Sciencemadness Discussion Board

"Sulphoxide Explosives"

jpsmith123 - 21-10-2012 at 07:44

Someone may find this interesting:

And here's the paper that referenced it:

VladimirLem - 21-10-2012 at 08:14

"Sorry, you are not permitted to view this forum"


jpsmith123 - 21-10-2012 at 08:40

Sorry aboout that...those links take you to the reference section (which requires special access).

I'll attach the patent and paper here.

Attachment: GB1129777A.pdf (321kB)
This file has been downloaded 600 times

Attachment: Journal_of_Chemical_Crystallography,_1998,_Volume_28,_Number_3,_Pages_213-216[1].pdf (210kB)
This file has been downloaded 592 times

Hexavalent - 21-10-2012 at 10:00

Vladimir, ask Polverone for access.

franklyn - 21-10-2012 at 17:02

DMSO Handle With Care

DMSO is Acetone with the central 2 position carbon replaced with Sulfur
which makes it more susceptable to oxidation. Even a lame oxidizer
such as TCCA will runaway. See section 10 here _
Perchlorate salts mixed with any fuel is pyrotechnic , not only DMSO see also _
Bretherick’s Handbook of Reactive Chemical Hazards 6th ed.
Volume I - Dimethyl Sulfoxide ( page 336 ) see Metal Oxosalts page 339
Volume II - Solvated Oxosalt Incidents , on page 370


PHILOU Zrealone - 22-10-2012 at 04:36

About the GB patent,
I have serious doubts about the decomposition reaction pathways described...

To my feeling AlCl3 can't result from the reaction of Al(OClO3)3...
Simple electronegativity check will tell Al2O3 or Al(OH)3 must result (Al being the most electropositive and O the more electronegative) aside some HCl and H2S also.

For the rest any molecular mix of an oxydiser and a reducer/fuel must be considered critical and the event of a mishaps, spontaneous decomposition...