Where on earth did you get the ridiculous idea that thermionic tubes contain Mercury? It’s about the last thing you want in such a device. It
isn’t called a vacuum tube for nothing. The vacuum is maintained by getter materials such as Ba, even Cs etc. That gives the silver mirror you often
see. If air/oxygen gets in this goes white. Hg in a tube causes ionization which is just what you do not want! With rare exceptions (mercury arc
rectifiers - there's a pool in those -, thyratrons), the level of Hg in electronic tubes in less than the average house or ambient air. There is a
small bit in fluorescent light tubes because there you rely on the ionization of Hg to produce blue/UV radiation, converted by the coating to the
visible spectrum. And there isn't a worthwhile quantity in those. Thermostats and mercury switches are your best bet - or an antique barometer, or a
doctors BP manometer..
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