Zinc does not work as anode, nor does tin. Really, you only have very few options:
- platinum, useful for making perchlorate from chlorate. Do not use for making chlorate from chloride!
- MMO, perfect for making chlorate from chloride, not useful for making perchlorate.
- PbO2, can be used for making perchlorate, to some extent also suitable for making chlorate.
- graphite, useful for making chlorate from chloride, but messy (slowly erodes, giving black crud in your solution).
Metals like tin, lead, zinc, aluminium, titanium, silver, tungsten, and so on either quickly dissolve or passivate. MMO anodes are affordable, PbO2
anodes apparently can be made at home, but I have no experience with that and this is not something for the unexperienced, due to the need to work
with large amounts of very toxic chemicals. Making perchlorates at home hardly is an option, unless you intend to use a large amount of them. I only
needed small quantities for little experiments and then it is better to simply buy them. If you are into pyrotechnics and use kilos per year, then it
may be worth investing in platinum anodes and use those to make perchlorate from chlorate. |