Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Vitamin E Causing Arrhythmia

breck076 - 6-6-2012 at 15:04

I recently started taking 400 IU Vitamin E one per day. After the first day I started experiencing fluttering feeling and numbness in my chest about 45 minutes after taking the capsules. My heart was skipping beats as observed through the posterior tibial artery passing by my ankle. What type of interaction would take place to cause the heart to start missing beats because of consumption of 400 IU Vitamin E?

Most people obviously do not have this problem while taking vitamin E, so I'm trying to find out what is happening with the vitamin E within circulation causing the skipped beats.

Hexavalent - 7-6-2012 at 10:06

Are you certain that you have no other underlying conditions? Even so, I'd see a doctor just in case . . .or U2U entropy51, as I believe he's a physician.

It is known that vitamin E protects cell membranes and fatty components against damage from free radicals. Excessive free radical production has been associated with aging, tissue damage and various diseases . . . perhaps it's inhibiting something else from happening? But, on the other hand, Vitamin E is supposed to help stom arrhythmia . . .so I can't really be certain.

This website seems to suggest that other people may have your problem;

On a side note, it could also be that you suddenly had the inrush of Vitamin E in your blood . . .perhaps you should have started at a lower concentration and worked up from there? See;

Does this happen everyday, breck076?

argyrium - 7-6-2012 at 12:45

Last year someone close to me had their heart go into atrial flutter (not A-fib). Heart rate into the 150- 160 range and was irregular and would not come down. Emergency room and then four days in the cardio unit of the hospital. They were finally able to get it into sinus but it took lots of different drugs and a few Joules through the heart:-(. Later a catheter ablation was necessary to eliminate the problem altogether.
My friend was advised NOT to take any Vit. E but am unsure if this was due to the anticoagulants or due to the arrhythmia. You should research it more, for your own sake.

Good luck

greenenergy - 17-6-2012 at 12:35

perhaps if you have a mild cases of atheroscerosis vitamin E and vitamin c can react with the fatty lipid cholesterol in the veins and possably cause thombosis that could get caught in the heart and cause trouble?

As an antioxidant, vitamin E acts as a peroxyl radical scavenger, preventing the propagation of free radicals in tissues, by reacting with them to form a tocopheryl radical which will then be oxidized by a hydrogen donor (such as Vitamin C) and thus return to its reduced state.[23] As it is fat-soluble, it is incorporated into cell membranes, which protects them from oxidative damage.

im no physician tough