ScienceHideout - 5-3-2014 at 17:10
Hello everyone!
I got some pvc primer from DoIt, and the container says it contains acetone, THF, MEK, and cyclohexanone. I am fractionally distilling it as we speak.
I slowly heated it until the thermometer at the top read 56 C, the boiling point of acetone. It stayed constant for a long time, then the drops ceased
so I cranked up the temperature. As we speak, the still's temp reads 63 C, and a BUNCH of liquid is coming out. I thought it is THF... but then I
tested it for a ketone by adding NaOH and iodine, and CHI3 formed ... Does THF
form an azeotrope with anything else? THere is no contaminates that I can think of! Why is there a ketone there?
By the way, is there a way to qualitatively test for THF?
P.S. I am distilling over ferrous sulfate to avoid peroxides
Magpie - 5-3-2014 at 19:01
This may be of use: