Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Accelaration ability of (P)ETN

Gargamel - 18-11-2013 at 05:25

Imagine the following setup:

#(P)ETN is compressed to a density at wich it will reach a final velocity of maybe 7000m/s, after a certain runup distance.

#critical diameter is exceeded

#a shockwave from a primary enters the (P)ETN with a velocity of maybe 2000m/s.

The question is:
How long, or more practical, what distance does it need for the (P)ETN to accelerate to it's final velocity?

I know this depends on more factors, but can anyone provide or cite some information on that, to get some approximate values?

Dany - 18-11-2013 at 06:39

This can be obtained by performing a test called the wedge test, see "LLNL Explosives Handbook: Properties of chemical explosives and explosive simulants (revision 1, 1972), section 9-30 under "Initial Shock Pressure".


[Edited on 18-11-2013 by Dany]