1 mole of EGDN in a spherical container of ~102.08053691275 cu. cm. at STP is centrally initiated and undergoes high-order explosive decomposition. At
the moment the mass of EGDN has completely decomposed, but before the container begins to deform, the average pressure within the volume I calculated
to be 5,540,787.1262753 kPa. I am out of aspirin (used it all to make TNP), and now my head hurts too much to recheck my math. If I recall correctly,
I simplified the problem by assuming all the elements were isotopically pure, all atoms and molecules were point particles free from quantum effects,
and all reactions proceeded completely to CO2, N2, and H2O. I think I used bond enthalpy and the gas laws to arrive at my answer. I know the van der
Waals correction for non-ideal gases would give a more precise value, but my heart really wasn't in it.
And no, this is not a homework problem. caterpillar - 21-2-2012 at 23:37
D'you try to calculate according temperature? Situation in fact is very simple. During explosion (assume volume is constant and no heat goes away) an
output will not be mixture of CO2, N2 + H2O. There will be the wlole bouquet of component, including NO, H2, O2, CO and small amount of more
himolecular components. Only when temperature drops down (usually it happens when volume is expanding) reaction goes on and the great deal (but not
all!) of combustible components will be oxidized. Have your ever tryed to calculate more simple event- 2H2+O2? Try it and compare with the right
value: temperature of H2, firing in O2 is something slightly above 2600 Celsius. When simple water is heating, dissociation occurs. This is a factor,
that sets limit to temperature (and pressure), that may be obtained during explosion (combustion). Pulverulescent - 21-2-2012 at 23:43