Sciencemadness Discussion Board

crystals in gel

CHRIS25 - 5-5-2014 at 02:49

Half way down growing crystals in gel - step 6 in this list is a mystery. "The gel will set in minutes if put into hot water" - well I know that, but this has no part in the instructions, earlier he tells you to put a beaker on a hot plate with for hot water. But I have read through this with a fine tooth-coombe and this beaker of hot water plays no part? You add silicate to acetic which has the lead acetate trihydrate and the add zinc at the end, but it all goes into a test tube, or whatever. So what on earth is the comment in step 6 for? Can anyone make sense of this?

Varmint - 5-5-2014 at 03:25

Get a new comb!

It says prepare a beaker of water for a hot water BATH.

The presumption in step 6 is, you understand what a bath is, and place the tube in the bath.

Seriously. It could have been written better, but to be confused about it for so long that you had time to post about it might be a signal that you are so far out of your element that the only successes you will have will be with 100% hand-holding at each step.

That's fine, don't get me wrong, but also know this is no time for experimentation on your own.

CHRIS25 - 5-5-2014 at 03:43

Slow on the uptake in the way something is written doe not indicate that your judgement about me is accurate. So I do appreciate your reply and am thankful for pointing out my oversight....but please remember that you never know about whom you have assumed an opinion.

Varmint - 5-5-2014 at 03:47

LOL, I just figured so many here missed bfessers abuse so I thought I'd write it the way he would.

Have a great day.


CHRIS25 - 5-5-2014 at 04:05

Well, that's ok. I mean when I buy furniture from the IKEA I can never follow the instructions, my wife does all the assembly because I get so frustrated. Yet I build tables and even an open shed and other things no trouble, and I never plan anything with instructions, I just do scribbles, visualize and build, strange as that may sound.