Coincidentally, there is another reason I am interested in NaClO and HOCl. I am pursuing an effective way of recovering ultra fine gold from a bench
of clay.
There is a method that was used right up until the late 1890's that involved chlorine, both in hypochlorite and gas form. From what I can gather, Cl2
gas was pressurised into vessels of ore and water at 60 psi. I believe hypochlorous acid was made this way. It also seems that the higher the
percentage of HOCl present, the faster gold went into solution as a chloride.
Cl2 + H2O = HOCl + HCl
Because it made HCl, I would think the ph would be lowered slightly here. Interestingly, the OCl/HOCl shift mandated by ph will have the ratio of HOCl
to OCl at 100%/0% at a ph of 5.
The other recovery method I read about involved the manufacture of what was called a "chlorine solution" from the electrolysis of salt water. Read the
following article from the 1890's and tell me what you think. If what you say is true, the solution would have been far too basic to allow any HOCl to
be present. It is possible they were adjusting the ph with HCl and the author was unaware of this. Also, do you think it possible they were making
sodium chlorate (NaClO3)? I know that if the temperature of the electrolysis chamber gets over 50° C. it will stop producing NaClO and produce
NaClO3. Would it be just as or more effective at putting gold into solution? Anyways, here is the article:
Electrolytic Precipitation of Gold
In order to perform the electrolytic precipitation of gold, from the filtration vessel the gold chloride solution was conducted into the outer or
battery jar of an electrolytic cell. The electrode of the outer cell was connected with the negative pole of a dynamo and the electrode on the inner
cell was connected with positive pole or terminal of the dynamo. The gold solution was sent into the jar near the bottom and slowly circulated
upwards, and at the same time a current of electricity was passes through the cell. When the reaction was produced, the gold chloride was decomposed
and felt like a shower of fine spangles to the bottom, while the liberated chlorine passed into the inner cell where it was absorbed by the water
circulating and formed a chlorine solution.
The receiver was charged with chlorine solution generated by the electrolysis of salt. The unit comprised a battery, a conductor from the electrode in
the large battery jar to the negative pole of the electrical generator, the conductor from the electrode in the porous cell to the positive pole of
the generator, a reservoir containing a saturated solution of sodium chloride, which passed to the battery through a pipe and a reservoir containing
water connected by a pipe with a porous cell.
In order to treat the ore more effectually with the chlorine solution it was advantageous to expel the air from the chlorinator. For this purpose the
chlorinator was provided with a valve, so that the air contained in the chlorinator passed out as the chlorine solution passed in. the valve was
closed immediately the air was expelled. The chlorinator after disconnected was slowly revolved by means of a pulley and strap from an engine, or in
other suitable way until the gold was dissolved as a gold chloride. The time required for treatment in the chlorinator varied from one to two hours
according to the characteristics of the gold ore treated. The ore and solution were discharged into a suitable filtration vessel placed beneath the
chlorinator. The vessel was a shallow vat constructed of oak or other material, the lower part was made cone-shaped and of the same capacity of the
The vat was closed by a cover bolted down. In the center of the cover there was hopper-shaped inlet for receiving the ore and solution from the
chlorinator. A perforated diaphragm covered with asbestos cloth, over which was advantageously placed a layer of other suitable filtration media such
as ground asbestos, which was fixed from one to two inches below the top of the vat. The gold chloride was washed out of the ore by a stream of water
from a tank. The water entered the vat through a pipe at the lowest part and percolated upwards through the ore until the gold content in the solution
was extremely low. It was important to take samples of the solution to determine the presence of gold. A sliding door in the bottom of the vat was
opened and the residue from the ore as discharged by means of a large outlet opened into a truck placed underneath.
The gold chloride and water descended through a pipe into a receiver and was conducted from the receiver into the outer or battery jar of the
electrolytic cell. The gold solution flowed into and entered the jar at the bottom and slowly circulated upwards and at the same time a current of
electricity was passé through the cell to reduce and precipitate gold from the solution into a perfectly pure state, upon the bottom of the jar, from
where it was removed. The chlorine was liberated at the same time at the electrode in the inner or porous cell and in contact with the water
circulating and formed a chlorine solution, which was sent to receiver vessel. |