Sciencemadness Discussion Board


bfesser - 18-2-2013 at 12:31

Am I just imagining things, or are a lot of people around here being a little touchy as of late. I've noticed unnecessary hostility, contradiction, and combativeness. It's probably just in my head. But, aren't we all here to participate in a collaborative and welcoming environment where we can share our knowledge and experience and benefit from that of others? <strong><em>Science!</em></strong>

Yes, I know. I'm as guilty of it as anyone. I was exceptionally depressed early last month; and regrettably I took it out on nora_summers in the TurdRage thread.

Bot0nist - 18-2-2013 at 12:34

I would agree. I am back from a few months away from the board and things seem a bit touchy. May just be me though, as well, since the real world has been a bit unkind to me as of late. Anyways, I missed this place, even the asses. ;)

[Edited on 19-2-2013 by Bot0nist]

hissingnoise - 18-2-2013 at 13:06

Er . . . I find flamewars entertaining ─ but then, my screws are loose . . .

Wizzard - 18-2-2013 at 13:18

Might be all that frastrating SPAM and "hey do my homework for me"/"I want to make AP but all I have is my mom's cookware and I want to blow things up" crowd building tensions ;)

Vargouille - 18-2-2013 at 13:23


A derogatory snarl word in the opening post of a thread that seeks to eschew hostility? A welcome sentiment, but in poor form.

Magpie - 18-2-2013 at 14:50

I've been wanting to use this little guy but so far have restrained myself:

baby-eating-from-spoon-007.jpg - 19kB

jock88 - 18-2-2013 at 17:06

"Am I just imagining things, or are a lot of people around here being a little touchy as of late"

Never heard such nonsence in all me life.
Pull yourself together bfessor (like a pair of curtains) FFS.

"I would agree....., I missed this place, even the asses. "

STAY AWAY FROM MY ASS Bot, ya big queer.

" Er . . . I find flamewars entertaining ─ but then, my screws are loose . . ."

LOOSE Hiss Huh? Ther'y all long gone!
Or is it the 16 kids you wife has had..............(no need for that one probably)

" A derogatory snarl word in the opening post of a thread that seeks to eschew hostility? A welcome sentiment, but in poor form."

Shut up Vargouilla , ya inarticulate twit. (cant spel that one)

" Might be all that frastrating SPAM .."

It's the horse meat ya bluddy egit

The picture at the bottom is the type of half baked inaccuracy we have come to expect from yourself Magpie.
There is NO evidence to suggest that the 'little guy' is not using the spoon HIMSELF (or indeed herself).

BTW. I hope no one took offence for me calling the guy who purchased a load of stuff off of Craigs list a JAMMY BASTARD.
It's actually a semi endearing term.

Have a great day

Bot0nist - 18-2-2013 at 18:34

Is that rant considered satirical humor, or ironic comedy. I get my literary terms mixed up, but either way, it wasnt lost on me.

plante1999 - 18-2-2013 at 18:34

I have observed some hostility recently, much like most of us I guess.

I can find two reason, that, in my opinion, are a possible cause of the hostilities. First, most of the recent thread are non-instructive, beginner related, or even worst. One another cause could be the fact that newer member do not respect veterans of this board lately, and are very arrogant about with them. I can think of a some member with 20> post, most of them non-instructive, actively arguing with Old-school member.

In my opinion, the cause of the hostilities are due to newer member, in a variety of fashion. If there was a veteran only section, the posts in it would be probably a lot less prone to be hostile.

It is very probable that someone (newer member) will quote me and argue about what I said, but in these recent months, it is the only way to send a message.

[Edited on 19-2-2013 by plante1999]

Bot0nist - 18-2-2013 at 18:48

Non-aculterated, new members will always be distruptive or at least annoying in any forum, or any analogous social systems for that matter. The ones that can't or wont mesh will usually go on one way or another. The rest (some) make good members after they get into the vibe a bit.
It can get annoying though. Staying level headed is best, I'm sure. Not that im always an example of this, by far. I once politely told a new member to kill himself for asking spoonfeeding for super opiods.
I was having a rough day at work.

No excuse though. I shall strive to be better from here on out. ;)

[Edited on 19-2-2013 by Bot0nist]

watson.fawkes - 19-2-2013 at 06:27

There's always a fluctuation in newcomers who are not yet acculturated here, and while there have been more than usual recently, it doesn't seem all that much out of the ordinary.

Overall, though, things have been improving over time here. There's more focus on science and less on extraneous topics of all sorts. There are lots of people questioning newcomers about their scientific interest in what they're asking, which has either (1) steered folks toward a scientific bent when before they were not, or (2) chased folks away with fundamentally no interest in the science itself. Both of these are good results, and it has improved the tenor of the board notably over the last couple of years.

Along these lines, there are occasions when there's more fractiousness, but I have to say the number of members here who are ordinarily emotionally abusive, that is as something of a default setting, has become rather small. Most have left, and the few that used to be have changed their behavior.

This board has really come to stand for a shared interest in science, and that's a Good Thing, because it allows people to cooperate who might not otherwise be able to do so.

bfesser - 19-2-2013 at 11:18

Negativity is another term that comes to mind. I guess I'm just getting a little tired of having people knit-pick every little typographic error, being called a hypocrite for things that were clearly written in jest, or having people overreact and become 'offended' for really pathetic reasons. Personally, I actually post less than half the responses and topics that I write. Most of them, I finish writing, and then just hit the back button or move on to reading something else. I feel like I may as well not bother with the half that I actually post.

I'm also sick of people (especially offline) claiming to be offended by every little thing. Get over yourselves. :P

[WARNING! Pointless rambling follows:]
I do, however, understand if someone is genuinely offended by one of my jokes... like the one about the ham sandwich... or Jesus biting his nails... or what you get when you stick a knife up a *****self-censored*****... or how they separate the men from the boys in the Italian army...

Bot0nist - 19-2-2013 at 12:03

The hypocrite remark was not ment to be taken to heart bfesser. I just thought it odd the joke thread was to crude for you, as I have always enjoyed your off colour humor. Not trying to be nit picky at you.

hissingnoise - 19-2-2013 at 12:16

─ bfesser, since you started the thread one might be forgiven for assuming you're not quite the pachyderm you'd have us believe . . .
As for nit-picking grammatical errors, I'm a full-blown 'grammar nazi' and would like nothing better than to correct all errors when and where I find them!

bfesser - 19-2-2013 at 17:11

<strong>Bot0nist</strong>, no worries. I enjoy contradictions, and constantly create them myself. The joke thread wasn't too crude for me. I enjoyed that video as much as the next man! ;)

<strong>hissingnoise</strong>, I love pointing out those errors as much (if not more) than the next person. But I usually try to reserve correction for asshat cooks and can't-be-bothered-to-use-the-shift-key-for-chemical-element-symbols twits asking for spoon-feeding. I'm just a little grumpy that <strong>IrC</strong> caught me missing a typo. ;)

Bot0nist - 19-2-2013 at 20:10

I dont like reading glaring errors either, but I cant say much about them because I have become reliant on spell check. Maybe my vocabulary increased faster than my spelling ability. That, and using it often may be debilitating, kind of like using a GPS in your car all the time may make you worse at remembering directions. For the last several months I have been stuck using this crappy phone's browser to post, and it has no spell check, so many of my posts look like shit. I am really suprised I havnt been called on it or corrected more often. You and hiss could surely have a field day.

As far as the hostility and negativity; after reading watson's post I looked through detritus and some of my old posts, and remembered that it used to be a lot worse. The days of dawson/holmes trolling and flaming all over, many argumentative members constanly derailing topics, excessive religious and political battles, and rampant "ad hominem" attacks. All of these things still exist to some extent here, of course, but upon further consideration I am now of the thought that SciMad has improved and evolved in the right direction.

bfesser - 28-2-2013 at 12:45

A concept I try to keep in mind:

<strong><em>Attack the argument, not the arguer.</em></strong>

(Then, once you've utterly destroyed their argument, leaving it in tatters, feel free to insult them personally.)

It's kind of like "Don't shoot the messenger!"