Sciencemadness Discussion Board

help with distillation kit?

LETSGOBABYWOO - 2-2-2012 at 01:24

hi all,

thinking about getting a 24/40 distillation kit

but a little confused as to what one to go for

the uk is not what id call 24/40 freindly
so im abit worried im gonna get raped for the postage
having it sent over from the states

can i get any old size stands and clamps or do i have to get
a 24/40 type?

any links for full quickfit distillation kit in the uk?

also im considering buying the following magnetic hotplate/stirer

does it look ok?

or what about this heating mantle

any help, guidance or advice would be much appreciated

thanks alot in advance

[Edited on 3-2-2012 by LETSGOBABYWOO]

Pulverulescent - 2-2-2012 at 04:41

AFAIK, Laboy sell Chinese 'glass' . . .
Timstar used to supply quickfit but now seem to have discontinued this service!
You could check here, but some cover-story (:o) might be needed!


LETSGOBABYWOO - 2-2-2012 at 10:18

what does that mean????

Funkerman23 - 2-2-2012 at 10:37

AFAIK mean AS Far As I Know, yet another acronym. That aside it really depends on where and what you are trying to buy. Given that you are in the UK( I am assuming) it might make more sense to use a size common to that area but if you plan on buying a large amount from echowhiz or another eBay glass seller maybe 24/40 is right for you. Adapters can be found as well. as for clamps , with Keck clamps; buy clamp that are made for the joint size you are using. As ring stands go a meter tall rod & some 3 prong clamps should be all you need. ring stands are not too picky.
Quote: Originally posted by LETSGOBABYWOO  
what does that mean????

[Edited on 2-2-2012 by Funkerman23]

Pulverulescent - 2-2-2012 at 10:55


LETSGOBABYWOO - 2-2-2012 at 11:25

so is chinese glass a no no?
laboys feedback is quite good
plus i read a review for some of his stuff
on this forum wich read favourably
in a ideal world i wouldnt go for 24/40
but im after a full kit and i havent found one
for quick fit in the uk yet

Pulverulescent - 2-2-2012 at 13:30

Go for the best?
Don't stop trying?
It's quickfit!


Funkerman23 - 2-2-2012 at 19:33

Honestly Laboy is pretty good all things considered. Sure it isn't name brand glass but cosmetics aside it does the job well. I wouldn't torment it with something like piranha solution daily but it seems to hold up to the usual reagents well enough. As with anything here there is no one-thing-fits-all solution.

Bot0nist - 2-2-2012 at 19:59

Try this member. Dr. Bob

I can personally vouch along with many other members. Great glass, great price. Might not be cost effective if out of the States though. I'm not sure. Still, I would kick him a U<sub>2</sub>U and find out. The low prices may counter the increased shipping and still save you.

[Edited on 3-2-2012 by Bot0nist]

Funkerman23 - 2-2-2012 at 20:44

He is right: thanks to him I have found parts that can't be had anywhere else. I cannot vouch for him enough. go this route before you try the Chinese stuff ; you won't regret it!!
Quote: Originally posted by Bot0nist  
Try this member. Dr. Bob

I can personally vouch along with many other members. Great glass, great price. Might not be cost effective if out of the States though. I'm not sure. Still, I would kick him a U<sub>2</sub>U and find out. The low prices may counter the increased shipping and still save you.

[Edited on 3-2-2012 by Bot0nist]

Mirage - 2-2-2012 at 21:30

I to ordered from Dr. Bob. I am in Canada, and companies do ship up north, but I get raped on the shipping, can be up to 60-70$! But from dr. Bob here, he sold me some glassware at such an amazing price, that for the shipping to Canada, (which was surprisingly cheap, 18$) the low price of the high quality glassware counteracted the price of shipping I still got a steal of a deal! Go with dr. Bob

Chemically yours

LETSGOBABYWOO - 2-2-2012 at 23:57

yea i might hit this mr bob up
seems to have a loyal fanbase
does he have any hotplate/stirrers?
or is it just glassware?

Bot0nist - 3-2-2012 at 00:10

I just got a corning 320 hotplate stirrer in good condition, cheap. Way cheaper than what I was seeing on ebay. And all the glass you could dream of, well almost.

LETSGOBABYWOO - 3-2-2012 at 00:23

[Edited on 3-2-2012 by LETSGOBABYWOO]

Mirage - 3-2-2012 at 20:29

And if you don't want to buy resale (which is the best option I your looking for a good deal) C Tech Glass has good items, lots of different pieces of glassware, good prices, and the best of all, PICTURES! Thats right. Pictures of their glassware, unlike elemental scientific or HMS beagle

Hope this helps

Sorry moderators, if I was supposed to edit my last post :(

Chemically yours

entropy51 - 3-2-2012 at 20:47

Quote: Originally posted by Mirage  
Thats right. Pictures of their glassware, unlike elemental scientific or HMS beagle
Well, OK, but who says the picture posted on the website is the glass they actually send you?

Chemistry is not a cheap hobby. Trying to do it on the cheap is not a good idea. Take it from someone who has been doing it for almost 50 years.

The best glass is old fashioned Pyrex or Kimax, but I guess that's not easy to find nowadays. Failing that, go with a reputable supplier like United Glass Technologies. I haven't bought glass from Elemental or HMS, so I don't know the quality of their glassware.

Heating sulfuric acid to 140 C to make ether in low bidder glassware is like hiring a cheap hooker. It may feel good to get the bargain, but will you regret it in the morning? Some things can't be cured by penicillin.

Mirage - 4-2-2012 at 08:15

Well, I have ordered from them as well, and the pictures did depict the items I had ordered, and I think the point of the pictures, in some cases, is just to give you an idea of the model of adapter you might be ordering. But your right. I have some Pyrex (real) stuff and I always reach for it first before going to my cheap stuff. But you really should listen to Entropy, rather than a harmless, single digit poster like me;) hooker...I'm to young :D

Heating sulfuric acid to 140 C to make ether in low bidder glassware is like hiring a cheap hooker. It may feel good to get the bargain, but will you regret it in the morning? Some things can't be cured by penicillin.

Pulverulescent - 4-2-2012 at 09:53

Quote: hooker...I'm to young

Take heed anyway; seeing that unexpected discharge can really fuck up your day!
And penicillin will take the best part of a week to KO the 'most popular' of them if you're lucky, that is!
And 'sorry about the bluntness, BTW!


vmelkon - 14-2-2012 at 08:44

I have bought from laboy in summer of 2011.
I didn't buy this one (that the OP posted)

but I bought the 299$ one.
The 299$ comes with the same things + 2 neck 1 L flask
+ graham condenser + allihn condenser (not sure how allihn is written).

The joints are good.
I also like the glass thickness.
I don't like plastic keck clips. Plastic is cheap. I've had 2 that have broken.

I sort of don't like the graham condenser. The inner tube diameter is too thin so the liquid that condenses there fills it. I'm not sure how to properly explain that so that you can understand --- bottom line, I wish it was 1 mm more in diameter.

On the positive side, the graham condensor inner tube is highly coiled. I'm guessing it is 80 cm to 100 cm long when uncoiled.

Another negative, they have pinched the outer tube of the graham condenser while it was hot. It made contact with the inner tube and CRACKED it.
They sent me a new one for free and it arrived quickly.

Overall, I'm happy with the whole thing.
Sorry for the long post :)

[Edited on 14-2-2012 by vmelkon]