Quote: Originally posted by Turner  | Ral, Ph of 7 can be achieved or very close with EGDN and sodium bicarb, why would it not? EGDN is already slightly soluble in water, no acetone needed
to dissolve it, with a good amount of water, plenty of rinsing I say sure you could get neutral EGDN w/out acetone.
This is the second inaccurate post I've seen from you, last time you were saying max density ETN needs a 5-10g booster just because you found the
cast bit in a straw did not detonate. This is wrong, ETN cast in small amounts just simply may not detonate, or poor detonation because of CD
limitations and critical mass to some degree.
[Edited on 11-3-2014 by Turner] |
I agree, achieving neutral Ph with just water and NaHCO3 is theoretically possible, it's just that I haven't been able to do it and haven't heard of
someone who did.
For the max density ETN, I said cast ETN, max density would be even worse. I said I recommend 5-10g high power pressed crystalline material. If C4 can
be set off by a det cord, why won't cast ETN be initiated efficiently with modern No8 cap. It's just that I've made more then 4 tests with cast ETN
and I've never got good results. In one of the tests, the diameter was about 9mm, initiation was azide-Tetryl-ETN in larger amounts then in cap No8
and aluminium confinement. There's also a video of 300g ETN/NG failure due to poor initiator design. |