Sciencemadness Discussion Board

How to calculate the energy content of different explosives

Solomon - 29-12-2013 at 22:32

I assumed you could use the kinetic energy equasion however, I calculated the energy of 1kg of TNT using this and the result was inaccurate although close. Does anyone know how to calculate the energy of an explosive?

Dany - 30-12-2013 at 03:43

Your Question is not very clear. what do you mean by the energy content of explosive? if you mean the heat of formation (in kj or kcal/kg), this can be calculated using quantum chemical method or by empirical method such as formulas based on stoichiometry or group addidivity method.

if by energy of an explosive you mean the heat release when explosive detonate or heat of detonation (Q), this can be easily calculated for CHNO type explosive using the method of Kamlet-Jacobs. In the attached file you will find an article for calculating the heat of formation for energetic materials (using stochiometry). Also attached is the original report of Kamlet-Jacobs shows the calculation of the heat of detonation (Q) on page 13 and 14. you must calculate Narb and Marb in one hand and having the heat of formation on the other hand, Q can be easily calculated by equation (15b), see page 14.

I don't know what is the kinetic energy equation you used, and to what data you compared your result so you conclude that it is inacurate.


Attachment: Prediction of the condensed phase heat of formation of energetic (1.1MB)
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[Edited on 30-12-2013 by Dany]

Marvin - 30-12-2013 at 05:17

I think Solomon is entering the detonation velocity into the kinetic energy equation. You would expect these results to be a similar order of magnitude, the speed at which the molecules can move is a big factor but it's more complicated.

Dany - 30-12-2013 at 05:19

yes but energy of explosive is different from detonation velocity although the two are related.


plante1999 - 30-12-2013 at 05:27

I think he means the power of an energetic material in a theoretically perfect detonation.