I made it. The first time it was poorly nitrated. Second time highly nitrated with only about 5% seen as miniature particals of fibers that were
absorbed into acetone. My question is why the heck isnt it drying clearly? I wasted my time nitrating this crap for a crumbly flaky cloudy finish. I
was expecting it to by translucent and clear. Jesse Pinkman - 12-11-2012 at 01:42
What do you use for nitration - conc.H2SO4/KNO3, oleum/fuming HNO3 or conc.H2SO4/HNO3 ?cipi - 12-11-2012 at 02:10
Nitric acid and sulfuric acid. 100 ml nitric acid and 250 ml sulfuric acid. I used only 2 cotton balls broken down into small peices. No cooling was
used and nitration continued for two more cotton balls. Im pretty sure i need to filter it but im sure it wont help. watson.fawkes - 12-11-2012 at 09:21