract the negative effects of the parasitic capacitance in the inductor, which can cause voltage to rise too quickly on the MOSFETs on start-up. It's a minor improvement.

I do think that if the supply voltage is brought up very slowly, there will be a region of operation where the circuit will consume power without oscillating. This would be related to the limited voltage swing at the gate at certain supply voltages.

[Edited on 7-8-2014 by WGTR]

IrC - 7-7-2014 at 21:38

No doubt. Just playing around with my junk box parts makeshift version (to say non optimized in every parameter is an understatement), around 8 volts is the lowest 'instant on' (applying power) voltage desirable, or not enough noise combined with correct conditions exists and oscillation will not commence. Bad for the Mosfets. I have no doubt a lower voltage version would be useful in some applications with proper design. More inductance in the supply choke for example. Wish my orders from China arrived more quickly I really want to recreate the exact circuit. Likely still a couple weeks away at least.

zvs driver

quantime - 8-7-2014 at 00:22

I have built this driver and used it extensively for some big plasma globes I made. The ZVS is a fantastic circuit that demonstrates the basic principles for DRSSTCs, dual resonant solid state tesla coils. Please I have spent lots of time building tank drivers and induction heaters using resonant feedback. If you want I can probably dig one out from the pile to experiment on.

Oscilllator - 8-7-2014 at 01:04

I have very little experience with these matters but I just wanted to weigh in here and say that I found some heavy duty diodes in a microwave. They were attached to the enormous microwave capacitor so they must be pretty heavy duty.

I just though I should point that out because old microwaves are easy to come by, and you can easily extract the diodes, capacitor and transformer from them. The transformer in particular can be used to make a step-down transformer capable of melting nails fairly easily.

woelen - 8-7-2014 at 02:05

I also still am waiting for my order to arrive. I ordered from different suppliers and now I have the heat sinks and isolation pads, but I still do not have the MOSFETs and other components.

IrC's experience with the non-optimal devices he had at hand are encouraging. The circuit apparently easily starts oscillating. In some way I would like to have some protection in it, so that if it does not start oscillating very quickly, then the whole thing is switched off.

IrC - 8-7-2014 at 18:55

Encouraging only because I never mentioned the half dozen blown Mosfets. The very small time interval in which a Mosfet can blow would make start up protection difficult to achieve. I got my circuit to oscillate by understanding the need for back EMF in the correct range so that it will oscillate but not so high damage from excessive voltage occurs. One can only imagine how many components the original designer wasted to get to the published circuit. I would say recreating the exact circuit is the best hope for proper operation. Then carefully altering parameters slowly while measuring several points in the circuit simultaneously. No doubt several scope channels would be useful while also measuring input voltage and current. One advantage of the high efficiency is low dissipation and therefore little heat sinking for the Mosfets. Combine this with the unusually high transfer of energy into the output winding makes this circuit ideal for a solid state Tesla coil. Since the devices I had on hand with fairly high voltage ratings were rated for low current (4A) and a turn on surge is typical with this design no doubt I had some blow far more quickly than if the right parts had been handy. Meaning you will likely not have so many Mosfets fail. Also the Rds was high and the reverse transfer capacitance was far too high with these devices. I had them selected to replace a tube (6BQ5) which keys a 120 volt (coil) relay in RF high power amplifiers. For this with some circuit redesign they work very well. Not so well for the circuit in this thread. But I was merely going for proof the circuit does work. Knowing you will be using the correct devices I am sure you will have easy success. The capacitor I had on hand is an ECQ-E .68uf 400v film Capacitor. 400 volts is I think too low for the higher power version but alas all I have laying around right now in this capacitance and type. Found and ordered 50 from the link below. 50PCS 1UF 630V Metalized Film Capacitor. The auction says free shipping but this is an error. Price is $10.99 and shipping is $1.49, total deal $12.48. I searched a good while and for 50 pieces I think this deal is great. I feel better about building the higher power version with a 630 volt capacitor than the 400 volt ones I have on hand.

woelen - 9-7-2014 at 00:44

Thanks for the link, I also purchased 50 of these capacitors. This is really cheap and even if they are not really good, then still the loss only is EUR 8.

Btw. I had free shipping, I could choose from three shipping options, of which one is free, but has long delivery time (appr. 25 days to the EU). I am not in a hurry.

IrC - 9-7-2014 at 18:21

I only had 2 options, $1.49 or $25. With only 1 day difference in delivery. On average it takes 2 weeks, sometimes 3. Like you I can wait if it saves me money. A deal like this is usually factory 'blems' of some type. Fortunately the 'blem' is most often appearance such as improper marking, very seldom is it defective parts. If it is, often it's a low percentage. Example is once I bought a bag of 1,000 2u2 25V tantalum capacitors for IIRC around ten bucks. I found 9 of 1,000 shorted. Every other one I ever used in a circuit has functioned correctly. That purchase was in 1987 and I still have several hundred left. Is how I build my 'junk box'. Sometimes it is a sell off of a giant lot some factory purchased but then production stopped. Someone parts out the company and we see a bunch of great deals on the surplus market.

"The circuit apparently easily starts oscillating."

I forgot to comment on this. True if all parameters are within a narrow window. Most often destructive to the Mosfets if not. Which is why I said it is best to first start by recreating exactly a proven circuit. Once I built a tube type Tesla coil using a pair of 813's running off a high voltage supply at around 2 KW. Grounded grid (cathode driven pulse coil) with a 100 watt wire wound slide tap adjustable resistor from grids to ground and in the cathode circuit. It ends up sitting in the instrument lab at a company in Phoenix, where over 2 years every once in a while the head of the lab and a friend of his who teaches at a college would tinker with it yet never could get it to oscillate.

On a trip back down from Montana (where I had moved to from Phoenix 2 years prior) he talks me into going over to his workplace and proving it actually works. Took me less than 5 minutes. They had no 'feel' for the correct settings of grid and cathode resistors, or when they had them close they had the phasing of the coils wrong. Put simply there was a narrow window of parameters and they had no clue. My conclusion was many people read and study too much yet seldom figure out how to actually do anything in the real world. Or something like that.

I was looking around on ebay today at some of the factory boards and saw the item linked below. In the TC pic it looks like he is using a PC power supply (likely modified from 5 to 24 volts on the high current output section). I figured I would try one to see how it compares to the one I will build when parts arrive. So I ordered it. Will be interesting to see if I can make a few mods and improve the design.

woelen - 10-7-2014 at 01:46

As IrC suggested, I ordered 5 IRFP264's besides the IRFP250's which I ordered some time ago:

These are more expensive (EUR 1.60 per piece, free shipping, instead of EUR 0.90 per piece from a few other sellers) but this seller claims to sell real Vishay components. Vishay is valued for its high quality products and its products also appear in high end audiophile equipment. If audio equipment is reviewed and the reviewer opens the case and sees Vishay components inside, then that is considered a good sign.

I hope that 5 pieces will be enough for my experiments and that I will not blow them up in minutes.

[Edited on 10-7-14 by woelen]

froot - 10-7-2014 at 06:22

Another consideration for overheating mosfets is the rise and fall slew rates of the pulses at the gates of the mosfets. The faster the slew rate the less heat the mosfet will produce. Ideally the mosfet must be fully on or fully off in this application so anything other than vertical lines and horizontal lines above Vgs(on) in the Vgs waveform translates to hot transistors. A perfect square wave is your goal which can be suprisingly difficult to achieve.

IrC - 10-7-2014 at 13:06

Quote: Originally posted by froot  
Another consideration for overheating mosfets is the rise and fall slew rates of the pulses at the gates of the mosfets. The faster the slew rate the less heat the mosfet will produce. Ideally the mosfet must be fully on or fully off in this application so anything other than vertical lines and horizontal lines above Vgs(on) in the Vgs waveform translates to hot transistors. A perfect square wave is your goal which can be suprisingly difficult to achieve.

Good advice. I was thinking about that when I searched for ultra fast diodes. On the first page I mentioned the MUR 460, a 600V, 4A ultra-fast diode. Can't hurt to speed things up when it comes to switching off the Mosfets. I bought 40 of this diode but still waiting for the order. I will not be using my IRFP264's (10 arrived today) until I have these diodes, and the 630 volt 1 uF capacitors. Better to wait and build it right before risking the more expensive devices.

"I hope that 5 pieces will be enough for my experiments and that I will not blow them up in minutes."

I like to experiment with the cheaper ones first at reduced power input. If the circuit works well then substitute the higher rated devices and go up in power, within reason of course.

You might also get a couple of these. Somehow I don't think putting both Mosfets on a common sink even with ceramic insulating hardware is desirable. All of the good factory built boards I have studied keep them separate. What Irritates me is I cannot find those much reduced profile sinks I see being used on those boards. TO-247AC meaning 17 to 18 mm width in the mounting area is required. I did find a couple but they were in assortments, expensive, which included many types I already have laying around. While a thin mica would transfer the heat better than a thicker ceramic I think I'll go for the greater gap between Drain and sink face. While yes I could be an idiot and go for nothing but thermal compound on isolated sinks I much prefer knowing accidentally touching the two sinks is not going to be detrimental to my continuing quest for mad science. Also, you can call me wimpy if you want but I don't like pain all that much.

woelen - 10-7-2014 at 22:57

@IrC: Good to have someone over here who knows a lot of these things. I again followed what you did. I ordered 20 pieces of MUR460 diodes, for just EUR 2.27, free shipping, again Vishay brand. It is unbelievable that these Chinese sellers can offer them so cheap, and that shipping is free. Every seller in the EU would take EUR 3 or 4 for shipping, even inside The Netherlands I would have to pay for shipping what I now have to pay for the diodes themselves.

The heat sinks I ordered before and I received them already. Although many sites claim to use the ZVS driver with no or only minimal heat sinking, I decided to add some heat sinking. I ordered 2 pieces of the TO-247 compliant one from this seller:
It is UK-based, so probably not that interesting for you, but at least it gives you an idea of choices you can make.

IrC - 12-7-2014 at 00:28

Was making a post around 6pm cst Fri and suddenly I lost it all when my computer rebooted. Polverone made some kind of alteration in this boards software. So now I have to turn java off to come here meaning I cannot add files in a post any longer. I run win2k pro and half the news sites on the planet do this, any site with discus replies. Some sites cause it to reboot with java off. Never have been able to figure out what the java command is that is causing it but I was not going to buy a new computer to go to those sites nor will I to use SCM. Irritating as this site worked fine the way it always had before until 8 hours ago. Anyway was going to post some pdf's on the topic but cannot do it now.

Polverone - 12-7-2014 at 01:12

I haven't made any substantial changes to the board software in years, though I did upgrade the underlying OS and database at the end of May:

Are you talking about the MathJax I just added? That's just fetching an extra script from an external site. If it's causing problems you can add an entry to your hosts file to block it. In c:\winnt\system32\drivers\etc\hosts add a line like this:

That will redirect any attempts to load MathJax code so that they fail.

Windows 2000 is a proper protected memory OS. Userspace applications shouldn't be able to crash/reboot the machine under Windows 2000. If your machine is spontaneously rebooting a lot there is something seriously wrong, either with OS level software or with hardware -- most likely failing RAM or capacitors on the motherboard.

IrC - 12-7-2014 at 06:51

Thanks you fixed me. Edited the hosts using notepad with the line exactly as you stated then rebooted. Back here with java turned on. Every time I load a page here now I get a line saying file failed to load, a url with mathjax in the line but it vanished too quickly for me to read the whole line. Reloaded the page several times trying to read the line but too fast for me. I knew it was mathjax the minute I read your post. Months ago Lanl started rebooting me on certain pages (but not all) when I tried to get to a pdf of a scientific paper. I have had to turn java off for a long time now to go there, which started the day mathjax appeared on their site. I will bet money you just fixed my problem there also. So thanks twice. No it is not spontaneous nor hardware related. I can make the rebooting come or go at will merely by going into my firefox tools and shutting java off or turning it back on. Annoying but it saves me from buying a newer computer. The only thing I lose is not adding comments, which actually may be good as it saves me time during the day which I used to waste. In every single one of those instances it began after the site went to discus for their comment section. Many news sites I go to do it. In all but one case I can stop the rebooting by turning off java. And it only occurs when loading a page, not at any other time so no, not a hardware failure. There is some feature which appears most often on some sites with items for sale, and also with the news site wnd. This reboots me even with java off, and I cannot figure out what it is that is loading in those cases. However you can do me another favor. What line should I add for discuss? That would give me back some of the news sites, or at least stop me from having to keep turning java off.

In any case thanks for the mathjax line to add for SCM since now I will still be able to browse for files when making a post since I can keep java turned on when coming here.

Question Polverone;

Is the cdn. part of the url or is it something needed in front of the url for the line to work? I ask as I want to experiment with other sites like discus.

Finally the line hung around long enough to see Mathzoom.js, and another something.js too fleeting to read. These reboot me if java is on. Don't ask me why but it is so.

I should add this rebooting on certain sites loading certain .js files began after I installed Java 6 updates 12 and 31. This is the last version of Java that will install with win2k, and both updates are needed for videos to load in utube, and also for me to be able to save them using keepvid's site. localhost

I just added the disqus line. Now to reboot and see if Polverone fixed my news sites as well.

Now if only I could figure out 'what the hell.js' is causing me to reboot at wnd (and random other sites) even with java off I will be happy.

[Edited on 7-12-2014 by IrC]

Metacelsus - 16-7-2014 at 13:48

I just made a ZVS driver that actually works! (using IRFP460s, a 2.7 uF capacitor, and a center-tapped 10 uH coil). It runs off of 12 volts, but I think it can take quite a bit more. I'm soon going to see whether it can inductively heat stuff.

WGTR - 16-7-2014 at 14:04

Good job! How much current is it using with no load?

IrC - 16-7-2014 at 14:11

It does, and so well I cannot believe all the years I spent building overheating power inefficient 'typical' or 'normal' circuits. I almost melted a small screwdriver but my Mosfets blew. Glad I bought that 50 foot roll of 1/4" Cu tubing one day when all I needed was ten feet. Left me plenty to spare for winding heating coils. Still waiting for my better parts to arrive to recreate the original circuit woelen posted. Capacitors arrived today but my ultra fast diodes and a dozen toroid chokes have yet to leave China.

jock88 - 16-7-2014 at 14:19

Hope they are not on the proverbial slow boat from....

Metacelsus - 16-7-2014 at 15:42

No-load current: 12 V supply, 0.72 A; 24 V supply, 1.5 A
Near-full load current: 12 V supply, 6.1 A; 24 V supply, greater than 10 A (multimeter limitations)

It can certainly heat metal.

IrC - 16-7-2014 at 16:11

You just answered one of woelens questions. I figured it would not 'loaf' too much due to design but it appears you have found a 6 to 1 variation. I have yet to make those measurements as my 4 amp 500 volt devices never live long when I load it much. When that slow boat gets here with the rest of my parts I will be building the higher power version. Decided to quit playing with my 4 amp fets as I must save some for the reason I ordered them, replacing tubes that key 120 volt DC relay coils (COR circuit).

Metacelsus - 16-7-2014 at 16:11

IT CAN HEAT NAILS ORANGE-HOT! (24 V, sorry for the caps but I'm really exited; will make video soon.)

papaya - 16-7-2014 at 16:25

Don't be excited too much - works only on ferromagnetics. copper will not get too hot for example - actually the effect is not from inductive currents heating..

Metacelsus - 16-7-2014 at 16:31

Yeah, I know it's hysteresis, but it's still really awesome.

WGTR - 16-7-2014 at 20:24

Here I have chronicled some of my meager forays into the domain of inductive heating. Hopefully this will leave everyone amused, and maybe it will even be a little informative.
Buried in a dusty corner of my garage, I too have a coil of copper refrigerator tubing, bought back in the day when silver was $4 an ounce. I could use it, but that would be boring. Everyone else is using it, after all. So I decided to use copper wire. Not only copper wire, but braided enameled copper wire. Yes, I made my own watered-down version of Litzendraht.

I used 32 AWG magnet wire, with heat-strippable insulation. It’s bright red in color. If you use the other stuff, you will regret the day you thought to try this, as you will be stripping each wire individually. No fun.

A couple of empty spools sacrificed their lives for the cause of science, as seen below. Six holes were drilled around the periphery of the spools to enable the wire and springs to pass through.

IMG_0213.JPG - 68kB IMG_0214.JPG - 97kB

A couple of springs were set up for tension on the center conductor:

IMG_0216.JPG - 200kB

And a copper “washer” was soldered to a length of copper pipe on a hot plate.

IMG_0215.JPG - 151kB

Here the pipe is inserted through on one of the spools, on which it rotates freely. The pipe is clamped into the vise behind the spool. The washer on front of the pipe keeps the spool captive, and the springs maintain tension on the wires. Here we have a center conductor, with six wires spaced around it.

IMG_0217.JPG - 386kB IMG_0218.JPG - 182kB

At the other end the wires are threaded through the spool, and twisted together at the ends. The spacing between the twist and the spool should be maintained at about 7”. This is easier if you have a friend to help you with this, as the wire that I used was 9’ long.

IMG_0219.JPG - 392kB IMG_0220.JPG - 138kB

If you do it by yourself, you’ll have to walk back and forth every five turns, to keep the spool spaced properly (ask me how I know).
Using a clever trick of photography, I made it look like I actually did this!

IMG_0221.JPG - 264kB

Actually, I did do it; it only took about 20 minutes to twist all nine feet of it. It didn’t take as long as I thought it would. In fact, it was so much fun that I made two of them!

IMG_0224.JPG - 512kB

To be continued...

WGTR - 16-7-2014 at 20:30

Now here is the next step. I took each one of these wires, and folded them over twice, cutting the loops at each end. This left a total of eight strands, four from each wire. Then, four strands each where taken and braided into approximately two foot lengths, leaving two braided cables of four strands each. If you have a younger sister, get her to do this for you. Pay her if you must. She will be way better at this braiding thing than you. As for me, I have a trained feline. She does a good job, and I can bribe her with tuna.

IMG_0225.JPG - 521kB

Maybe you can also see why it’s important to use the heat-strippable version of wire. There are 28 strands in each cable.
After all that work we can have a little bit of fun now. Both cables were soldered together in parallel, and wound around a dowel, both cables side-by-side. This left a nice (but floppy) inductor, with some rather nice specs:

Ls=0.83uH , Rs=6.9mohms @ 1kHz
Ls=0.83uH, Rs=9.6mohms@ 100kHz

At 100 kHz, we see that the AC resistance is only 0.0096 ohms, which is only marginally higher than the 0.0069 ohms at 1kHz. Normally because of skin effect the AC resistance increases dramatically, but here it does not, because the individual strands are thin enough for the frequency (32 AWG at 100kHz), and each strand spends an equal amount of time in the cable as it does on the outside edge, cancelling the circulating currents in the wire.

IMG_0226.JPG - 169kB

Because this coil structure is too soft, a ribbon was cut out of copper sheet, and the braided wire was tied on with pieces of enameled wire. Each end of the coil was soldered to the copper ribbon, and the finished coil was tested.

Ls=0.60uH, Rs=2.9mohms @ 10kHz
Ls=0.55uH, Rs=8.9mohms @ 100kHz

Here I goofed and measured at 10kHz instead of 1kHz, but still the dramatic affect of having the copper ribbon in parallel with the coil is illustrated. Low frequency AC resistance improves because of the bulk copper in the ribbon, but at 100kHz the resistance is unchanged from the earlier coil configuration. This is because at 100kHz, the ribbon’s AC resistance is so much higher than the braided cable, it is electrically not part of the circuit.

The coil was installed in a basic type of circuit as seen below. It is driven only on one half-cycle, and uses a single FS70UM mosfet. The FET is driven directly from a signal generator, and is driven rather poorly, I should add. The signal looks more like a triangular wave on the gate, instead of the desired square wave.

IMG_0250.JPG - 306kB IMG_0251.JPG - 435kB

At 10V on the supply, 0.3A is drawn at resonance (110kHz), unloaded. In a full-wave configuration, this would be about 0.6A, similar to what Cheddite Cheese is seeing. There is a key difference in the way our respective tank coils respond to a load, and when I have time, I throw some math out there to show why. It’s getting rather late right now, though.

Anyway, here I have the circuit operating in a beaker of DI water. The water has to be very clean, as you don’t want it to conduct electricity, only heat. With this type of a setup everything in the circuit was kept cool, even while dumping 30-40 watts into a piece of steel. The piece of steel that I was heating was sitting on a piece of firebrick contained within a test tube, which you can see in the picture. I’ll have to run some numbers, I may be able to bump this up to a 100 watts. Right now I’m limited by the power supply I’m using.

IMG_0249.JPG - 460kB

IrC - 16-7-2014 at 22:58

Quote: Originally posted by jock88  

Hope they are not on the proverbial slow boat from....

No several orders have not yet left the mainland postal system. Yet out of several orders the same day a few got here days ago (50 caps today), like my ten IRFP264's. Not going to touch a single one until I get all parts (including the dozen perfect sized heat sinks I found at a good price) in one location on my bench. I will never understand how some orders get here in 6 or 7 days yet 2 weeks later some still show 'processed through' one or other location in China. Then a week later they show up in N.Y. where they sit yet another week before heading to the windy city where they piss around for 2 or 4 days. Usually at that time it's still 3 or so days away from my PO. It must be the way they ship. E-packet always takes a week in NY at what I think is a customs center. Others blast right here from China in a week from the purchase. Cheddite Cheese has me tempted to junkbox using a couple my 264's but I lack the correct DC input choke and heat sinks. If one reads the theory comments by WGTR one can see it is risking the new fets to not have enough inductance in the choke. I am using an 80 uH one which no doubt is partly the reason I keep blowing fets, 4 amp ratings being most likely the other reason.

WGTR "The 130uH inductor is needed, not so much for power supply filtering, but to limit the Vds rise-time on start-up. Without it full voltage will get applied to both MOSFETs (which are already "ON"), with the MOSFETs acting as the primary current-limiting (and power dissipating) devices."

woelen - 16-7-2014 at 23:04

Finally some of my stuff arrived. Two IRFP250's, and some other assorted stuff, and a small PCB board on which I can solder the components. I added small heat sinks, which I ordered elsewhere. The IRFP250's are bigger than I expected, my heatsinks actually are quite small.

Before doing induction heating, first I'll try an experiment with a transformer (I have one with 2500 turns around a rectangular core) and at the primary I have to make my own coil. I use stereo loudspeaker wire (0.75 mm2 with a red and a transparent wire connected to each other) for that and connect the red wire at one end to the transparent wire at the other end. This is my center tap, the free transparent wire and free red wire, at opposite ends then are the other two taps. In this way you always certainly will have both coils turned around in the same direction.

I am still waiting for my IRFP264's to arrive and I hope that none of the IRFP250's will be blown out. I only have two of them.

Metacelsus - 17-7-2014 at 07:13


IrC - 17-7-2014 at 12:07

Induction heating in general, not necessarily all on ZVS, but he does have some experiments using the basic ZVS design.

Resonant Frequency Calculator

Single layer air core inductor calculator

Single-Layer Helical Round Wire Coil Inductor Calculator

Looked at the video Cheddite Cheese made (good work) and found a few more videos from links off his video page. On another note:

Quote: Originally posted by papaya  
Don't be excited too much - works only on ferromagnetics. copper will not get too hot for example - actually the effect is not from inductive currents heating..

Then you will have to explain this video:

I would be thinking about the consideration of eddy currents and simple I*I*R effects.

No I'm not trying again to figure out how to get superscripts to work. This board software hates me I'm sure of it. Just read it I squared times R.

Here is a link from the video on melting Cu.

woelen - 18-7-2014 at 01:42

Before I use my high power devices, I did some playing around with a miniature version of the ZVS driver, just to get some experience with this stuff before I start with the real thing, and I must say that this works quite well. If something goes wrong with this lighter/smaller stuff, then the damage is less severe.

I have some IRF540's lying around. These are not nearly as powerful as the IRFP250 and IRFP264, but they are decent devices in a TO-220 package. I used two BA159 diodes and 12V zeners (normal small zeners) and two 330 Ohm power resistors and a coil from an old power supply. The primary windings are 2x5 turns, around the core of a small flyback transformer from Nokia with unknown number of turns in the secondary winding and unknown primary windings (it has 10 or so connections, I do not use any of them, except one which is the ground end of the secondary winding).

There is no hissing and no corona discharge, but I can light a glass ampoule with neon gas in it and I also can light a similar glass ampoule with helium gas in it. The ampoules have a length of 10 cm and no internal electrodes, they are just sealed glass ampoules with some gas in them. I simply turn some metal wire around one end of the glass ampoule and around the other end and connect this with the two poles of the flyback transformer. This gives a bright nice orange glow for the neon ampoule and a fainter pinkish/orange glow with the helium ampoule. The ampoule is this one (I already have this some time, ordered from this chinese eBay seller as a nice and robust sample of neon):

I never had it glowing before, but with this little experiment I could witness the nice orange glow.

This shows that I have at least a few kV, probably 5 kV or so, given the length (and the thickness of glass) of the ampoules.

I use small heat sinks with heat transfer paste on the transistors (20x30 mm) and when I have the glass tube lit for a few minutes, then these heatsinks are warm, but not hot.

These are my first little steps in home made high voltage drivers, more will follow with more powerful stuff :)

IrC - 23-7-2014 at 14:00

This factory made board arrived today. I built a Cu tubing coil similar to the one in pic heating metal on auction page except diameter is around 2.5 times the diameter of the tubing coil in the picture. But at 14 volts it refuses to take off at high enough power. Merely warms metal but no glow. Years ago I built a variable regulated supply that adjusts from 0.7 to 50 volts and can supply 50 amperes at 15 volts, 35 amperes at 50 volts. Going to dig it out of storage this week and dust it off I guess. Seller states 12 to 36 volts but at 12 volts it drives a flyback well for good output sparks but no cigar on metal melting. Will have to try my tubing coil at 25 volts or so and see how it does. Or maybe make a smaller diameter coil. My tubing is a little too large to easily coil it that small however. Just an FYI if anyone buys this board, they may state 12 volts minimum but I am sure 24 is going to be the minimum if any decent power level is needed. Possibly it would have heated better at 12 to 15 volts supply if I had made the tubing coil as small in diameter as the one on the page. Could be too much inductance in my tubing coil for such a low supply voltage but 12 to 15 V at 35 amps is the only large supply on my bench at the moment. So far it appears I'm having better luck with my home made circuits with 1 uF 630 volts for the capacitor.

Another thing I notice in studying the coil waveform is it does not appear the coil is 'ringing' as it should, i.e., the other half of the waveform is not being symmetrically recreated by back EMF as one would desire if building a fairly clean RF amplifier. Whether it is due to insufficient capacitance or the way the ZVS circuit operates I cannot tell. However I suspect both have an effect with I believe the too small amount of capacitance being the main factor. This board uses 0.66 uF yet my own circuit using 1 uF appears to operate better. Just a guess but L/C ratio is important but not being investigated well in this design. The energy stored on each half cycle in the magnetic field needs to be closer to that stored in the electric field in the capacitor. Perhaps design changes which consider this would increase performance.

Metacelsus - 23-7-2014 at 15:09

My coil's inductance is ~10 uH, and I'm using a 2.72 uF capacitor (four 0.68 uF caps in parallel). This seems to give good results. I'm also running off 24 volts (but I may try 36 soon!)

IrC - 23-7-2014 at 16:46

This makes 2 of us coming to this conclusion thus far. I wondered about it when I first looked at the design using IIRC 0.68 uF, before I tried the circuit myself. I am guessing your even higher C means yours is working better than mine. Guess I'll risk some Mosfets and see how high I can go while staying within reason. Also forgot to mention my factory board with my way too large tubing coil is running around 114 KHZ. Damn Cu tubing is getting expensive but I must get a 50' roll of some skinnier stuff. My 3/8' tubing sucks trying to coil a small diameter with 9 or thereabouts turns. Not being able to quickly obtain a roll of say 1/4 " and 1/8" cu tubing right now (car needs rear differential and it's too hot to put the used one I found in right now) I gave up on heating ideas and went back to flybacks for awhile. If you study the schematics Tim posted on page 1, these are what I call 'typical circuits'. The kind or similar I have toyed with for decades.

I will never go back to one like it again whether 555 driven bipolars, fets, u name it; or oscillator types using all of the previous or even choppers. Or whatever comes to mind. Even tube circuits. Done. I am so amazed with the efficiency of this ZVS driver. At 600 ma 14 V input I can draw an arc from 2 inches away which immediately goes to a metal melting thick arc with power input rising to an ampere at most. I have tried many variations with this same flyback at input currents of several amperes and overheating devices that produced neither the potential nor the power in the arc I am seeing right now. The efficiency and ability to transfer raw energy into a flyback at very low power input is beyond anything I for one have seen in simple low parts count circuitry. Using this driver circuit design for the heart of a stun gun would produce a very dangerous no longer non lethal self defense device of this I have no doubt.

Having taken many high end commercial models apart completely reverse engineering them in the past I am amazed not one has so far used the principle of the ZVS driver. They all use the oscillator type of what I now term forever the 'typical circuits' driving a spark gap and multiplier circuit. I am going to dig out my old 300 KV stun gun and rip the board out to replace it with a ZVS design for the base high voltage source with that driving the spark gap and multiplier. I get the feeling the output factory components will not be able to handle this new input even when run from a couple Alkaline 9 volt batteries. May well end up having to redesign and rebuild the gap and multiplier output sections as well.

fly2.jpg - 390kB fly1.jpg - 438kB

Tossed this together on my bench quick and dirty just to take a couple pics. The flashlight served the useful purpose of stopping the big fat flexible HT wire from moving around. Circuit does a fair job setting my bench carpet on fire and the arc will go further still melting copper wire. At this time voltage input is 13.8 volts and I ~= 900 ma. Don't remember where I got these great flybacks, some surplus outlet where I bought a dozen at IIRC $8 each. Best ones I have found, easy to take apart core and create various circuit designs with. Great output in terms of high voltage and current.

fly3.jpg - 271kB fly4.jpg - 451kB

[Edited on 7-24-2014 by IrC]

IrC - 24-7-2014 at 23:12

If anyone needs a really great flyback for various experiments this link is the last place I can find still selling this type. Somewhat high price but no other flyback comes close to the output voltage and current I have been able to get from these. 7 left, 8 sold in 24 hours so I would say they are going fast. Now days this is a rare find and not comparable to the TV or monitor specific models which are very inferior to this one. Was hoping this person would know what these were originally for but states on the page they do not know. The surplus place I got mine from did not know either so it is a mystery. Such information may have been helpful in locating more. If anyone recognizes it post the information, I would love to get more of these. I used one to make the most impressive Marx Generator I ever built (yet another project soon to be powered by a ZVS circuit). The secondary is 1.5" tall by 2.75" diameter with a very thick HT output lead. It comes apart easily making winding various primaries a simple task.

One left.

[Edited on 7-25-2014 by IrC]

Metacelsus - 25-7-2014 at 06:21

Man, those things are going fast! I just bought one.

IrC - 2-8-2014 at 16:05

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I reduced the images to 640x480 to avoid going past the post limit.

Seems interest in this thread has vanished lately, I wonder if woelen has built his ZVS circuit yet?

Anyway, the pics show a supply I built back in 2004. I would also post a schematic but after a decade I don't know where it is buried in my junk. Not really needed, anyone even slightly skilled in the art can see how straightforward this circuit is. To be honest a diagram is not really needed. Similar to what Tim posted a couple pages back and the supply is just a 2 watt 10K potentiometer (top 25 volts, center base, bottom ground) driving the base of a Tip3055 which drives a 2n3055, with a few capacitors here and there. Powered by a 19 Vac 12 ampere transformer into a 50 ampere 100 volt bridge (giving full wave output) which loaded at a few amperes gives a steady 25 volts DC output filtered by a few thousand uF. One 2N3055 is the low voltage DC power supply pass transistor, the other two each drive a flyback of the type in the top post on this page. Been 10 years since I looked inside this supply, at least I got my answer as to who made them it's on the top of each flyback (pic 7a). The circuit board: one Tip3055 drives the power supply 2N3055, allows me an adjustable zero to 25 volts which can do 8 amperes all day and probably 2 or more times that for shorter durations, until I lose the 2N3055 that is. The 555 circuit is on a separate Zener regulated 12 volt circuit, it drives another Tip3055 which drives the other two 2N3055's. You can see them on the circuit board each with a clip on heat sink. Each flyback primary is opposed in phase. The last pic is the type of He-Ne connectors I used, made by Alden.

Circuit ground and chassis ground are one, connected to the banana jack in front (and AC plug ground). From this I get half the maximum potential to each connector. One port on each plug (bottom) is the AC high tension from a flyback (~17 KHZ), the other (top) is from the multiplier. So from connector (bottom) to connector (bottom) I get double the AC high voltage on bottom, and double the multipliers on top. Each multiplier is enclosed in a cylinder of fairly thick plastic (rolled up 54 oz plastic soft drink cup). These worked well, never once in a decade have I ever had any arcing inside. I opened one up so one of two identical plexiglass mounted multiplier circuits is visible. All in all this has been for years a very useful 0-100 KV adjustable supply for various mad-sci experiments.

Showing the before as it is now. It works as I designed, was going for a zero to 50 KV to ground from each connector and double that between connectors. Just wanted to show the before as next I am going to take out the electronics and rebuilt this as a ZVS driven supply. I will parallel all three 2N3055's for the zero to 25 volt supply at greater current rating. Needed for a ZVS driver circuit. May take a few weeks in my spare time but I am curious to see the final output comparison between this 'typical' circuit and a ZVS version, all other things being relatively equal. Still giving thought about how to drive the flybacks. I want them running 180 out from each other so I can still utilize the double the AC high voltage output. While not important for the multiplier outputs, I want double the AC high tension from the flyback windings from plug to plug. If you look at the plug in pic 5a, the center is the multiplier and the shield is the direct flyback secondary out. The reason for this was so that I can use the supply to drive other multiplier (or whatever) circuits as opposed to using the internal multipliers.

Seems difficult to have two independent ZVS circuits synchronized. This leaves me thinking I should rewire the primaries, make them identical, drive them opposing in parallel from a single higher rated version of a single ZVS circuit. Any thoughts from people as to how I can best approach this concept?

Forgot to mention but the only arcing problem I had was the Alden plugs are not rated for 50 KV. I overcame this by cutting out a big rectangle in front, filling the space with a plexiglass window drilled for the connectors and epoxied in (makes it little ugly but no problem for me I just wanted a trouble free HV supply). The meter indicates zero to 25 volts output from the pass transistor (now all three in parallel as I have rebuilt it tonight since I no longer need the other two 2N3055's for running flybacks). The Alden plug on the left top comes from a negative multiplier stage and top right plug comes from a positive multiplier stage. In this way I could double the high voltage output. Basically a 100 KV supply grounded in the middle for a true dual polarity setup. I have on occasion found this arrangement to be useful in some experiments.

I write this while taking a break from it, I just finished removing all the 555 circuit components to give room to build the ZVS circuit on the same board. Saves time as I already have it setup with bottom bracket to mount to the floor of the chassis. For now I will try driving two 10 turn CT primaries (opposite phase on each flyback as I still want the AC outputs to double plug to plug) in parallel from a single ZVS circuit. Not really sure how this will work out but if it does it will save time and parts, space as well. Thought about using the factory made ZVS board but I decided to leave it for my metal melting coil. Dug out my 50 volt 50 ampere supply and even with my larger coil it works well enough. Have not gone above 25 volts, no point in blowing up such a nicely made board and it states 36 volts maximum.

[Edited on 8-3-2014 by IrC]

IrC - 4-8-2014 at 01:28

If I needed proof of concept I guess I have it. Found the single 2N3055 in the rail was leaky from past operation over the years from cranking it wide open. At that point it drew about 11 amps at 22 volts (loaded) powering the two 2N3055's driven by the pre-driver transistors, in turn driven by the 555. I had optimized frequency and duty cycle through many trials for highest voltage out from the flybacks. All in all it worked well and I never had problems with arcing in the two multipliers. Replaced all 3 power transistors with a fairly well matched new set putting them all in parallel to serve as just the power supply. Built the ZVS circuit, 1 uF and both primaries in parallel (opposing). Not a problem as they are on different cores as far as the ZVS oscillating goes.

I was not sure this would work properly with this circuit, but it turned out to oscillate powerfully no problem. For the flybacks I wound two primaries, 16 turns CT, installed on flybacks in opposing phase. The original primaries were 28 turns Teflon Silver plated wire, no taps. Fired it up and slowly adjusted the rail up from zero volts. I did not get to 14 volts on the rail when both multipliers flamed out so bad the plexiglass on each is ruined from carbon tracks, since they will forever be arcing out now. Will need to build them all over again. Ruined several 6 KV capacitors and many of the 200 ma 6 KV diodes. Each multiplier had 7, one plus leading out the other minus. Those 6 KV 200 ma diodes are not cheap and hard to find. Needless to say I never got the chance to take any pics of it running. Thinking I am going to have to find two tubes with ends that will screw on and seal to hold oil while housing the multipliers and still fit inside the cabinet. Obviously the voltage is far higher than ever before and I will have to reduce the number of multiplier stages. I should have set up 2 spark gaps to load the positive and negative outputs before I began operation but it never occurred to me the voltage output would be so much higher the multiplier stages would start vaporizing.

Bottom line is there is no doubt the ZVS circuit is a radical increase in power into the flybacks compared to all the circuits I have used for years. I believe the operating frequency is too low meaning I will need to roughly halve the 1 uF in there now to raise the frequency. I deduce from the sudden current increase in the rail around 10 or 12 volts the flyback cores are saturating. Did not have time before I lost my multiplier stages to look at waveforms but clearly the flyback cores are beyond magnetic saturation, with a waveform far removed from a nice sine shape. This I must do in order to protect the power supply from an excessive current overload. I used a pair of IRFP260's (saving my ten IRFP264's for other projects), also two each of 600 ohm 1W, 12V1W Zeners, MUR460 high speed diodes. Typical circuit as woelen first posted except for the 1 uF 630 volt film capacitor and also running a dual set of primaries. Still waiting for my 3W 470 ohm MF resistors so had to settle for close and on hand values. The circuit did not seem to mind the increase from 470 to 600 ohms as far as it goes.

In any case clearly the ZVS circuit is the way to go for driving flybacks if one considers using higher ratings and fewer stages in the multiplier output section. I will take a few pictures after I rebuild the multipliers. Problem is high voltage diodes and capacitors are getting more expensive and harder to find unless one wishes to ream their pocketbook at Digikey or some similar source. Takes longer but I much prefer buying surplus deals in greater quantity at lower cost.

woelen - 4-8-2014 at 09:55

I am back from holidays (nearly two weeks without decent internet access, hence the apparent loss of interest in this subject) and in the meantime my IRFP's arrived and some diodes as well. I also have 1 uF capacitors and 0.47 uF capacitors, rated at 630 volts and 250 volts. So, I think I can build the circuitry. I also have a nice little PCB which can hold all the components of the ZVS driver. One of these days I will try to build the circuit and I'll report back on my results.

IrC - 4-8-2014 at 13:55

I added another 1 uF 630 volt cap in series to give 0.5 uF 1260 volt rating. Current flow dropped significantly. Oscillation starts at a lower voltage and output voltage increased quite a bit. No doubt the flyback cores were saturating badly. This is with both flyback primaries (each 16 turn CT) in parallel but 180 phasing. No way to measure the AC voltage between flyback secondaries but it is amazingly high. Much higher than before at 1 uF. The circuit runs cooler and more stable. Looking at the pics, the 260 fet on the right runs cool the left hand one slightly warm. Everything else runs cool except the three 2N3055's but they are heatsinked well and within temperature tolerances. The trimmer bottom right adjusts the voltmeter (was a watt meter in another life of the chassis). The transistor at bottom in clip on sink runs the three parallel 2N3055's.

At this point I must stop, I cannot find what I need to build two multipliers and encase them in oil while still all fitting in the cabinet allowing me to put the top cover back on. I need just the right tubes (to enclose multipliers yet hold oil), and capacitors, diodes with higher than 6 KV ratings.

fly9.jpg - 285kB fly8.jpg - 455kB

Well my wandering the hardware and grocery stores did no good. Found some items with plastic tubes yet metal lids. Must be all plastic with screw on top so I can drain, rebuild multipliers if need be. Without gluing the end caps on. Must be 6 or 7 inches long and around 2 inches diameter, but no more so they will fit in cabinet. I guess I could encase them in RTV but self healing is important for long term reliability meaning oil is better.

[Edited on 8-4-2014 by IrC]

woelen - 5-8-2014 at 10:39

In my previous post I forgot to add some interesting information. For people wanting to build the ZVS driver, buying a pre-etched little PCB may be interesting and useful. I purchased this (and some other goodies, such as high voltage wires and resistors) and received this during my holidays:

I am in the process of building my driver with this PCB.

[Edited on 5-8-14 by woelen]

IrC - 5-8-2014 at 22:30

Being stuck on the dual supply until I can rebuild the multipliers I decided to alter another supply I built long ago to a ZVS driver design. This one outputs only the AC high voltage at around 17 KHZ. The first 5 pics are what it was, originally starting as a 21 amp power supply. I modified the LM723 circuit so the pot would adjust the output from 7 to 21 volts and used the old 555 circuit plus transistors to drive the flyback (which when together mounts upside down to the top cover). From the labels and holes you can tell it has been quite a few different projects over the years. I kept one RCA jack for frequency and waveform measurements.

p.JPG - 75kB p2.JPG - 70kB p3.JPG - 85kB p4.JPG - 71kB p5.JPG - 77kB p6.JPG - 93kB p7.JPG - 75kB p8.JPG - 400kB

Pic 6 shows the flyback primary rewired from 28 turns to a CT 14 turn coil. Pic 7 shows the ZVS board built in place of the old 555 circuit. Pic 8 shows it all put together and operating at 21 volts while it sets the alligator clip insulation on fire. I ran it for a long time wide open at 21 volts melting and burning away with no trace of overheating or problems. Outstanding performance. This supply was for running external multipliers or Marx banks. Or whatever comes to mind. I used a pair of the 264 fets in this one. My 470 ohm 3 watt resistors were in so I used 2 of them. Two 1 uF 630 volt capacitors in series, at the junction of the two I run through a 47 pF 1 KV SM to the RCA jack. Hot lead grounded though 68K for a slight load so measurements of the frequency and wave-shape will be more stable. Worked out very well and now I have a much more powerful supply.

woelen - 6-8-2014 at 12:05

IrC, you are much further in this area than I am, but I now can show my first results with the true ZVS driver.

The circuit is shown in the picture below. I used the PCB on which I posted a link before, and a flyback transformer on which I made 2x5 turns, just as in the standard documents about the ZVS driver. I used simple loudspeaker cable for the primary, with one side marked with a red stripe.

I do not have a really good power supply for this kind of experiments, I only have 12 V and 13.8 V fixed, max. 10 A. I took the 13.8 V power supply and connected it to the driver.

This is a picture of the driver with the transformer and one of my element samples (neon gas in a thick walled glass ampoule).

circuit.jpg - 477kB

When the circuit is switched on, then the glass ampoule starts glowing orange near the electrodes and blue in the bulk of the tube. The ampoule is quite large (total length is well over 10 cm) and even under these very unfavorable conditions I get a decent glow in the tube. This means that the output of the driver must be at least several kV. Unfortunately I cannot measure the voltage. There is, however, a strong hissing noise and a smell of ozone, so I think there is quite some corona discharge around the electrodes.

The transisitors in the driver do not get hot at all, the glass tube becomes quite hot and I dare not let it run for extended periods of time. I do not want to destroy my nice sample of neon gas (I also have samples of the other noble gases in such tubes and they also glow when they are treated in the same way). The picture below shows the circuit in action.

in_action.jpg - 385kB

Next step is to draw some arcs with the driver with my 13.8 V power supply.

IrC - 6-8-2014 at 19:29

Woelen have you thought about modifying your power supply to make it variable? Do you have a schematic and what model is it? Better models have a crowbar circuit built in, you need to find out and if needed disconnect it. Otherwise when you get above around 16 volts things will blow. If you look at my last post you can see it was in it's first life a Pyramid PS 21. A 21 ampere (intermittent) 13.8 volt supply. Since I still desired regulation I kept the LM723 board and modified it for a wide variable. Due to constraints of the LM723 and my general laziness I opted for the very simple approach which does not go below 7 volts. In the days of 555 timers and driving transistors this was not much of a problem. With the new ZVS circuit I am getting several kilo-volts down at 7 volts so maybe I should rethink my laziness. Or maybe dig out a chassis mount neon and resistor to at least warn me when it does not look like it's operating. Yes, I forgot and knocked the crap out of my stupid self last night when I was rebuilding and testing this project.

In any case typical 13.8 volt big transformer supplies can provide 21 to 26 volts out depending upon design by modifying the circuit. This would be better for your ZVS testing. As example my factory built ZVS which I decided to dedicate for a metal melter does not get hot (much) at 13.8 volts. In fact I am at around 20 volts before it works at all. Still never drove it above 26 volts even though it states 36 volts max. I was using the variable supply from the dual polarity HV project to test this. I just need to find time to dig in storage for my 50 ampere zero to 50 volt supply before I can really drive the metal melter. If it works well I will likely build some kind of switching supply which is adjustable after first finding out what range of voltage and current I need to melt metals without blowing up the board. If that happens at least I have plenty of ZVS circuit parts to repair it with.

Something I forgot to mention on my post before this one: in the pic p6.jpg you can see a coat of RTV I built up on the flyback high tension lead. When assembled the flyback mounts to the top cover upside down and just clears all the items below it. Barely fitting inside just above the LM723 regulator board. I kept hearing a corona hiss, even though the wire is nice and fat with a 40 KV rating. The RTV coat eliminated this problem. Until I changed it to a ZVS circuit. Now it's worse than the first time obviously indicative of much higher voltage. Will have to take the cover off and try building up an even thicker layer of RTV on the lead to the HV socket.

[Edited on 8-7-2014 by IrC]

woelen - 8-8-2014 at 13:13

I do not wish to poke around inside my power supply. I also use it for other purposes and for those it is perfect.

I decided to buy another cheap 30 A 13.8 V power supply (they can be purchased here for less than EUR 100, second hand stuff, used by radio amateurs). Here follows a link for a new one:

I also ordered two of these:

These can be adjusted to a certain output voltage (which must be at least 2 volts higher than its input voltage) and a maximum current. If the actual current exceeds the maximum current, then the voltage drops, so that the output current becomes equal to the maximum current. I ordered two of these.

These devices can be used in parallel, I could adjust both of them to 7 A output, 24 V and connect them to the 30 A 13.8 V power supply. They may not draw more than 15 A from the supply. With 15 A at 13.8 volts input and 95% conversion efficiency, I can draw 0.95*15*13.8/24 A at 24 volts, which is just over 8 A. With two modules in parallel I certainly can draw 15 A at 24 volts which should be enough for my ZVS driver.

I hope (and expect) all of this stuff together to cost less than EUR 100 together. This also gives me a flexible power supply for other purposes.

woelen - 10-8-2014 at 09:42

:( I put a fuse of 5 A in series with my driver, applied 13.8 V and then used the circuit for making an arc. When I do this, then I get a fat and noisy arc for a fraction of a second and then the fuse blows out (it gives a brief flash of light and then it is gone). I have the impression that making arcs with the driver is equivalent to almost short circuiting the power supply. This is not good at all. I am out of fuses now. I hope to receive my step up converters with current limiting soon. I have the impression that something is wrong, drawing such huge currents at only 13.8 V with a fuse in series (which also takes a certain voltage drop) sounds weird to me. What is your opinion on that?

I also ordered another two PCBs for making ZVS drivers. For the other ZVS driver I will use IRFP264's. The driver I have now has IRFP250's (I do not have any left of these transistors, I only had two of them).

WGTR - 10-8-2014 at 11:21

As you probably know, the voltage in an arc is very low. Once the air in the gap fully breaks down, it appears as a very low resistance to whatever is driving it. The winding resistance in the secondary is the most significant part of the load getting reflected back to the primary (the driver circuit) in this case. Since the turns ratio is very large in the flyback transformer, the impedance transformation is equal to the turns ratio squared, and the coupling in the flyback transformer is so good; the load looks like a short circuit to the driver.

Do you know how this is handled in commercial transformers? Neon sign transformers limit output current by decreasing the coupling between the primary and secondary of the transformer. By diverting part of the flux away from the secondary winding, the coupling is decreased, and this electrically adds a separate, uncoupled inductance in series with the windings. This uncoupled inductance provides 'ballast', and limits the short-circuit current.

You can do the same thing with your flyback transformer by adding an external inductance to either the primary, secondary, or both. For a Mazilli-type driver, two extra inductors of equal value on either end of the primary will work. This does, however, mean that you have to adjust two inductors every time you want to change the ballast in the circuit. Only one inductor is needed on the secondary side, but if it is in series with the secondary winding, it will need to have a very high inductance, and high voltage isolation, because of the large step-up ratio in the flyback.

A better compromise is to add a second transformer with a 1:1 turns ratio, with ballast inductance between both the driver and flyback transformers. This allows simple inductor design, maybe even using an air-core, if your operating frequency is high enough.

ballast.jpg - 132kB

I think it is best to ensure that the reactance of the ballast that is reflected back to the primary is at least 10 times that of the primary reactance. This should minimize the pulling effect that varying loads would have on operating frequency.

[Edited on 8-11-2014 by WGTR]

woelen - 12-8-2014 at 01:51

Thanks for your suggestion of adding inductance on the primary side of the transformer. The 1 : 1 transformer as you suggest, can it be made with a powdered iron toroidal core with 2x5 turns on one side and 10 turns on the other side?

WGTR - 12-8-2014 at 19:27

In principle, yes.

When designing a transformer, usually you want the permeability of the core to be as high as practical. This minimizes losses associated with magnetizing current and hysteresis. In this case, however, the primary of the transformer is part of a resonant circuit. The inductance and capacitance needed in the tank circuit will be determined by the desired operating frequency and the load resistance.

There is more than one way to do this, but I'll attempt to explain this in a way that uses your iron powder torroidal core.

As a rough approximation, this is the design of the passive elements in the circuit:
1.jpg - 29kB

If L2>>L1, then L1 and C determine the parallel resonant frequency of the circuit. This is because the larger L2 is compared to L1, the less effect L2 has on the circuit. I could show this mathematically if needed. In effect, if the load is 0 ohms, then L1 and L2 are in parallel with each other.

Since the input is driven in push-pull, we have a center-tapped L1. L2 can be denoted as a balanced configuration of two equal inductors.
2.jpg - 42kB

Expanding this out to an isolated configuration, L1 becomes the primary of a transformer, and L2 appears on the secondary side of the circuit.
3.jpg - 38kB

This is where we left off before. So the questions are if a iron powder torroidal core can be used as T1, and how many turns are needed.

First of all, it is necessary to ensure that the core does not saturate at the frequency and voltage that it is being driven at. Assuming that we are driving the transformer with a square wave:

t = 1/(2f),
where t = time in seconds,
f = frequency in hertz

For a 100kHz square wave, this gives us t = 0.000,005 seconds.

Going further:

Wb = (V * t)/n,
where Wb = Webers,
V = average square wave driving voltage across the winding during interval 't'
t = time in seconds of applied voltage before flux reversal,
and n = the number of wire turns through the core.

At 13.8V, at 100kHz with 10 turns, this gives us Wb = 0.000,0069.

To calculate the flux density from this:

T = Wb/Amin,
where T = peak-to-peak flux density in Teslas
Wb = Webers (flux),
and Amin is the cross-sectional area of the core in square meters.

You can determine Amin by measuring the core with a pair of calipers, but oftentimes it is available directly on the manufacturer's data sheet for the core.

Assuming Amin is 100mm^2:
Amin = 0.000,1m^2.

T = 0.000,0069/0.000,1 = 0.069 Teslas

This is the peak-to-peak flux density. Since the core is being driven alternately in both directions, the flux swing is centered about 0. Therefore the peak flux density is 1/2 of the peak-to-peak number, i.e., 0.0345T in this case.

The peak flux density for a core that is being driven with a square wave AC signal would then be:

TPEAK =(V * t) / (n * Amin * 2)

If one wishes to input the frequency directly into the equation, you would get this:

TPEAK =V / (n * Amin * 4 * f)

It is this peak rating that is considered in manufacturer's datasheets.

Most iron powder cores will handle 0.5-1T before saturating, so we are well within the operating limits under these conditions. It's generally better to keep the flux density low at high frequencies, due to hysteresis losses. These losses are especially high in iron powder cores.

The above example is for a primary of 20 turns, center-tapped, with 13.8V being applied to one-half the winding at a time.

The next issue is the inductance of this winding. It depends on the AL rating of the core, and this varies from one model to the next. It is almost always specified from the manufacturer, if you know the origins of the core. If you don't, then you can put ten turns of wire through the core and measure the inductance with a meter.

L = AL * n^2,
where L = inductance in Henries,
n = number of wire turns
and AL = inductance of one turn on a given core.

Note that doubling the number of turns causes the inductance to quadruple. Determining AL allows you to solve for the number of turns for a desired inductance.

In the real world, you might end up with a core that requires 0.25 turns to give you the inductance that you want. This would be because the permeability is too high. If it were even possible to make 0.25 turns, this would be undesirable, as it would cause the core to saturate easily. You can buy cores according to their permeability, but if you pulled one out of an old power supply you might not be able to be so choosy.

In this case there is yet another option. L1 and T1 can be physically separate parts. As long as the inductance of T1 is high relative to both L1 and L2, then it transfers power without appreciably affecting the tuning of C and L1. In other words, L1 << L2 << T1; L1 has the lowest inductance, and T1 has the highest.
4.jpg - 48kB

So in this case your torroidal transformer would have a 1:1 turns ratio, and have as many turns as you can fit onto it efficiently. As the number of turns goes up, wire diameter decreases and length increases, increasing DC resistance in the winding. More turns decrease losses from hysteresis and prevents core saturation. An iron powder torroidal core will run quite hot at high frequencies, with high flux density. Increasing the number of turns decreases the losses associated with this.

There's some more that I'd like to add, but I'm running out of steam for the day. Iron powder should work, if the core permeability is high. It would be better, however, to use ferrite instead of iron powder for T1. The material has much higher permeability, with lower losses.

What types of cores/materials do you have laying around?

[Edited on 8-14-2014 by WGTR]

12AX7 - 12-8-2014 at 22:57

Yes, this circuit is a constant voltage output. So, unloaded, the supply current draw is generally low, and as you bring loads in (rusty nails, hissing corona, etc...), current draw increases.

If the load increases much more than your circuit is comfortable with, excess supply current will be drawn. If your power source is not current controlled, you'll have a problem, either from the power supply browning out (e.g., most flyback type power adapters, when heavily loaded, go into a 'pulse skip' mode which delivers very little average power into a very low to shorted load resistance), or your circuit burning up (I wouldn't recommend running one from battery power, not without a current limiting resistor anyway).

An example of controlling one of these circuits might be,

This is a 10W, 300-2000V DC power supply I made for testing purposes. (I haven't finished the tester it's intended to power, so it's actually useless right now...) The oscillator is recognizable at the bottom, and instead of a direct AC output, or an induction load, a high voltage secondary feeds a full wave voltage doubler.

It's actually more like quasi-resonant, because I intended the transformer to have more leakage inductance (to allow the primary and secondary to resonate with some freedom), but instead, it sort of goes into a 'high pitched whine' mode when shorted (namely, it runs at ~200kHz instead of the normal ~60kHz). Whatever.

In any case, the important aspect is controllability. The output voltage is sensed with a high value resistor divider, buffered with an op-amp, then compared to an adjustable reference voltage (0.19 to 2.08V) with a compensated error amplifier. The amplifier, in turn, drives a power amplifier stage, which has a foldback current limit, 3A maximum, down to about 1A in a short circuit. Finally, a series inductor supplies the oscillator, to provide "squishiness" necessary for commutation* and resonance.

*Commutation, as in, the instant in time when the transistors swap roles. In this case, the moment when one transistor turns on, followed by the other turning off. This "push pull" circuit requires "shoot through" (both on for a short period), whereas most "bridge" circuits require "dead time" (both off for a short period).


Deadbug construction of course! The oscillator FETs aren't heatsinked, because they don't usually dissipate much power (the worst occurs under short circuit conditions, when load current is high, supply voltage is low, and therefore, the transistors do not saturate fully but remain in the linear range). The series pass transistor gets a nice big heatsink, because it can dissipate 10W easily (the overall efficiency of this circuit is fairly poor, often under 50% IIRC).

An astute observer might note that a switching power supply would be more efficient than the linear pass transistor: that is true. I didn't do this, to keep the circuit simple, and because efficiency doesn't matter for this purpose. I don't need to debug a buck converter as well as an oscillator, plus their possible interactions (the oscillator expects clean DC).

(Funny, last time I posted in this thread, I gave general advice; a few months later and I've now built an example of my own, independently and for unrelated purposes.)


Ed: eh, that pic's kind of wide

[Edited on 8-13-2014 by 12AX7]

IrC - 13-8-2014 at 01:34

After rebuilding my very high voltage supplies as ZVS circuits and building a small but useful metal melter I got to thinking about the very large power transfer into the load the ZVS circuit can produce. I replaced the oscillator section in an old 300 KV stun gun with a smaller version of the ZVS design. Works too well and I shelved that for a later rainy day. Seems the spark gap burns up too quickly and the output multiplier section cannot come close to handling the large increase in power. I had to reduce it and this is powered with a pair of 9 volt alkaline batteries. Played around with circuit values and rewound my oscillator transformer (original was designed as a transistor oscillator with a pulse winding). The batteries are not quite stiff enough even new for reliable starting. I mostly corrected this with higher primary impedance as well as going to 400 uH for the choke. While it is low power compared with what we have all been toying with it still surpasses the original oscillator circuit the stun gun had.

If you have ever hacked a commercial stun gun you can picture what I mean. The spark gap is two short crossed wires, which now burn up too quickly (start working erratically after a few bursts). Need to find a couple Tungsten wires for this. The multiplier is a plastic cylinder with internal transformer and multiplier which goes out to the electrodes. I saw a few dim flashes inside so quit on this project for now. Appears it still functions but obviously not designed for much power. Thinking if I can find an old defunct cattle prod to hack it may have a better version which can take more power. This part would be fairly difficult to build and resin cast by hand but doable.

Having purchased 20 pounds of large pieces of Barium titanate (maybe surplus from early LRAD experiments?) I got the idea the ZVS circuit would be a way to get serious sound wave power from. Tried with a piece of the ceramic (faces are Ag plated as terminals) and the factory board I dedicated for my metal melter. Hand made two transformers to begin with after studying the prior post by WGTR. Works fairly well but needs some serious tailoring of the circuit. It is clear that this approach perfected could produce an awesome and very dangerous level of sound power. As rough as it is right now it clearly puts that hand sound phaser to shame that I studied in one of those 'evil genius' plans from Information Unlimited. Of course they are using a few uS transducers which are not rated at much power. Something to experiment with at least.

WGTR - 13-8-2014 at 17:45

I edited a few things in my previous post after looking at it again. I left off the correction factor that converts peak-to-peak ratings to peak ones, considering that we're driving the inductors with an alternating voltage. This means that whatever inductor you designed with the equations from before can handle twice the voltage before saturating than you thought they could.

With iron powder cores, however, you're limited more by core losses rather than saturation. If you ran an iron powder core up to saturation at 100kHz, it would be too hot to handle. Ferrite generally has much lower losses. In spite of this, one material isn't really better than the other overall. It all comes down to application. Iron powder is more useful in a DC choke, because the flux swing is very limited (the purpose of a DC choke after all), and iron can handle higher flux density than ferrite can, giving it a higher DC current-carrying capability than a similarly-sized ferrite choke. Ferrite is better in transformer applications, where the flux swing is generally higher, but you have to be more careful not to saturate it.

From the back of my fuzzy memory, I remember that many flyback transformers have a low self-resonant frequency, somewhere between 25-100kHz. It varies from model to model. With the flyback driven directly from the driver as you did before, it helps set the resonant frequency of the driver. With isolation from a ballast inductor, however, you have to be sure that the driver is supplying a frequency close to the self-resonant frequency of the flyback. If not, the flyback won't give much or any output.

Also, I added/changed a few things for better clarity. The voltage specified in the equations is the average voltage during time interval t. For a square wave, this is essentially equal to your supply voltage.

[Edited on 8-14-2014 by WGTR]

woelen - 14-8-2014 at 02:28

WGTR, thanks for the effort you put in explaining these things to me. It is highly appreciated.

I can follow up your advice quite well I think. I ordered a few meters of 1 mm diameter enamelled copper wire, which will lead to very low DC resistance and my toriodal core is quite large, so I can make quite a large number of turns around it. The enamelled wire hopefully will arrive this weekend, I am eager to continue experimenting.

My available materials in this area are quite limited, I have more chemistry-related stuff, not so much in this area, but I use eBay to order materials for low prices. Much comes from China with low prices and free shipping, but it takes weeks before the material arrives. For that reason I ordered the enamelled wire in Europe, hoping that it arrives in just a few days.

WGTR - 14-8-2014 at 17:42

You're very welcome woelen. I'm trying not be overly confusing about all this, but also trying not to be overly simple either. Such a simple thing as an inductor is actually a complicated beast, and has driven many a university student to frustration. I have an entire (well-worn) binder full of notes just on soft magnetics.

If you have trouble getting the driver going, let me know. It may be easier starting out just to add an equal (small) amount of inductance in series with both halves of your primary coil (the one that is currently wrapped around the flyback). That would at least show you whether the circuit will still oscillate and limit output loading at the same time. You want to keep the inductances low relative to the flyback primary inductance to start out with, and then increase it for more load limiting. The circuit will work if the driver is just a simple push-pull driver, driven by an external oscillator, but I don't know how a Mazilli driver will behave with the extra inductances in there.

Here's a useful nugget on wire design. Properly spec'd litz wire has an AC resistance that is the same as its DC resistance at a given set of frequencies:

5.jpg - 37kB

I'm going back to school this Fall, so in a couple of weeks I may be a little scarce around here. One can get old, or one can get old and educated. But getting old is pretty much a given either way.

[Edited on 8-15-2014 by WGTR]

woelen - 21-8-2014 at 10:38

The circuit I made is destroyed :( I replaced the fuse and it immediately is blown out again, as soon as I switch on the power supply. Just doing the arcing apparently blew out one of the FETs. I do not understand why, I see videos on Youtube with impressive arcs from 24 V or even 36 V power supplies. I just have 13.8 V. So, the experiment with the inductors in series with the transformer is postponed, I first need to replace the transistor(s). I also need to understand why my circuit is destroyed, while others have impressive results with their circuit.

[Edited on 21-8-14 by woelen]

WGTR - 21-8-2014 at 11:05

When I started in electronics, about 25 years ago, it took me a year or two before I could get a transistor to actually amplify something. I firmly believed that solid state technology was bogus, because it never worked for me. Come to find out, I was consistently hooking the devices up the wrong way every single time. This was before Google, and I was learning things the hard way. I had an old analog voltmeter, a 1930's signal generator, and a vacuum tube oscilloscope that would only work for 30 minutes at a time. Oh, yes, and no money.

Thankfully the situation is different now, but I understand the level of frustration that you're having.

IrC - 21-8-2014 at 12:06

Been there, done that more than I care to admit. Often after 50 or more years working with electronics I still find myself in the been there done that category. However I still refuse to admit it. Or did I in this post?

jpsmith123 - 30-8-2014 at 05:32

I don't know if this could be relevant to your situation, but when I played around with the "Mazzilli driver" circuit, I noticed that it would sometimes power up "the wrong way"; i.e., it would draw current, but it wouldn't oscillate. This would usually happen when I left the circuit connected to my DC power supply and tried to power it up by turning on the DC power supply, rather than by manually connecting one of the leads to the already-powered-up supply.

Apparently the applied voltage needs to ramp up fast for the "classical" Mazzilli circuit, and my power supply output didn't do it fast enough.

Quote: Originally posted by woelen  
The circuit I made is destroyed :( I replaced the fuse and it immediately is blown out again, as soon as I switch on the power supply. Just doing the arcing apparently blew out one of the FETs. I do not understand why, I see videos on Youtube with impressive arcs from 24 V or even 36 V power supplies. I just have 13.8 V. So, the experiment with the inductors in series with the transformer is postponed, I first need to replace the transistor(s). I also need to understand why my circuit is destroyed, while others have impressive results with their circuit.

[Edited on 21-8-14 by woelen]

woelen - 31-8-2014 at 12:34

I indeed powered up the power supply with the circuit already connected. Next time, I will try the other way around with a switch in the wires from power supply to circuit.

Last Friday, a new set of PCBs arrived which allow me to build a ZVS driver with IRFP260s and I now also have good pwdered iron cores for choke between power supply and the rest of the circuit. Everything is available now, so I hope to rebuild a new circuit next week.

The old PCB I will reuse as well, I have some IRF450N transistors as well, I could try these on the old PCB (they are smaller, but they should be good enough for this purpose, they withstand voltages up to 500 V).

woelen - 14-9-2014 at 13:24

I made a completely new ZVS driver with IRFP260s, 5 W 470 Ohm ceramic resistors, 10 kOhm metalfilm resistors, 13 V zener diodes and hand wound choke inductor on yellow/white powdered iron core. I used a flyback transformer (old Nokia thing), with a DC cascade at its output. The result with the new ZVS driver is quite impressive. From a fixed 13.8 V power supply it starts sparking at 2 cm distance! The only strange thing is that I have many fat and very noisy sparks per second from the cascade and not a smooth arc. I think I have 10 or so fat sparks. Probably, the cascade contains a capacitor at its output, which is charged every 100 ms or so.

Anyway, this driver is much better than the previous one. It looks ugly though. The PCB I ordered was not made for the components I used (e.g. the diodes, suggested by IrC have very thick wires, which cannot go through the drilled hole in the PCB, the resistors I have are intended for lying on a PCB, while the PCB is designed for resistors which can stand on the PCB). So, I needed quite a lot of tinkering and improvising before I had a working driver. So, mechanically it is of much less quality, but electrically it is superior.

Btw, I replaced the 470 nF capacitor by a 330 nF one. I don't have 630V 470 nF capacitors anymore, but I have plenty of 330 nF/2 kV and 1 uF/630 V. I chose to take the 330 nF one. I have room left on the PCB to add another one in parallel to the one I already added.

I also noticed that the new circuit uses a remarkably low current. After I switch off my power supply it keeps on sparking for well over a second or so, while the power supply only has a 47000 uF capacitor behind its rectifier. The previous version of the driver immediately stopped generating sparks with the same flyback/cascade device when the power supply was switched off.

[Edited on 15-9-14 by woelen]


seilgu - 24-10-2014 at 00:45

Has anybody found a way to improve the circuit so it doesn't latchup and blow mosfets?

I've built this circuit years ago and it worked fine, recently I brought it out and found that if the power supply doesn't rise fast enough, the circuit latches up and one mosfet conducts heavily, while the other one remains shut off. I'm using a linear benchtop supply so current it limited to 3A and no mosfet were blown.

I'm not sure I understand this circuit correctly. When powered up, the voltage on both mosfets will rise to about 3V, and one of them (A) will start to conduct more first. At this point the current from the power supply will flow both sides, because the capacitor is being charged on the B side. The positive feedback will turn mosfet A fully on, thus shutting mosfet B fully off.

Suppose the B side now charges fully, and current stops flowing into the B side. If the center tap of the inductor is at voltage V, then since mosfet A is at 0V, mosfet B would be at 2V. The current through A side will continue to increase following V = L*dI/dt, until either the supply limits or the inductor saturates.

If the supply is limited, the inductor current will have to come from the B side, thus starting the cycle. However if it is due to saturated inductor, it just means the L value becomes small, thus the supply will have to provide larger dI/dt. Therefore the need for a RFC choke on the supply.

Still can't see why latchup occurs.... :(

Metacelsus - 24-10-2014 at 04:10

I've never had latchup problems on the circuit I built, although I have heard of others having them. They seem to be mitigated by proper gate resistor adjustment. What values of resistors are you using on the MOSFET gates, and how big is your inductor?


seilgu - 24-10-2014 at 06:08

I used a ferrite-core 47uH (marked as that, didn't test). Today I replaced it with higher inductance and the latchup problem is mitigated. If I use a very large inductor it doesn't latchup (but of course it would reduce the power output).

resistor values are as the original, 470 and 10k.

What might be the reason behind this?

[Edited on 24-10-2014 by seilgu]

WGTR - 24-10-2014 at 06:34

Quote: Originally posted by seilgu  
Has anybody found a way to improve the circuit so it doesn't latchup and blow mosfets?

I've built this circuit years ago and it worked fine, recently I brought it out and found that if the power supply doesn't rise fast enough, the circuit latches up and one mosfet conducts heavily, while the other one remains shut off. I'm using a linear benchtop supply so current it limited to 3A and no mosfet were blown.

I'm not sure I understand this circuit correctly. When powered up, the voltage on both mosfets will rise to about 3V, and one of them (A) will start to conduct more first. At this point the current from the power supply will flow both sides, because the capacitor is being charged on the B side. The positive feedback will turn mosfet A fully on, thus shutting mosfet B fully off.

Suppose the B side now charges fully, and current stops flowing into the B side. If the center tap of the inductor is at voltage V, then since mosfet A is at 0V, mosfet B would be at 2V. The current through A side will continue to increase following V = L*dI/dt, until either the supply limits or the inductor saturates.

If the supply is limited, the inductor current will have to come from the B side, thus starting the cycle. However if it is due to saturated inductor, it just means the L value becomes small, thus the supply will have to provide larger dI/dt. Therefore the need for a RFC choke on the supply.

Still can't see why latchup occurs.... :(

I posted something earlier in the thread here:
Successful startup depends on there being a slight difference between the two MOSFETs, with a fast rise time in the power supply voltage. If this is not possible, then noise injected into the gates may be necessary to get it started (hopefully before the device melts down).

What supply voltage are you using? 3V? If so, you need quite a bit more than that, depending on the gate threshold of your MOSFETs. It's possible that one is turning on, while another isn't, due to part variations.

Personally, I prefer designs that consume no power when there is no gate drive. They are much safer.


seilgu - 25-10-2014 at 04:03

There is always going to a slight difference between the MOSFETs, I heard somebody saying that for the noise to start the oscillation, the feedback gain should be larger than 1.
I don't understand how it works tho. Assuming gate A has a noise of exp(-iwt), that would translate to the drain current in the same phase, the gain determined by the V_GS to I_DD diagram in the datasheet of the MOSFET. Now assuming w is the LC tank frequency, that would mean the parallel LC tank looks like a infinite resistance to the exp(-iwt) noise, therefore the gain at mosfet B should be infinite! Why doesn't this start the oscillation?

My supply voltage is slow rising because I manually turn up the regulated voltage. It's well above 3V of course, the supply has a max voltage of ~45V.

I'm looking for some improvements for this circuit, of course one way is to use a 555 timer and if one mosfet latchups too long it would reset the circuit. Since I'm only using it for small powers I don't really need that actually...

Metacelsus - 25-10-2014 at 04:28

You could just put a switch between the supply and the circuit, and turn it on once you've set the voltage.


seilgu - 25-10-2014 at 07:10

That is a solution, but not a robust one.

For example if the load is suddenly changed it might still go into latchup mode. Therefore a protection circuit or a guaranteed oscillating design is still preferred. Also it could save lots of mosfets for newbies..

WGTR - 25-10-2014 at 07:57

On slow power supply ramp up, if both MOSFETs conduct at the same time, the tank circuit is effectively shorted out. This means it has practically no inductance, if the windings are well-coupled. (Temporary) current limiting now depends on the series choke, which will probably saturate more quickly than you can ramp the supply voltage. At that point you have a big, saturated, steaming pile of silicon and ferrite (unless you have a current-limited power supply, under which conditions it merely simmers with mild annoyance).

To make this work, the series choke needs to be able to handle without saturating whatever current the power supply can deliver. Also, the gate drive to both MOSFETs needs to be kept at zero when the device is not oscillating. This latter point is the opposite of how a typical Mazilli driver works, as it supplies gate drive to both devices on power up, and relies on one device out-competing the other to get oscillation going. If oscillation doesn't start, well, then both devices smoke.

Think about this: given that both MOSFETs should be "OFF" when not oscillating, but with the functioning circuit remaining within the design constraints of a Mazilli-type design, could you modify the design to work with, say, a temporary pushbutton that could get the oscillator started? And a circuit that, if it stopped oscillating under load, would allow the gate drive to drift to zero?

seilgu - 25-10-2014 at 10:15

Quote: Originally posted by WGTR  
On slow power supply ramp up, if both MOSFETs conduct at the same time, the tank circuit is effectively shorted out. This means it has practically no inductance, if the windings are well-coupled. (Temporary) current limiting now depends on the series choke, which will probably saturate more quickly than you can ramp the supply voltage. At that point you have a big, saturated, steaming pile of silicon and ferrite (unless you have a current-limited power supply, under which conditions it merely simmers with mild annoyance).

To make this work, the series choke needs to be able to handle without saturating whatever current the power supply can deliver. Also, the gate drive to both MOSFETs needs to be kept at zero when the device is not oscillating. This latter point is the opposite of how a typical Mazilli driver works, as it supplies gate drive to both devices on power up, and relies on one device out-competing the other to get oscillation going. If oscillation doesn't start, well, then both devices smoke.

Think about this: given that both MOSFETs should be "OFF" when not oscillating, but with the functioning circuit remaining within the design constraints of a Mazilli-type design, could you modify the design to work with, say, a temporary pushbutton that could get the oscillator started? And a circuit that, if it stopped oscillating under load, would allow the gate drive to drift to zero?

I don't think there is the remote possibility of both MOSFETs smoking. When one turns on it immediately turns the other off, they can't be on at the same time.
They can't be both off, either. When not oscillating, one is on and the other is off, and it doesn't switch.

The way to get is restarted is for the feedbackloop to have a gain larger than 1 at the desired frequency so that any noise of the frequency will get amplified.
The other way to prevent latchup is to detect latchup either by checking how long the MOSFETs turn on or how hot the thing gets. Although if used with large power supplies, you'd be already too late when it feels hot.

WGTR - 25-10-2014 at 21:50

Quote: Originally posted by seilgu  

I don't think there is the remote possibility of both MOSFETs smoking. When one turns on it immediately turns the other off, they can't be on at the same time.
They can't be both off, either. When not oscillating, one is on and the other is off, and it doesn't switch.

It depends a lot on the ratio of FET "ON" resistance to the tank coil DC resistance. If this ratio is high, then when not oscillating the voltage on both drains will be about equal. If the circuit latches up with one driver off (like you mentioned), then the winding resistance of the tank coil is relatively high (especially since the supply is limited to 3A).

If I understand your previous posts correctly, the power supply goes into current limiting at 3A, supplying 3V when the circuit is latched up. This would imply that there are about 2 ohms DC resistance across the whole winding. Can you measure it?

Quote: Originally posted by seilgu  

The way to get is restarted is for the feedbackloop to have a gain larger than 1 at the desired frequency so that any noise of the frequency will get amplified.
The other way to prevent latchup is to detect latchup either by checking how long the MOSFETs turn on or how hot the thing gets. Although if used with large power supplies, you'd be already too late when it feels hot.

Yes, loop gain greater than +1 is needed for oscillation at the frequency of interest, but when the drivers latch up, the FETs are no longer operating in a linear range. At that point there is practically no small-signal amplification. Thermal noise won't be enough to get it going.

If you want to try getting this to work, I would suggest as a first step to decrease the tank winding resistance enough that both FETs turn on when the circuit is not oscillating, and the drain voltages are approximately equal. Second, add two small inductors in series with either side of the tank coil, with a small percentage of the overall reactance. Thirdly, make sure that none of the magnetics are saturating with your 3A supply.

I'm getting tired enough right now that I am beginning to hallucinate that chipmunks are telling me what to write. That must mean that I need to go to bed.

violet sin - 18-2-2016 at 13:02

So I've been working on a zvs driver myself. Finally decided to put together parts that I bought a few years back not sure if they are all in the same category of power consumption for the proper circuit. Parts are as follows: mosfet- IRFP250N, fast diode- UF4007, zen diode- 1N-5349B, 1uF MKP10 cap 1000-600~, 5w 470 ohm, 1/4w 10k ohm,
download.jpg - 7kB
Ended up copying an online schematic and making my own PCB board. Got everything etched and soldered in place except for the inductor coil. For a non electronics guy some of this stuff is kind of hard to pick up, like figuring out on the parameters to wind your own. I can usually gather enough info just reading online, but lately life gives me my spare time in numerous shorter lengths. While working away I only get to use my cell phone for internet :( Leads to learning simple things many times over, and little time for theory.
IMAG5973.jpg - 959kB
Any suggestions for whether or not the yellow/white T106-26 core would be good? Pretty sure it was from a ATX PSU.
I do have T 106 26 white yellow iron powder core, a few ferrite cores unmarked and bare. I also have three spools of magnet wire from RadioShack the thickest is 22 gauge but I do also have 26 and 30 gauge
IMAG5977.jpg - 896kB
Also, etching.g was done pretty easily. One SOS pad, muriatic acid, little bit of rust and some hydrogen peroxide 3%. The solution was ready in about half an hour, and etched rather rapidly. 10 minutes was almost too long as the traces we're getting undercut.
IMAG5972.jpg - 1.1MB
Any input on the inductor core would be great, so far the online calculators I am seeing say between 38 and 42 raps on the core with the 22 gauge wire that I have( for about 150 uH). But the schematic that I had only states between 47 and 200 Micro Henrys of inductance, is a pretty wide open guess for someone who doesn't have the know-how or eyes for mismatch problem.

I have a fly back to try it on, but will eventually be building an induction heater. I don't reall need big sparks for fun, But melting metal sounds productive :)

IrC - 18-2-2016 at 18:28

100 uH might be fine but safer to go with 150 uH, or you risk the circuit not starting. This can result in the mosfets turned on steady, blowing them. As to the gauge 22 is OK if you do not plan on more than 5 amps DC input. You need to determine what maximum wattage rating you wish to have and go from there as to the chokes current handling ability. If you plan on metal melting you need to go for a kilowatt design at least so your choke would need a better current rating. For example at 24 volts you need a choke able to handle over 42 amperes while being a minimum of 150 uH. I use 100 uH often because I had a good quantity but I have turned it on and blown mosfets a few times. I do not know why they would have given a range as low as 47 uH, unless they also make a living selling parts. Keep in mind the choke must handle whatever total current you will see and if I had to pick a minimum inductance it would be around 120 uH to guarantee starting every time power is applied. The yellow core shown should be fine for what you are doing right now. You want a core large enough to take enough turns at the wire size you choose to reach the required inductance, and consider in high power designs core saturation. I should also mention you can reduce the current requirement if you operate at higher voltages such as 48 volts instead of 24. However you must consider shrapnel protection from exploding parts, the circuit starts to become really dangerous as you operate on higher voltages. You mention 1 uF, I found better efficiency at 0.33 to 0.66 uF for the circuits I built operating under 1KW. Be sure to over rate the voltage, this component likes to explode. I have had them sound like a shotgun blast leaving dents in shielding. Very dangerous especially in the 50 volt and higher power input range.

violet sin - 19-2-2016 at 00:29

Thanks for the help there IrC, much appreciated. I cut wire to the specs of the coil calculator and came up a couple turns shy of the 150uH rating. ~135 as it was two turns under 150 and two turns over 120. By online calculator, my multimeter isn't that multiple in function :( soon enough.

It's all wound, soldered, the 5+5 on fly back done... Be home tomorrow to throw it on a power supply :)

Then on to the next planning stage, the induction heater. Side note, solder or flux seems to be eating my irons rather rapidly. Butane one I've had for years and a new harbor freight one see damage immediately. Not a fan of that.

IrC - 19-2-2016 at 11:25

Should be adequate inductance. As to soldering get used to it, welcome to the 21st century. Organic fluxes that smell like burning antifreeze stripping metal off the tips, crappy non lead solder, tips made so cheap its infuriating. 40 years ago I could leave my 33 watt Ungar with Iron clad tip (and I mean nice thick plating) running 24/7 for months never needing to change a tip. Or heater for that matter, even they are now so poor quality they fail in very short times. In the past avoiding thermal cycling I could get a tip to last through several 1 lb rolls of 0.032 and 0.044 64/37 rosin core and have had heaters last a decade. In fact one I bought in 1984 burned out just last year. Same with the desoldering heads. Instead of a year or two now I'm lucky if one lasts 3 months. Now I only have one on when using it since the heaters and tips I like best are getting harder to find. Add to that solder that fails to flow nicely and quickly to avoid foil lifting on ever thinner traces (cheap bastards saving Cu costs), and joints that crystallize easily. If I had known the future I would have bought enough supplies back in the 70's to last until I became too feeble to work anymore. One other consideration: use a variable supply and start low around 10 or 12 volts. The efficiency of this design is so high you can easily destroy your fly-back transformer if you are not careful. Better to work your way up to the maximum voltage.

violet sin - 23-2-2016 at 14:58

I've been totally baffled, everything was soldered, checked.powered up and NOTHING! 're-checked, hair pulled out, hours of pouring over the net... Took some of the spare parts and wired up the bare lead (no PCB) version seen online, NOTHING! Removed one primary winding off each side, nope, wound on heavier solid wire on another fly back, nada. More of the same, reading, checking, polarity, all diodes checked after dissasembly, all fine. So I measured to see I'd the 470 ohm 5W resistors had taken a beating before I put them away,.. set multimeter to 2000ohm setting, ol reading?? So I thought wow, it got destroyed, scaled up meter setting to see what was going on... 470 "K" ohm !?!?! F-u eBay, just F-u... Not the first time I've gotten wrong bits.

Best to keep on top of those guys,.and measure everything you get. Well, now I have one taken apart, and one MOSTLY still on its PCB. Need some correct power resistors... Kinda pissed, but better to know. Check back in when it's sorted

Metacelsus - 23-2-2016 at 16:31

That's why I use Digikey instead of eBay (which is just too unreliable). At least the bad resistors didn't cause any other components to fail.

WGTR - 23-2-2016 at 17:38

Unfortunately, I can see from the pictures that you do in fact have 470k resistors. Look at the bright side: you already have a pair of 470k parts for something else! They don't go bad sitting in the junk box.

I looked at a data sheet for the capacitor that you have: It's rated for pulse applications, but information about its RMS current handling capability isn't given. I use these types of capacitors for general medium current RF applications: Notice in the data sheet that information about IRMS is given for each part. Even better, this figure is given for 100kHz, which is likely close to what you'll be using.

The current circulating in the capacitors can be much higher than the current coming from the power supply. This is because an LC circuit can store energy. A general rule of thumb is to calculate the impedance of the capacitor at the frequency you intend to use it at, and divide it into the maximum operating voltage across the capacitor. This gives a value for the amperage circulating in the LC circuit. From there, you can refer to the data sheet to determine how many capacitors you need in parallel to keep this part of the circuit from blowing up. Whatever the maximum voltage is across the caps, make sure that their voltage rating is at least double that for safety. I'm engaging in a bit of hand-waving here, but hopefully this provides some help for the capacitor selection.

Good job on the PCB, by the way.

violet sin - 23-2-2016 at 20:39

I have 10 of the 470KΩ resistors, 20x 4007 fast diodes, 10 IRFP205N, 5x IN5349b zener-d, 2 of those caps ordered almost 2 years ago, and a pile of various bits ripped off boards that weren't new. have a pile of the big microwave caps, at least 6. a number of other much smaller MKP caps/a fist full of several KV range ceramic caps.

then on the way are some
MOSFET IRFP460N x10, IN4742 12V 1W zener x10, IN4767 18V 1W zener x20, IN5822 3A 40V schotkeys x20, for the heck of it :) considered getting 2x tiny 12v fans, like the size of a US penny,... but 16$ free shipping will have to wait :( would look cool on the green heatsinks

I'm hoping to get more time to read on something bigger than my phone... sux only having one page open, reloading any tab every time you swap to another one open, on such a small screen. it makes learning stuff like this FRUSTRATING!!! also my father is a ham operator, and can give some advice, if the concept is similar to his past projects ill get answers. though most my projects bear little resemblance to his.

I've come to the conclusion I just need to start an electronics notebook to go with my chem one. much nicer to find last times notes in one spot not peppered with random junk unrelated. I have a number of decent books at my disposal, have to dig them out. many are either WAY to simplified, or over my head. high school electronics was long ago, time to get back to it eh.
I really appreciate the help here guys, been trying to do my homework and testing before posting more questions. it's the practical knowledge I want. guess it's time to read up and wait for the mail. thanks

Edited in some pics

IMAG6043.jpg - 1.4MB IMAG6044.jpg - 866kB IMAG6047.jpg - 1020kB IMAG6046.jpg - 932kB
1)Some of the parts recently ripped off boards.
2)weird diode
3) 3 transformers from the same board, had a pile of 2.2kv ceramic caps too
4) sintered glass diodes, byv76, byw 34-tfk, some with 228-ph end. Kinda cool, haven't seen them often.

[Edited on 24-2-2016 by violet sin]

woelen - 24-2-2016 at 13:47

My ZVS driver never was pushed to the limit. It only has seen 13.8 Volts at input, simply because I have no other sufficiently powerful supply.

I found the following on eBay in increasing price:

These all are 24 volts units, capable of delivering large currents of 15 ... 20 A. Could these be used safely with the ZVS-driver? These are switched power supplies. My 13.8 V unit is a big and heavy transformer, with a simple 4-diode rectifier, a huge 47000 uF capacitor bank, a handful of big 2N3055 transistors and a LM723 regulator circuit. Very robust old technology, which can withstand quite some abuse.

I once made a nice 12 V and 5 V power supply from a PC's ATX power supply:

This thing worked very well for electrolysis experiments and was very robust in terms of overloading it with low resistance or even shorting it, but when I did my first high voltage experiments with a small 15 kV DC power supply, salvaged from an old monitor, it quickly died. I did only draw a few hundreds of milliamps from the 12 V terminal. I am afraid that some low power, but high voltage statics destroyed some sensitive CMOS circuit in the power supply. Could this also happen when I want to use the 24 volt unit with switched regulator for my ZVS driver?

IrC - 24-2-2016 at 15:08

While yes it is possible you could hurt one with transients from the ZVS I doubt you will have any problems so long as you stay within the current ratings of the supply. You could if concerned build some sort of spike suppressing circuit on the DC input side of the ZVS to help protect the supply but I really doubt you have to worry.

WGTR - 24-2-2016 at 16:26

Quote: Originally posted by woelen  
This thing worked very well for electrolysis experiments and was very robust in terms of overloading it with low resistance or even shorting it, but when I did my first high voltage experiments with a small 15 kV DC power supply, salvaged from an old monitor, it quickly died. I did only draw a few hundreds of milliamps from the 12 V terminal. I am afraid that some low power, but high voltage statics destroyed some sensitive CMOS circuit in the power supply. Could this also happen when I want to use the 24 volt unit with switched regulator for my ZVS driver?

I've done it before myself. I was powering a circuit that created high energy transients, and managed to break two expensive power supplies, even though I had the outputs current limited. There were some transistors inside that shorted out; once these were replaced, everything worked fine again (but I didn't use them again for that ill-fated application). If enough high frequency noise makes it back into the power supply, these kinds of things can happen.

As IrC mentioned, it's possible to filter out the noise. The exact filter network requirements depend a lot on how fast things are switching, and how much energy is involved.

WGTR - 24-2-2016 at 16:34

Violet sin, it looks like you took apart a UPS. I recognize some of the silicon and magnetics. Those glass diodes are actually pretty useful for high voltage work. They are avalanche diodes, and are designed to survive over-voltage events that would destroy ordinary diodes. Basically, they are like high voltage zener diodes. You can safely stack several of them in series to get higher voltage ratings, like when you're trying to rectify high voltages.

IrC - 24-2-2016 at 16:45

Forgot to mention woelen but get the largest supply if it is within your budget. Better to have too many potential amps and not need them. You may later scale up some project forcing you to yet again go shopping. Most importantly a supply loafing outlasts one running at the edge, and if you blow it you will now have paid nearly double the cost of the larger supply. Since if the first purchase failed, you must add that loss in money to the price of the larger replacement supply. Far cheaper to pay a little more in the beginning and not need to go shopping later.

violet sin - 9-3-2016 at 19:48

not much love from my project :( just got in some lower watt zeners 12/18v, the right 2W resistors, IFRP460's and some other non related bits.

I tried with the correct value resistors, but perhaps some of the components were more damaged than my multimeter led me to believe? no arc's issued forth, no hum of flowing electricity, but no smoke/heat either. all ambient temp. just does NOTHING. ATX PSU isnt dropping dead when connected, measured correct voltage on rail so no Vdroop, quick amperage test showed pleny( and quickly warmed test leads). next up is winding a better inductor with thick wire, looking for better caps, and redesigning my PCB ( the main reason it's unattended ATM ). not that this one is bad, just want a batter parts packing geometry for an easily packaged unit. a guy doesn't need too many 'random bits on board' type projects dumped in a box for use *sometime* in the future.

there is a LOT to learn about the various semiconductor parts available... soo much reading. projects on the table now are LED desk lamp(95% done), some sort of power supply to take abuse ( instead of the 70$ ebay unit I love), understanding and attempting to build my own custom LED driver for nightlights.

basically my time now is spent on electronics projects and research, instead of chem. got a note book for documenting the process, starting from small simple units around the house and from ebay. 200W scr dimmer, CFL bulbs, 3w led driver, motion detector light sensor, kids toys etc. sketch the circuit, read, understand and fix if possible. if not you learn stuff. then I will get back to the harder stuff like the stepper driver I failed miserably on.

just easier for me to mess with electronics right now then chem it up at home, and I always went back and forth any way every couple months or so.

funny little side note, I tried to get a spec sheet for an 8-pin BP9011 chip(on the 3x 1W CC LED driver) from an alexpres seller. the part is not listed in any datasheet search engine, assuming it is a generic overseas chip name instead of the proper manufacturer designation. anyway, he quoted me 10$ ea for the chips, couldn't provide a spec sheet and said only "if the part number is the same it will work".. meanwhile the whole led driver costs 1-2$ US on ebay with free shipping, LOL . they do have great prices on triac's of considerable power though :)

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