Alright seems the adptor is really needed indeed. Sometimes the condenser spills the loaded water like puke, its not anything even close to a
constant flow.
As for the process Écuelle à Piquer, what a hell is this? How exactly it works?? Google says it requires a high speed motor and also one must
elaborate the proper spikes, I think its promissing if ammounts like those 249 lemons are loaded each time.
Mainlimypocket, as you showed, the yield is quite high really, destillation may work fine.
As for solvent extraction, If suitable alcohol is used, you can soak that for a couple days, filter the zest, recycle the alcohol 5 or 10 more times,
then bring the alcohol to oxydise with dichromate, this will make the alcohol evaporate as gaseous aldehyde, while the dichromate wont hurt the
lemonene, since its just like a horned aromatic. What about it? |