Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Possible opportunity for univ lab equipment Nottingham,UK

phlogiston - 16-9-2013 at 12:55

Many of you will have seen the periodic table of videos channel on youtube.

They posted a video on their upcoming move to a new lab, and (as they also mention in the video), they take the opportunity to discard old equipment and chemicals.

Perhaps someone living in the area might want to contact them to see if would be willing to part with some of their old equipment to help an enthousiastic amateur scientist out. I have no idea if they will, but just thought some of you might be interested to try.

Perhaps, with that professors background/history and friendly character, I would not be very surprised if he was positive about people experimenting (responsibly) at home.

I occasionally received interesting discarded equipment from university labs myself. Mostly, all you have to do is ask kindly when they are cleaning up/discarding stuff anyway, and most professors/lab people will understand your enthousiasm and be very helpful/generous.

sonogashira - 17-9-2013 at 05:04

I would imagine that a university would be far too concerned with proper disposal to go handing out chemicals to strangers with a sob story, but I may be wrong. Some universities sell off glassware on ebay, though.

confused - 17-9-2013 at 05:19

i doubt the will hand out the chemicals to anyone who asks...the equipment though, it might be more likely for them to give it away

bfesser - 17-9-2013 at 05:33

I think they'd be more willing to hand out chemicals than most people suspect. Especially when they don't have to pay for proper disposal.

Finnnicus - 17-9-2013 at 06:46

Particularly if you come confidently, as both a scientist and a viewer of Haran's work.

DJF90 - 17-9-2013 at 10:17

I highly doubt you'll get chemicals or equipment. Some institutes don't even sell excess/old equipment, it just goes in the skip. Even giving it to less wealthy universities is not considered. There are worries that if a certain piece of equipment was used for an act of terrorism or illegal drug manufacture, and it is discovered the piece in question originated from university xyz, then all hell would break loose. As much as it annoys me, I can kinda see where they're coming from. Everything where I was ended up in the skip. Where I was I saw an. old hivac (edwards speedyvac) and an automatic polarimeter in the skip. If I had a car and wasnt so afraid of the repercussions, I would have certainly rescued these items.

And under COSHH guidelines, the chemicals have to be disposed of by an authorised/licensed waste disposal company.

[Edited on 17-9-2013 by DJF90]

DraconicAcid - 17-9-2013 at 10:19

Then go check out the skip around the university.