n3l3 - 31-8-2012 at 05:29
I ended up with the stuff when someone was just trying to give it away. I took it even though i really didnt know anything about safe storage and
handling procedures. Im looking to re-home this stuff to someone who can safely keep it and appreciate it more than me.
Im not sure how big of a deal it would be to ship the stuff or even if it is possible, i would prefer local pickup. Im in the north east texas area.
Lithium - 31-8-2012 at 06:21
yes, i would love it, provided you are located in nsw australia
Wizzard - 31-8-2012 at 06:41
I would love some of it, but I'm in Boston
plante1999 - 31-8-2012 at 08:14
I would love it, I'm in canada.
dasgoose21 - 31-8-2012 at 09:31
I absolutly love mercury so yes! I live in SLC for info haha
Rogeryermaw - 31-8-2012 at 09:39
i live pretty close. if you still have any i may be able to meet you.
Vargouille - 31-8-2012 at 10:10
You can probably ship it through USPS ground as long as you put a hazard slip on it.
(I would also like some, but I'm over in Florida.)
hyfalcon - 31-8-2012 at 10:31
I live in Western Kentucky. If there's any way to ship it that far I would love to have it.
n3l3 - 31-8-2012 at 11:33
Ive had a local-ish guy contact me about getting it, if he doesnt come through ill start making my way through the list. thank you guys.
ngoclan4ever - 31-8-2012 at 15:16
I live in Houston, TX. I will be able to come by and pick it up, if the offer still available.
Ol Dirty Chemist - 1-9-2012 at 20:39
Also in Canada, would love some if still possible