Currently, I'm trying to reproduce a pool chemical, "BioGuard Mineral Springs Renewal" because the price of it is outrageous, $40USD/4lb bag, one bag
per week. I found the MSDS online and it lists all of the ingredients with a range of percentages(it doesn't list that the remainder is sodium
chloride but I know that from the package). However, some of the percentages range as much as 20% by weight, is this the allowable range, or is this
to prevent people from reproducing it?
Do you have any of the product currently? Maybe you could buy a bag and attempt to analyze it, still save money in the long run. Besides, there might
be more ingredients. Those are just the so-called "hazardous components." There may be more than just sodium chloride making up the remainder.gdflp - 26-6-2014 at 08:20
I already bought a bag and it list the ingredients as sodium bisulfate, sodium chloride, boron salt, organic acid, and aluminum salt.vmelkon - 26-6-2014 at 13:48