Reverend Necroticus Rex - 4-9-2004 at 14:37
Just lately, I have noticed a few times when the forum seems to be down, only for ten-15 minutes or so, usually less, does is anyone aware of a
problem, or is this just at my end?
Irritating huh?
Hermes_Trismegistus - 4-9-2004 at 15:20
happens often, but since I don't pay the rent here it seems rude to complain
BromicAcid - 4-9-2004 at 15:45
Usually it tells me the attempts to contact sciencemadness have timed out, today I got "Unable to find domain" and I just
went "Uh oh..." so I was relieved when it was here a half hour later.
Polverone - 4-9-2004 at 16:52
This sort of brief outage used to happen frequently. I hadn't noticed it for quite some time though until a month or less ago. I don't know
what causes it, though I agree it's annoying.
Dodoman - 5-9-2004 at 01:33
It happened a few times while i was posting replies. I thought my browser had a bug or something . I uninstalled it and re-installed it.