Sciencemadness Discussion Board


mineralman - 1-7-2012 at 04:06

I used to have a small bottle of ACETIC ACID, but the damn stuff was allways solid and looked like ice (even in the summer).
If it was verry warm, you could squish the sides in,only about 3-4 mm.
So given that good quality/high purity A acid freezes at room temp and warmer,
how do you know which type you have?
what concentration it is?
and how do you get it out to use it? i guess it evaps due to ppl mentioning nasal/eyes burning (GLOVE BOX/FACE MASK) People, safety rule no 1.

Hexavalent - 1-7-2012 at 06:13

The molarity of anything is the number of moles in 1 dm3.
So for acetic acid density = 1.05 g/ml and the molecular weight is 60 g/mol. So in 1000 ml there are 17.5 moles so the molarity of glacial acetic acid is usually about 17.5M.

The pure stuff has a melting point of about 16.5*C - so perhaps measure the M.P. of yours and compare it.

BTW, are you certain that you do have acetic acid? Certain other compounds have similar properties, but usually not the same smell (unless they are also from the same homologous series) - dilue some of your stuff in water and carefully test its odour. I'm pretty sure you do have the acetic acid, but you can never check your chemicals too much.

To get it out, many people either just leave the bottle out in the sun for 10 minutes (be very careful of pressure building up!) or just hold it in their hands for a while, which softens it. It can also be placed in some warm water, depending on what the label is made of.

Indeed, to use acetic anhydride or glacial acetic acid, a fumehood is a very good idea. I have seen people leave a bottle of something like that out in the open without the cap, and it fills the room with vapours, as you say, which burn and sting the eyes and nasal passages.

mycotheologist - 4-7-2012 at 18:06

Its solid?? Are you sure its acetic acid? I have a bottle of dimethyl sulfoxide which was a solid when it arrived in the post but melted after I had it indoors for a while. DMSO melts at 19C.

Arthur Dent - 5-7-2012 at 03:43


I have a 500ml glass bottle of GAA, and even when it was brand new, it was never solid! The Anachemia label stated 99.5% so unless your GAA is incredibly pure "Ultrex grade" or something, and you live in extremely cold climate, I wonder...


mineralman - 10-9-2012 at 02:34

Forgot about this post.
Live in the UK & it could be that purity if my info is correct.
Yes, it smells of acetic acid and stings the eyes & nose, thats at an arms length away.
It came from the guy who used to sell stuff on ebay, but now resides at 1 of uk's HMP's for bulk illegal chemical sales (drug manufacturing the papers said).
It's in plain white plastic bottles with orange labels, name but no %
This is some time ago now, he stopped selling on ebay and must have just sold privitly.
Someone said he sold GAA as Acetic acid, also, it seems to stay liquid longer once opened. if any of that helps.

Thanx for the replys and info... MM

SM2 - 10-9-2012 at 09:05

actually the fact that it is solid should be comforting to you that you do indeed have GAA. It freezes not much below room temperature, and exists in a super-cooled state. So it is hard to thaw even at room temperature. But once it is thawed, keeping it @ room temperature will keep it as a liquid. There are many neet compounds with similar properties (IE they freeze just below room temperature) . A couple of examples, DMSO, and 1,4-butandiol.

Sounds like your in the possession of reagent grade glacial acetic acid. Take heart in that.

[Edited on 10-9-2012 by Fennel Ass Ih Tone]