Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Labboy review

SM2 - 29-10-2012 at 06:03

My organic set (24/40) package came fast, like under a week. Unfortunately, half if it was broken and craked. I contacted them, and they agreed upon a 50% refund. I have a few items which I actually fixed w/ metal epoxy, like my sep funnel.

One other thing I didn't like about Labboy, is their hollow ground glass stoppers. I am used to solid only.

Pyro - 29-10-2012 at 08:31

i have hollow stoppers. they don't really bother me.
I would like to mention that they will also make custom glassware. i got two 29/32->29/42 and two 29/42->29/32 adapters for 25$ each.
it didn't take long to make and they are good quality!

mr.crow - 29-10-2012 at 11:19

Sounds like crap if they are half broken

Custom glassware you say? Maybe they can construct a ketene lamp!

Pyro - 29-10-2012 at 11:28

would probably be expensive though...

Funkerman23 - 29-10-2012 at 12:48

When it isn't broken( or stressed as my coiled reflux condenser was, one feather light tap and the coil cracked like a plumbers backside) Laboy glass isn't bad, not nearly as many bubbled laced seams as my Corning 19/22 set and so far it has held up well for me. on a semi related note: beware of their main site: it keeps changing and half of their stock isn't listed on the page but they still have the wide range: just email them. Beware of the main sites pricing as well: it used to be 35% off from their eBay page but it keeps randomly swapping from Ebay to old site pricing.

Natures Natrium - 29-10-2012 at 14:03

I have a few pieces of laboy. Their glass seems to be of decent quality, and I checked all the pieces I received with an improvised polariscope. Hardly any stress at all. An old pyrex measuring cup lit up with a field of rainbows when checked in the same manner.

Funkerman23 - 5-11-2012 at 04:19

Any of you have to deal with customs for your orders with Laboy? seems Chicago has my order and given China's bad habits I haven't a clue what to expect.