Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Excellent site ( to get free ebooks and journal articles

mohsinalmighty - 7-3-2014 at 06:43

Hello Everyone,
I came across one excellent site wherein we can get free ebooks and journal articles.
This site has dedicated request zone with very active moderators and users practically having access to almost all the journals and ebooks available on internet.
In my experience, average time taken for solving request is less than 30 minutes.
If you need electronic scientific resource do visit this site.

Name of the site is:

Have a look at the website. Hope it would be useful in your research.

Cheers. :)

[Edited on 7-3-2014 by mohsinalmighty]

macckone - 7-3-2014 at 18:20

Site registration isn't working correctly

mohsinalmighty - 7-3-2014 at 20:47

Hi mackone,
I inquired with site admin, they said system is not taking some non-conventional email addresses because registration server is filtering them as spam emails. They are going to fix it.
Meanwhile if you have standard conventional email like,, then try registering with them. Trust me you'll love this site. It has very rich resources.

macckone - 7-3-2014 at 21:16

I used
That is a standard e-mail.

mohsinalmighty - 8-3-2014 at 04:12

Hi mackone,
Try it now.
It should work now.
Site co0ordinator said that problem has been resolved. Cheers. :)

brayight - 17-3-2014 at 03:57

I'd like to add this one here:

lots of stats & facts concidering Chemicals and other resources...pretty usefull

macckone - 17-3-2014 at 05:54

Site review:
Registration is a pain in the A$&.
It has too many annoying ads, for example a non-dismissable one
in the lower corner that takes up substantial space and 'floats'.
The amount of information related to chemistry is relatively low
at the moment. For example a search of 'inorganic' returns zero hits.
The site appears to be mostly passwords which do not currently
appear to be substantially useful to chemistry.
As the site appears to be new, I expect it will improve.
I would wait to join if I were contemplating it a second time.

macckone - 12-4-2014 at 19:10

Prior registration is not working now.
Site hasn't provided me with anything useful yet.
They supposedly have a bunch of ezproxys but
if you have to keep re-registering it is useless.

nani1972 - 26-6-2014 at 05:02

I was already registered on the site and I had bought credits to use. However, 10 days ago I can't even access the page with the forbidden access message (error 403) and secure server through port 80.
I've sent several messages to the administrator unanswered.
What is happening?
In fact the site is very good, but I'm disappointed.

Error message Knowledge4u.jpg - 106kB