Sciencemadness Discussion Board

FYI : what they put in H2O2

vmelkon - 9-7-2012 at 10:59

Just for your information :
I saw a bottle of H2O2 3% today at a pharmacy that says non-medical ingredients, stabilizer, sodium phosphate (perhaps Na3PO3), sodium stannate (not sure which one).*

ScienceSquirrel - 9-7-2012 at 11:32

You can buy food grade 35% in the UK.
I use this as my strongest steriliser and cleaner, it kills everything AFAIK and it rinses out easily.

Hexavalent - 9-7-2012 at 12:03

Is that just online, SS?

ScienceSquirrel - 10-7-2012 at 02:39

There are a lot of online sellers but some pharmacies and health shops sell it as well.
There is something weird called oxygen therapy.
The 35% solution causes puffy white burns on the skin very quickly and they are pretty painful.

vmelkon - 10-7-2012 at 04:53

Sounds like you can find a lot of good stuff in the UK and USA. In Canada, you get almost nothing.
-HNO3 is nowhere to be found. The only product I saw was a mixture of H2SO4, HNO3, H3PO3 and it disappeared from Rona
-conc H2SO4, nowhere
-H2O2 is always 3%
-CuSO4, nowhere
-KNO3, only Jean-Coutu and it is 4.99$ for 100 g
-NH4HCO3, I can't find it
-Methyl Ethyl Ketone, nowhere
-NaOH (granules), only soap shops have it

Canadian Tire had these small compressors for 20$ in 1995, now they are goooooooone!

A youtube guy bought an acid product for concrete (H3PO3, H2SO4, HNO3) and distilled off the HNO3. I forgot the company name that makes it. He got it from Home Depot.
I looked in Home Depot. All of that company's product is carried by Home Depot except that acid! WTF?
Well, some hydrponics place sells HNO3 but it seems expensive.

[Edited on 10-7-2012 by vmelkon]

Swede - 11-7-2012 at 08:48

vmelkon, what does "stump remover" contain in Canada? That's a typically decent source for KNO3 elsewhere.

mr.crow - 11-7-2012 at 08:54

Thats funny, I have found all of those things in Canada. Gotta know where to look!

Fossil - 11-7-2012 at 11:40

Really? Iv'e had trouble finding conc sulfuric acid in Canada. I checked all the hardware stores to no avail. My only source has been my school shop teacher giving me free battery acid that I boil down myself, but it's summer now. HNO3 and KNO3, any nitrates really have been difficult to find, however I got a few pounds of KNO3 while I was in the states. Methyl ethyl ketone has also been a tough one. The boating store doesn't sell it, however I have yet to check plastic or fiberglass stores. NaOH, I have yet to find an appropriate source, although I haven't checked soap shops yet. Anyone know a good source for some of these chems in Canada?


Try Home depot for your CuSO4. Watch out though, it has a fine brown particulate contamination that will stain glass if an un-purified solution is left standing for a while.

For many starting salts, pottery places are good. Try PSH (Pottery supply house). I was down there a few days ago, really nice people with a good selection of use full strating chems.

Hope that helps

mr.crow - 11-7-2012 at 12:19

Oh yeah the home depot CuSO4. Really nice and easy to recrystallize :) mine had plant matter in it too. Could the brown stuff be manganese?

There are 3kg buckets of NaOH at old hardware stores, and crystal clear H2SO4 drain cleaner at a Chinese home store. For nitrates you need cold packs and no-salt potassium chloride. Nitrates aren't politically correct in Canada any more. MEK can be found at plastic suppliers along with other solvents.

vmelkon - 11-7-2012 at 17:01

Quote: Originally posted by Swede  
vmelkon, what does "stump remover" contain in Canada? That's a typically decent source for KNO3 elsewhere.

I don't recall seeing any stump removers at Canadian Tire, Rona, Reno. I'm gone check the Home Depot stuff that Fossil mentioned. Too bad it isn't KNO3 but CuSO4 is still useful.

"H2SO4 drain cleaner at a Chinese home store"
If you know yourself a little place, that's good. Is it in Montreal?

"For nitrates you need cold packs"
By some miracle, certain Walmarts have them now. 1 of the stores I know of went out of stock because of me and now they are stocking Urea.

It is weird that every USA hardware store has 1. HNO3 (not pure), 2. KNO3, 3. NaOH, 4. conc H2SO4, 5. CuSO4, 6. MEK (methyl ethyl ketone), 7. sulfur but here, you can't find it.
*with CuSO4 being an exception at Home