Cu(CH3OO2)H2O + NaOH + CaCO3 + H20 = ?
This mixture is too complex for me to know how to put the correct results on the other side of the equals sign - otherwise I can not balance it
correctly. I just need to know the results I will do the rest myself since that concept of "spoonfeed" is anethema on this forum (I understand) but I
really can not go to chemistry school you know -
Anyway this is a substitute for a Japanese formula for a rather unique patina, (the precipitate falls to the bottom and the top liquid is siphoned and
boiled with Cu Sulphate) it works quite well despite my very acidic copper acetate. I have used this a few times but never once thought to work out
what the chemistry here is. So rather than remain ignorant please could someone give me the results so that I may balance and see if the present
quantities that I use differ from the precise stoichemetry of the reaction. thankyou |